Political Warfare.

Political Warfare. Nationalism vs Globalism. Do the American People want to be a sovereign nation where the rule of law is applied equally, and everyone is guaranteed basic rights, or do they want to be like all the other nations of the world where their is a ruling class and peasant class, with a different set of rules and laws for each?

The United States of America has been a Proud Nation with a long history of fighting to be free and stay free. The Freedom the American People have fought to preserve for so long is now in jeopardy and if we lose this battle, then the world will be lost to EVIL and the People will be without any rights.

God-Allah-Yahweh has Blessed and Protected the United States of America, and as long as we have Faith in Him and Obey His Laws, he will continue to do so.

The United States Of America has always been known as ‘the land of the free, and home of the brave’. We have always valued God-Allah-Yahweh, Country, and Family. Never lose the values taught by God-Allah-Yahweh, for that leads US astray and denies US Heaven.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Happy Veterans Day 2019.

Happy Veterans Day 2019.

Thank you to all who have served and their families who have supported them. The American People need to be taught about God, Country, and Family, and how the US Military fights to keep US free every Day. Thank You and I hope you enjoy these.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence, left, and his wife Karen, second from left, applaud as President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania arrive for a VIP reception and dinner with donors, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

These following pictures are for the US Soldiers that want to flaunt their First Lady and Pin Her Up. Thank You FLOTUS.

Happy Veterans Day and Thank You For Your Service.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Reasonable Doubt.

Reasonable Doubt. The Democrats in the House of Representatives have not proven beyond a reasonable doubt, that President Trump only wanted Dirt on Joe Biden to affect the 2020 Election. In fact, the Whistleblower Complaint claims that President Trump did just that.


President Trump with approval from President Zelensky released the transcript of the phonecall.


The conversation makes no mention of the charges the Whistleblower said occurred.

The Durham Investigation is now a criminal investigation, and the Ukraine was one of many nations used by the Obama Administration to perpetuate the Trump/Russia Collusion narrative in an attempt to overthrow/impeach President Trump so Hillary Clinton could be installed as President and the Destruction of the United States of America would be assured. This was a Coup attempt, and the framing of Russia could have created a war between the US and Russia. The Evidence is becoming clear.

President Trump, Attorney General Barr, US Attorney Durham, and many others are investigating the investigators, because everything that President Trump has been charged with, has been disproven by multiple investigations. The Obama Administration did NOT provide a peaceful transfer of power to the Trump Administration. They instead set up ‘The Resistance’ which attempted a soft coup against President Trump.

This Impeachment Inquiry by the Democrats in the House of Representatives is a partisan hit job and a fishing expedition to find dirt on President Trump. This may well be the end of the Democrat Party.

President Trump is going to ‘Drain the Swamp’ and the Swamp is in Panic Mode. Long Live The United States Of America.

The EVIL Ones and their Followers have NOTHING beyond a Reasonable Doubt against President Trump, but there is plenty of Evidence against them.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

The World Is Heading To WAR.

The World Is Heading To WAR. The EVIL in the World are Losing Control and are willing to risk WAR to get it back.

The EVIL in Iran are about to try a nuclear attack, possibly on Israel or the United States of America. God-Allah-Yahweh has predicted this event and what the outcome will be. We await for the Prophecy to be Fulfilled.

The EVIL in China are fighting against their own people and preparing their military to enforce their will and their desire for world expansion. The United States of America is in negotiations with them but they must both ‘Trust but Verify’ to acquire a mutual agreement, but China must learn that God-Allah-Yahweh is real and that all their plotting is useless, for he knows what is in the hearts and minds of each Human on Earth.

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump pose for a photo with Chinese President Xi Jingping and his wife, Mrs. Peng Liyuan, Thursday, April 6, 2017, at the entrance of Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fl. (Official White Photo by D. Myles Cullen)

The EVIL in South America is increasing with the help of Enemy Nations and Terrorists Organizations. The Mexican Government has many corruption issues and is cooperating with the United States of America due to US President Trump threatening Tariffs. Violence is beginning to increase and will probably require some US Military action in the near future.

There are many other areas of distress and conflict in the world that may/will lead to war. There are also many EVIL Globalists and their followers that preach policies meant to weaken and destroy nations with social and economical movements that can not be sustained. This is seen everywhere.

You think that you are safe? The EVIL of this World are spreading Crime, Drugs, Poverty, Disease, Society Destroying Ideologies, Death, Rape, Slavery, Destruction, Hate, Intolerance, Adultery, and many more EVIL ways and practices. Remember God-Allah-Yahweh gave us Prophecies of the EndTimes and they are coming to pass now. Prepare yourselves for the Day of Judgement.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Draining The Swamp.

