The Issues Today.

The Issues Today. We have many issues today and these GIFs highlight them.

The southern border of the USA is a National Security Risk. The People attempting entry into the USA without proper vetting could be trained to destroy the USA from within.

Socialism/Communism/Fascism must NOT take hold in the USA. History must be remembered and the Youth of America must be taught it properly.

Global warming and the technologies to advance Humanity.

The World and even Americans are failing to remember the capabilities of the USA and that we are the only Superpower.

The USA is the Most Powerful Nation on Earth but it is NOT out to Conquer the World as many others are. The USA needs to remember and renew the American Spirit.

God-Allah-Yahweh is being brought back to the lives of all People around the World. The EndTimes are here and we must prepare.

Remember EVIL Exists and wishes to Destroy You and Deny You Heaven.

Extraterrestrials and UFOs are Real. Religion, Science, and Mythology, have all been associated with them. Humanity is still unable to replicate the abilities demonstrated by them. We are Their Experiment, and there is no other conclusion, because they could enslave or destroy US at Will.

Politics in the USA is now a sensitive topic. The residents of the USA need to remember the Origins of these stories and ask Why.

The American People and the World, should use these to think, remember, and advance in truth. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless Everyone With Truth.

Jeffrey Epstein Commits Suicide.

Jeffrey Epstein found dead this morning of suicide. Strange how a high profile criminal on suicide watch was able to commit suicide? This just proves that the corrupt powerful elite always seem to get away from Justice.

God-Allah-Yahweh is now the only one that can bring this EVIL man to True Justice.

God-Allah-Yahweh Grant Us Justice Against This EVIL Man And His EVIL Friends-Clients.



EVIL is based upon Ignorance of Right and Wrong. Due to Ignorance, you are encouraged to believe Lies and Deceptions as Real. God/Allah/Yahweh taught us Right from Wrong, but many Religious Leaders are now spreading lies and deceptions. The Truth, God/Allah/Yahweh is the Immortal Living God, and Heaven is entered in the Flesh, when He deems someone Worthy.

HATE is based upon a Belief of being Persecuted or Wronged. The Elite NOT being held to Equal Justice under the Law, Illegal Immigrants being given more Rights than Citizens or Legal Immigrants, and Criminals and Terrorists being allowed to cross our Borders and hurt our People, are just a few examples of why People Hate. Terrorists wish to make you live in fear. Radical Terrorists wish to also impose their own laws and Religious Beliefs on People they make live in fear.

The United States of America has always been the Leader of the Free World, and has encouraged other nations to follow our example, but few of them have ever achieved the Status of the USA.

The United States of America, has NOT, tried to Conquer the World as other nations have in the past and still desire to do so in the present. The USA is ready to Defend itself and its Allies. US History has shown a Nation created by and under God/Allah/Yahweh and his Commandments.

The US Citizen loves God/Allah/Yahweh, The USA, And Family Values. God/Allah/Yahweh Bless And Guide The USA, Now And Forever.

Dark Ages Are Here.

Dark Ages Are Here. Ignorance is True Evil and it is your duty to Educate Yourself and Advance in Truth. God/Allah/Yahweh gave you a brain, his Laws, and a body capable of performing many tasks.

The Commandments given by God/Allah/Yahweh.

The Devil/Satan does NOT want you to overcome Ignorance and Advance. He uses Lies and Deceptions to make you fail and embrace your Primitive Wants and Desires instead of Advancing in Intelligence and Civility.

Devil/Satan wants you to seek your animal urges instead of educating yourself and seeking Heaven.

Heaven is a kingdom of many wonders, and far more advanced than you can imagine. Death and Disease have been overcome. Technology has advanced to the level of magic/science fiction. Faster Than Light star travel, matter transfer, energy manipulation, and much more have been achieved.

God/Allah/Yahweh created you and this world, and created a plan for your development. He has explained his plan through teachings and prophecies. He has explained to us, what we need to do, to enter his kingdom of Heaven. He has explained to us the behavior that will deny us entry.

You see many people speaking of using renewable energy to save this world. You can NOT save this world, for God/Allah/Yahweh told you thousands of years ago that these events were coming, and gave you the signs to identify this period known as the EndTimes.

Did you know that fuel-less electrical power generation already exists?

Here is your next step technology that can be developed to advance to star travel as well as solve your problems here on Earth. Use it wisely.

God/Allah/Yahweh Lead You In Righteousness And Truth So You May Enter Heaven And Receive His Gifts. God/Allah/Yahweh Destroy Those Who Are Evil And Those Who Follow Them.

President Trump Found Guilty Of Being Innocent.

President Trump Found Guilty Of Being Innocent. Special Counsel Mueller found insufficient evidence to exonerate the President of the United States.

There is also insufficient evidence to charge the President of the United States with any crime.

There are still many questions to be answered, and much to be investigated.

God/Allah/Yahweh Bring Truth And Justice Back To The United States Of America.

President Trump Arrives In South Korea.

President Trump Arrives In South Korea.

