US Government Corruption.

US Government Corruption. President Trump needs to investigate and clear out the corruption inside the US Government. It is now clear that EVIL people have been placed inside our government at High levels. We can only hope that AG Barr and his investigation into Spying and Surveillance will lead to some cleaning out of this EVIL.

We must keep our eye on the goal to “drain the swamp”. The EVIL Ones and their followers must be routed out and Rule of Law must be restored. Remember.

Why is the Security Assessment into Election Interference not being questioned? Why is the DNC hack not being looked into properly? Why are the President Daily Security Briefs not being obtained from the Obama Library? Why is the DHS not being looked into when it was accessing Election Machines remotely during the 2016 election?

The American People want their US Government cleared of Corruption and EVIL so it can remain the Greatest Country on Earth.

Weakening Magnetic Field Creates The Climate Changes Observed.

Weakening Magnetic Field Creates The Climate Changes Observed.

Weaker magnetic field means more solar energy reaches Earth. Higher temperatures, ice melting, more water in atmosphere, surface shifting, rise in volcanic activity, rise in earthquake activity, stronger storm systems, can all be attributed to a weaker magnetic field. Science is simple, and if the climate models were to incorporate magnetic field strength and solar radiation strength then they would be more accurate, and prove that Humanity has little impact on the Earth’s climate.

The climate change enthusiasts want the end of fossil fuel use and clean energy technologies, but are stupid enough to believe solar and wind are the technologies of tomorrow. Did you know that a generator can be run by an electric motor, and that it can be self sustaining, as well as create surplus power?

Technology increases in frequency that can be controlled. Here is the beginning of your next step technology.

Later we shall show you how to advance to control your climate, weather, energy, and even asteroids that could destroy you. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless The Righteous With Understanding.

Act Of War By Iran/Persia.

Act Of War By Iran/Persia. Evidence has now been presented by Saudi Arabia that Iranian drones and missiles were used in attack.

The destruction at the Saudi oil fields matches a long line of hostile acts by Iran. Attacks on oil tankers. Attacks on US Surveillance Drones. Attempted Attacks on US and British Naval vessels.

5% of the worlds oil has now been disrupted by this attack. Iran attacking Saudi Arabia is an act of war. The world has now been affected by the EVIL acts of Radical Islam/Iran/Persia.

It looks as if the King of the North may well be the United States of America. The USA is debating how to retaliate against Iran/Persia, now that it has attacked Saudi Arabia, an Ally, and affected the global energy markets.

God-Allah-Yahweh Protect Your Righteous And Faithful, And Punish The EVIL And UnRighteous. All Praise God-Allah-Yahweh.

Iran Is Fulfilling The Prophecies.

Iran Is Fulfilling The Prophecies. The religious texts all have the King of the South/Persia as causing trouble in the region. All experts say that Iran is the old Persia. The King of the North is thought to be the United States of America, but it may be Russia.

Iran is trying to take over the world and it is using Terrorism and Radical Islam as its main weapons. They chant Death to America and Death to Israel, continuously. The United States and Israel could easily Destroy Iran if they wanted to.

The EndTimes are here and God-Allah-Yahweh is fulfilling his prophecies. Iran is NOT blessed by God-Allah-Yahweh, and it is acting stupidly, as God-Allah-Yahweh predicted thousands of years ago. Humanity is about to see how powerful God-Allah-Yahweh really is, and many shall learn how wrong their religious leaders have been. Learn to see Truth, Advance, and become Worthy to Enter Heaven, or face the Wrath of God-Allah-Yahweh and his Heavenly Army.

Iran, Radical Islamist Terrorists, Sharia Law, and the spreading of EVIL are happening at this time. The recent attacks are unacceptable and the United States of America is being urged to take action against Iran.

You think God-Allah-Yahweh is a Spirit, and that Heaven is just a dimension that grants EVIL Terrorists rewards of Slaves and Virgins? Think again, for God-Allah-Yahweh does NOT allow EVIL to Enter Heaven.

Michael is on Earth now and another prophecy fulfilled.

The Keys to Heaven are now in your hands. Use it wisely.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect Your Righteous Ones And Curse The Evil Ones. God-Allah-Yahweh We Await Your Judgement Day, And Look Forward To Earth Becoming Part Of Your Kingdom Of Heaven.

