Recent American History.

Recent American History. Remember what has occurred in recent years. The United States of America and the American People need a memory refresher, because we still have NOT seen the restoration of Justice and the Rule of Law, and the EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists-Democrats-Liberals are using every Lie and Deception they can come up with, …

Traitor Or Patriot?

Traitor Or Patriot? Globalist or Nationalist? Satan-Devil-Serpent or God-Allah-Yahweh? EVIL or Righteous? Do you think the United States of America should be destroyed and its pieces sold off to the highest bidder, or that the USA should be protected and restored for future generations? Every political leader that is elected, swears an oath to: Do …

It Works.

It Works. HCQ, Zinc, and Azithromycin, are a working ‘Cure’ that American physicians are fighting to have released to the public. The public healthcare officials at the FDA and HHS are denying the American People this life saving medicine. The blood of Americans is on their hands. Here is the link to their website, and …

To Hide Their Treason.

To Hide Their Treason. The COVID-19 Pandemic was a biological attack on the Free World by China, and it was spread in the United States of America by Radical Terrorists who have infiltrated the country. The Domestic Terrorists, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, have been trained by these Radical Terrorists, and you can see this …