Mr. President, Please Contact.

Mr. President, Please Contact. I want the United States of America to have the most advanced technology on earth. I have been stifled by EVIL forces that are keeping me poor and unable to raise funds. I am making this appeal to you, before I will be forced to disclose this technology to the world governments, which will lead to a change in the balance of powers.

I am asking you for direction, and would appreciate your advice. Mr. President, I do not have any college education, yet I am highly intelligent and fear what my knowledge can do.

I know you have stated that you do not believe in Aliens or UFOs, but you are highly Religious, so you may be surprised at the Truth. I look forward to your guidance.

Here are some of the articles that I have written.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.


Sabotage. Sabotage means: deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage.

Sabotage, Coup, Obstruction, Spying, False Testimony, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Corruption, Resistance, Treason, Sedition, are all words that apply to many of the events and actions taken place today.

The Peaceful Transfer of Power, from the Obama Administration to the Trump Administration, did NOT occur. Obama started ‘The Resistance’ and Framed President Trump and Russia of Collusion, to hide the mass corruption of his Administration. The Evidence is Overwhelming, but 3 years into the Trump Administration, and we have seen no charges against Obama Administration Officials. WHY?? Let it sink in.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

End Of ‘The Resistance’.

End Of ‘The Resistance’. The Corrupt People within our US Government formed ‘The Resistance’ after the 2016 Election that Donald Trump won to become the 45th President of the United States of America.

The Resistance has twitter #resist, #resistance, and #impeach. The following stories verify The Resistance and that it has direct links to Former President Obama and his Administration. The time has come to destroy The Resistance and The Deepstate.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers. Lame Duck Timeline Strongly Suggests President Obama Set Up Intelligence Scheme To Undermine Trump…!

The Fall Of The EVIL Ones And Their Followers.

The Fall Of The EVIL Ones And Their Followers. God-Allah-Yahweh Lead The Righteous In Battle Against The EVIL Ones And Their Followers.

The Day of Judgement will be preceded by many Fulfilled Prophecies.

US President Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky have teamed together and are ‘Draining The Swamp’ in each of their countries. This also is a direct threat to the EVIL Ones and their ‘DeepState’ embedded followers. The EVIL Ones around the world have been conspiring to weaken and eventually destroy the Free Nations so they can set up a Global Communist New World Order with Themselves as the Ruling Party. They wish to Destroy the very concept of God-Allah-Yahweh and his Commandments so they can lead the Entire Population of Humanity to Ignorance and Sin thereby making it Impossible for Humanity to enter Heaven Physically and Spiritually.

The EVIL Ones thought that they had the 2016 Elections rigged to get Hillary Clinton elected as the US President. God-Allah-Yahweh Is Saving The World And Thwarting The Plans Of The EVIL Ones And Their Followers. The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals have been working to destroy the minds of Humanity and make them believe that God-Allah-Yahweh, Sin, Hell, and Judgement Day, are NOT Real and that Everyone can indulge in EVIL Sinful behavior without any Punishment, and in Radical Ideology, that this is actually rewarded in Heaven after Death. The Devil is the Father of Lies and Deceptions, God-Allah-Yahweh is an Immortal Living God, Heaven and Hell are very real, and the EndTimes are here now according to Prophecy.

The ‘Draining The Swamp’ is occurring around the world at this time. The EVIL Globalists should be terrified now because they are being exposed because their attempted soft COUP has failed to remove the sitting US President Trump. The Most Powerful Nation on Earth is now ‘Draining The Swamp’ and assisting other nations to do the same. The FBI, CIA, DOJ, DOS, and DHS, are being cleared out of EVIL actors and a Criminal Investigation is now underway and will bring many to JUSTICE.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL Ones And Their Followers. God-Allah-Yahweh Bring Justice Against The EVIL Ones And Their Followers Worldwide So The Judgement Day Will Bring The Greatest Harvest Of The Righteous.

The Resistance-DeepState Has Been Confirmed By Many Officials.

The Resistance-DeepState Has Been Confirmed By Many Officials.

The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Liberals/Democrats now know that US President Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky have been using an alternative channel due to the formal channel being compromised. The Ukrainian Government had been trying to get information on 2016 Election Interference to our US Government as well as other information, but could not, due to the EVIL Ones. The Durham Investigation and now this alternative channel have the EVIL Ones in a complete panic and hence the bogus impeachment inquiry that has no stated crimes but is meant for fishing.

The Coup and The Resistance may be in for a big surprize. The US Military Intelligence, NSA, and Cyber Comm, may have been doing a lot of work that the EVIL Ones and Public have been unaware of. Who was monitoring the remote access into election machines by a DHS IP address? Who was monitoring the FBI computers when McCabe and Strzok deleted files and then restored those files? Who cleared the WhiteHouse of all the bugs while it was being renovated?

God-Allah-Yahweh, We Thank You For Blessing And Protecting The Righteous, And For Cursing And Confusing The EVIL Ones And Their Followers. God-Allah-Yahweh, You Have Saved The United States Of America, And Restored Our Belief And Faith In You, And We Thank You For Your Wisdom, Power, And Intelligence.

The EVIL Ones Are Idiots.

The EVIL Ones Are Idiots. They have been trying to make a global government set up in the form of communism, with them as the elite communist party and the general populace as the socialist peasants.

The United States of America is the greatest threat to the EVIL Ones because we guarantee our citizens individual freedoms and rights, and have a justice system based upon laws that apply to all who live in our borders. We have built the most powerful military in the world to make sure that no individual, state, nation, or organization can conquer US and take our rights away.

The EVIL Ones are trying to change the United States from inside the country now.

Have you ever wondered why Donald Trump ran for US President? Have you ever wondered how he is able to bear and overcome all the plots and attacks against him? Do you remember how bad it was before he was elected? Do you remember all the suffering and deterioration that was occurring?

Remember all these problems and that they were only getting worse? There was no respect for our flag, our military, our police, our laws, our God-Allah-Yahweh, and we were losing jobs, factories, and everyone was on welfare, and everywhere there was deterioration, drug abuse, riots, and despair.

Donald Trump became President of the United States of America to bring the nation back to prosperity, God-Allah-Yahweh, and the American Traditions that made it Great.

The EVIL Ones have sought to remove President Trump since he was elected. They set up to frame him and Russia, as well hamper confirming his administration people in the senate. The DeepState has tried everything to drive him from office.

The American People are NOT idiots, but the EVIL Ones are certainly idiots. They seek to push narratives and twist laws, but refuse to admit that they have no evidence, and that the law is not on their side. The American People will remember these following events.

President Trump is ‘Draining The Swamp’ but that also includes ‘Draining it Worldwide’. The EVIL Ones are an international organization of globalists that seek the destruction of all powerful nations, especially those that promote Freedom, Justice for All, and Rights for Every Citizen.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL Ones And Their Followers. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Restore The United States Of America.

A Time Of Great Trouble.

Posted on October 9, 2019 by Prince Michael

A Time Of Great Trouble. The Battle of GOOD vs EVIL is being fought all over the world. God-Allah-Yahweh gave US his Commandments and Prophecies through many religions, and spread them to the whole world.

The United States of America is the most advanced nation in the world and it is having some major issues today with EVIL trying to destroy it.

Have you seen the trouble worldwide? Iran attacked Saudi Arabia to disrupt the global economy.

God-Allah-Yahweh is about to Judge all of US. This world is about to become part of the Kingdom of Heaven. EVIL will soon be cleansed from this world because God-Allah-Yahweh has said so.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse Those Who Are EVIL.

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