Primitive Guns.

Primitive Guns. The weapons that everyone wants to ban are NOT advanced weapons and the Citizens are allowed to have them. You should be more concerned about disarming criminals, and those with mental health issues.

The only problem is that weapons can easily be made, and more often you are seeing even more primitive weapons being used. Rocks, sticks, clubs, hammers, knives, acid, cement, needles, fire bombs, pipe bombs, vehicles, swords, axes, arrows, spears, maces, cannons, fireworks, and other simple weapons are all readily available, and those with criminal intent will use them also.

You think that the weapons the Citizens are allowed to have are dangerous? What about the rockets, rocket propelled grenades, automatic weapons, bomb carrying drones, and other various destructive weapons that terrorists are using around the world? You need to see the enemy for who they are, and be prepared to defend yourselves. Where are the politicians on disarming those who would do us harm?

You think the world is filled with Love and Peace? You think that there is no EVIL and that every country in the world wants to get along with each other? Think again. The United States of America has had to save the world multiple times from those who seek to conquer others and impose their will on the populations. The USA is still the policeman of the world, but due to our laws and values, we do seek conquest. The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals, want to destroy the USA from within and without. They seek to weaken society and destroy American Values so they can Conquer the World. Americans believe in God-Allah-Yahweh, Country, and Family.

The World is Safe as long as the United States of America remains the Most Advanced and Powerful Nation on Earth. EVIL wants to change the USA and have it enter a new Dark Age. Remember the history of the world and be thankful to God-Allah-Yahweh for inspiring the creation of the United States of America, and having it as a force for GOOD.

The EVIL enemy Hates Freedom and wants God-Allah-Yahweh to viewed as a Spirit, and Heaven to viewed as a another Dimension. This is false teachings.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The USA And Curse The EVIL Ones And Their Followers.

Remembering 9-11-01.

Remembering 9-11-01. 18 years ago today the United States of America was attacked by Radical Islamist Terrorists on its own soil. The War on Terror is still going on to this day. The World must realize that Radical Islam still remains a threat, and continues to radicalize people with its false and twisted ideology. Radical Islam is NOT Islam. Radical Islam wants its version of the Koran, along with Sharia Law, to dominate the world.

Radical Islamists Terrorists do NOT practice the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. They attack anyone who does NOT believe as them, even fellow Muslims. They preach that any who do NOT believe as them are idolaters, even those of the 3 major religions that believe in God-Allah-Yahweh, the God of Abraham. They believe that they shall enter Heaven and be rewarded with slaves and virgins. They shall never enter Heaven, and the Prophet Muhammad shall testify against them at Judgement.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless The Righteous And Punish The EVIL Ones And Their Followers.

Never Forget 9-11-01 and that the battle continues.

Remember God-Allah-Yahweh shall Judge all of us, and EVIL shall NOT enter Heaven.

Terrorists Still Exist. 9-11-01 Remember.

Terrorists Still Exist. 9-11-01 Remember. We are still in the war against terrorism. Terrorists and Radical Islam still want to destroy anyone they can not control, and still seek world domination. They brainwash and train children, and then send them into other countries to undermine their society and takeover from inside. They use vehicles, knives, acid, and bombs, to terrorize populations and spread their beliefs through intimidation. Remember 9-11-01, and that we are still at war.

We must protect our nation and citizens from these terrorists and threats. Remember 9-11-01, and thank God-Allah-Yahweh for US Military and First Responders that keep US safe.

God-Allah-Yahweh Keep The United States Of America Safe And Protect The Righteous Who Keep Your Commandments.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words. If a person’s actions do NOT match their words, then they are a Liar. Today we see many Liars making promises and Not keeping them. The Democrats, DNC, and Obama Administration said the Russians Hacked the DNC servers, and were colluding with the Trump Campaign to help him














The Trump Administration has NOT covered up or destroyed evidence, yet the Obama Administration, DNC, Democrats, and Clinton State Dept/Campaign have covered up and destroyed evidence. Which would you say is lying? Which would you say is corrupt?

The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals and those who they have bought off and corrupted are slowly being exposed, but we see no action or Justice because DOJ is NOT prosecuting them.

As Elections approach, American Citizens need to remember what has been said and done the past few years.

God-Allah-Yahweh Let You See Truth And Recognize EVIL.