Draining The Swamp. The Corruption is about to be exposed and the Coup attempt will be brought to light. The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals know that they are in Trouble and that their Resistance has Failed to oust President Trump. They have Spies in the WhiteHouse and Resistance Members throughout our US Government. They have been deleting and covering up Evidence for 3 years, but they did NOT realize that their systems and channels of information have been monitored and Evidence has been saved/restored. They thought they were clever and smarter than everyone else, but Military Intelligence and President Trump have set up their own channels of communications and the Intelligence Community and DeepState were unaware until recently.

The Swamp is trying to impeach President Trump for keeping his Promise to Drain The Swamp. They never realized that the Durham Investigation would uncover Evidence of their Coup Attempt and the actions of their Resistance Movement to Cover Up their own Corruption.

The American Citizens need to take back the United States of America or the Nation and the World are Lost to the EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals and their New World Order which is Global Communism with them in charge.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers. Praise God-Allah-Yahweh.

God-Allah-Yahweh Grant Rule Of Law And Justice To Your Righteous In The United States Of America.

The Rich Can Move.

The Rich Can Move. I hope the American People are NOT Stupid enough to believe that the Rich will pay for the Politicians Freebies.

The Rich will Move Out of the country, and who will be left with the bill? You will NOT get their money, they will move where they get to keep their money. Do NOT get stuck with the Bill.

The manufacturing companies will move out of the country, just as they did due to NAFTA. Remember?

The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals want you to VOTE for them by Promising You Freebies, and when the Rich Move Out, you will be stuck with the Bill. They want to Weaken and Destroy the United States of America, so no one can Fight against them when they create their New World Order with them in Charge.

Remember History and do NOT fall their Lies.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

CrowdStrike, The Word The Evil Do Not Speak.

CrowdStrike, The Word The Evil Do Not Speak. Read the Transcript.


The first company President Trump asked to be investigated was CrowdStrike, and wondering if they have the Server. They spoke of the ‘DeepState’ in each of their countries and the need to rid themselves of these ‘Operatives’. They spoke of ‘Drain The Swamp’ and how they would be assisting each other in this goal. They spoke of their Corrupt Ambassadors and how they were working against their Administrations.

Do you remember the ‘Hack of the DNC Email Servers’? Do you remember that the DNC did NOT allow the US Government or any of its agencies into the DNC Server? The only company that the DNC allowed into its Server was CrowdStrike. CrowdStrike said the DNC Server was ‘Hacked By Russia’. Guess what? They LIED and their phony results were put in the Jan 2017 Security Assessment.


The ‘Dirty Dossier’ was also included with the assessment by President Obama given to President-Elect Donald Trump.


You will also remember that President Obama ejected Russian Diplomats, Seized two Russian Properties in the US, and placed Sanctions on Russia for interference in the 2016 Election. This was a false provocation by President Obama against the Nation of Russia, to sabotage and frame President-Elect Donald Trump with colluding with Russia. One big problem, Russia never ‘Hacked’ the DNC Server.


Our Veteran Intelligence Officials proved that the ‘Hack’ never occurred.

The Evidence is also affirmed by this document.

The Attempted Coup has origins inside the Former Obama Administration and the company CrowdStrike to Frame Russia and US President Donald Trump so he could be Impeached and Removed, and Hillary Clinton could be installed as US President.

The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals are seeking to Impeach US President Donald Trump, because they FEAR they are about to be Exposed and Indicted, so this is their Final Attempt to Effect the 2020 Election. The ‘DEEPSTATE’, ‘GLOBALISTS’, ‘COMMUNISTS’, ‘SOCIALISTS’, ‘EVIL CONSPIRATORS and CO-CONSPIRATORS’ are in ‘COMPLETE PANIC’ due to ‘CROWDSTRIKE’ Investigation and Exposure.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

USA-North Korea, Status?

USA-North Korea, Status? What is going on with the United States and North Korea? We do not hear anything about the relationship lately. North Korea has been launching missiles lately, without making threats to other nations including the United States.

North Korea has NOT exploded any nuclear weapons, and the United States has NOT sent any additional Assault Fleets like earlier. When will the Korean War be ended? When will official diplomatic channels be opened? This seems to be the first step, but it has NOT happened. Why?

The negotiations can work on these first and inside the Treaty it can be stipulated with a timeframe for denuclearization, or it can contain a Nuclear Arms Control framework.

Many nations today have nuclear weapons and we only deny those weapons to nations with proven aggression. North Korea has proven itself to be responsible these past 2 years, and they have NOT been aggressive or threatening to their neighbors. They have NOT sought to use their nuclear weapons or to expand their territory. They do NOT use proxies or terrorism. They are arms dealers and smugglers, which should be addressed in any treaty also. The only thing that North Korea has excelled at is, weapons and military development. An economic development plan should be included, and sanctions relief should be done in steps, and included in the treaty, with stipulations of goals and the rewards or penalties associated with each step/goal.

The Time has come for Chairman Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump to give their diplomats guidelines and directions so progress can be made.

God-Allah-Yahweh Guide Chairman Kim And President Trump With Wisdom That Will Bring Peace And Lasting Friendship.

Save The World.


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