Will President Trump and Chairman Kim meet at the DMZ? There has been a lot going on behind the scenes. The US and North Korea have not been harassing each other and tensions have been greatly reduced. Perhaps it is time to open diplomatic channels officially and possibly create embassies? The time has probably also come to discuss ending the Korean War? These would be good first steps.

From the Summit.

May God/Allah/Yahweh Grant Peace Between US And North Korea.

President Trump Stops Strike.

President Trump Stops Strike. Surprisingly the New York Times reporting was accurate. President Trump stopped a retaliatory strike at the last minute against Iran for shooting down an unmanned surveillance drone. President Trump was told 10 minutes before giving final order, that the strike would kill 150 Iranians. President Trump deemed the response was unfairly disproportionate and cancelled it.

The US Military failed the US President by not giving him options that would destroy only Iranian assets and not lives. When Syria gassed its own people, President Trump ordered a 100 cruise missile response against the Syrian airport that launched the attack. The Syrian assets were destroyed with great precision and the loss of human life was less than 150 people. Why did the US Military NOT give the US President a similar precision strike option?

President Trump has decided to impose additional sanctions, and may still strike Iranian assets. The Iranian regime should thank God/Allah/Yahweh that the prophesied actions against them are not today.

The President of the United States of America is a firm believer of God/Allah/Yahweh, and has demonstrated this because he stopped the strike that would have taken human life for a mistake that shot down a US unmanned surveillance aircraft.

The Iranian regime must realize that their chants of ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel’ as well as their burning and desecrating of their flags, are giving the image that Iran wants war with the United States of America and Israel. The Iranian regime should realize that the United States of America is not an aggressive nation but a defensive nation. Do NOT attack the United States of America, because the response can be your destruction. The world has forgotten that the United States of America can conquer or destroy it.

What do you think could happen if the American People began to chant ‘Death to Iran’ ? One Minuteman 3 could destroy Tehran and make it unlivable for thousands of years. The United States of America did not use these awesome weapons against Afghanistan after 9/11, but used conventional weapons to deliver justice against the attack. Can you imagine what the United States of America could have done?

The United States of America has developed many new weapons but does NOT use them to conquer the world.

The EndTime Prophecies predict a conflict caused by the King of Persia which is today’s Iran. Iran is NOT following the commandments of God/Allah/Yahweh, but the United States of America IS. God/Allah/Yahweh has blessed the USA due to this. May God/Allah/Yahweh Always Bless And Protect The United States Of America.

Dear President Trump, Please be aware that God/Allah/Yahweh has predicted a conflict with the King of the North and the King of the South (King of Persia/Iran). It is believed that this in reference to the USA and Iran. God/Allah/Yahweh Bless You With Wisdom And Strength To Fulfill His Will And Plan. Thank You From The American People.

Look At This.

Look At This. The Former President Obama requested GCHQ to perform Project Fulsome which was to spy on Trump Tower specifically the Trump Campaign and Trump Organization. It was extended to include the transition period and beyond according to this document.

According to this document Boris Johnson, Former President Obama, Michael Steele (Christopher Steele?), Susan Rice, Robert Hannigan, and others, had accrued actionable leads in regards to Russian Hostile Actors. Have any of these people been questioned?

Why have we NOT seen any underlying evidence for the request and then execution of this Project Fulsome? Did Mueller or Congress look into this?

We also have this document.

According to this document the Obama Presidential Briefings, Former President Obama, Clapper, Brennan, Google, Crowdstrike, Wikileaks, and others, framed Russia for Hacking the DNC server. The DNC server was never seized by any of the Federal Agencies, but the Obama Administration did eject Russian Diplomats, seized 2 properties, and put sanctions on Russia. It appears the Obama Administration intentionally raised tensions with Russia, so they could continue their false narrative in an attempt to affect the 2016 Election and afterward to overturn it.

Have any of these players and evidence been investigated?


Veteran Intelligence Officials stated the Russians did NOT hack the DNC yet the Intelligence Assessment Report stated that Russia hacked the DNC server. Why have the perpetrators of this lie NOT been investigated?


Why have the Officials never been questioned? Why has the DNC server never been seized? Why were Russians ejected, properties seized, and sanctions put in place over a Hack that never occurred? Why have the Officials never been held responsible for false accusations and failures of due diligence?

The Obama Administration pushed this false narrative. The Intelligence Community, only used CIA, FBI, and NSA. CIA and FBI said they have high confidence, yet the NSA said they have moderate confidence because they did NOT see the underlying layers required for high confidence. The other 14 Intelligence Agencies are NOT included in the assessment. Crowdstrike has never been brought in to testify. The Mueller report still uses the false report and information. Why has Guccifer 2.0 never been found? Why has WikiLeaks never been questioned, even though they said it was NOT Russia that provided the DNC Emails? Why has Crowdstrike never been questioned about their analysis?








The Evidence is overwhelming that the Obama Administration used Foreign Intelligence Agencies and Spies to set up false accusations and claims, and then used that to seek FISAs to spy and attempt to take down a duly elected President.







