Climate Change Does Not Explain Global Changes.

The change in the position of where the sun and moon rise and set is at the core of the climate change debate. The earth is shifting, and climate change is not causing it, but is being increased because of it. The icecaps melting and putting more water in the atmosphere is creating greater storm systems. The internal temperature of the earth is increasing, and this can give rise to increased volcanic activity, and possibly earthquakes. We are experiencing a lot of different effects that seem to point to a celestial event. It could be a weakening of our magnetic field. It could be increased solar activity. It could be a strange planetary alignment, or an approaching celestial object. There are many possibilities, but man made climate change does not seem to account for all these effects. I would like to hear from all the scientists of the many disciplines, what changes they have observed and have them put all together to give us a better answer.

America of the Future.

The America of the future, is very different than it is today. We will have antigravity vehicles, fusion energy, directed energy weapons, forcefields, health scanning, photonic radar and communications, light to electricity power conversion, starships, and many other wonderful technologies. Optical circuitry that will allow us to progress beyond binary computers. The future is so much brighter than anyone realizes. No more relying on fossil fuel, and no more energy crisis. The next generation of technology and beyond, will make science fiction a reality. As we develop this technology, we will become the most advanced and most powerful nation on Earth. No military will be able to touch us, but we will be able to destroy them, whether it be a single person or an entire country. Field drives will replace propulsion systems and all modern weaponry and vehicles will be obsolete. It is not that far off into the future.

The time has come to advance this nation and Make America Great Again. The time has come to advance technology to its next phase of development. The time has come to advance into a star traveling race. The time has come to find new worlds for our people so our existence is assured, even if something catastrophic occurs on Earth. The time has come to find out if we are not alone in the universe. The time has come to find and meet God, if he exists out there. I believe when we begin the next phase of technology, that God will return to us, and let us know his will. I believe a new era will begin and that it will be more glorious then anything we can imagine. May God Bless Us and Guide Us According to His Will.

Remembering 9-11-01.

We remember 9-11-01 for terrorist attack. We remember 9-11-17 for nature attack. God Bless America and Keep her Strong and Safe.


President Trump, Thank You.

We the American People would like to say Thank You to our President Donald Trump. You have worked tirelessly through Hurricane Harvey and now Hurricane Irma. You have coordinated the evacuations, rescue, and relief efforts, to save American lives. We also wish to extend our Thanks to the many people who are assisting the American People and our President before, during, and after these highly destructive hurricanes. We thank God for letting the death tolls be small and keeping people safe. We thank President Trump and Congress for working together, for once, in assuring aid and finances for the nation. It is good to see some cooperation. Thank You to All. God Bless America.

Hurricane Irma Update.

Hurricane Irma is set to make landfall soon. She will be heading north on the left side of the Florida Peninsula. We pray to God for the safety of all in Florida. Please follow all instructions from officials. The storm surge is expected to be 8-15 ft on the Gulf side and up to 6 ft on the Atlantic side. Federal, State, and Local Authorities are prepared and working well. The estimated cost of insured property damage will about $200 billion dollars. The World, Nation, and all Americans are sending their prayers.

God Help Florida.

Please be aware that Florida will be hit by Hurricane Irma, probably cat 5, this weekend. The hurricane is predicted to ride up the Florida Peninsula. May God keep everyone safe, and give them the strength and endurance necessary to survive and overcome this tragedy. Federal, State, and Local Authorities have been working well together and are prepared. God Bless America.

This is NOT Climate Change.

We have been hearing many people speak about climate change and that it is due to the industrial activity of humans. We see the sun rising and setting in different directions than normal. The moon is different too. The ice caps are melting. Volcanoes are becoming active. Earthquakes are increasing in frequency and magnitude. Human activity has NOT caused this. This is a solar system event that we have not seen before. Weather events are strange now, due to an increase in water in the atmosphere. Solar activity has also been erratic. Humanity’s activity can not produce these effects. The effects we are seeing are real, but NOT caused by humanity. This is a solar system event and one that our scientists should be aware of. This talk of humanity causing it, is outrageous. Their computer models never had the earth shifting, yet it has. I repeat, this is a celestial event that humanity has no control or influence of. May God open the eyes of his children.

Irma to be Worst Case Scenario.

Hurricane Irma is to ride up the center of the Florida peninsula. Follow your state and local instructions. We pray to God for the safety of the tourists and residents in Florida. Federal, State, and Local authorities are prepared, but this hurricane will not stall as Hurricane did. This is the strongest hurricane in history. Beware and be safe.

America First, Now and Always.

President Trump, today made a deal with Congressional leaders on both sides to fund the government, raise the debt ceiling,for three months and provide initial Hurricane Harvey relief. This deal gives Congress more time to focus on his agenda by taking out three major issues. President Trump is showing his leadership skills at the critical time they are needed. Many people seem to be criticizing President Trump for this deal, because they think it will give the Democrats an upper hand over the Republicans at election time. The time has come for the public to know that the conspiracy to overthrow and weaken President Trump by the Obama Administration is not fake news. The fake news is the Russia/Trump story. The American People have been lied to for over a year now, with this fake Trump/Russia narrative, when it is the Clinton/Obama/Russia story that is the real story. President Trump has not obstructed an investigation, but Former President Obama and his administration did. President Trump has been transparent and provided all requested information and interviews. Former President Obama had the Whitehouse records sent immediately to his library to avoid FOIA requests for five years. Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence and hard drives. DOJ, FBI and various Intelligence Agencies are refusing to give information out. The investigations into this Democratic conspiracy are beginning to come to light. By this time next year, we are going to see indictments and trials of many high level Democrats. The Democrats and even some Republicans will probably be caught up in this. I predict a landslide in elections for those that support our President and losses for those that do not, and maybe even jail time. I believe President Trump is having this conspiracy investigated right now, because I do not believe our President is an idiot. The reason the Dept of Justice does not disclose its investigations, is to lull people into a false sense of security, until they can obtain their evidence against them. This conspiracy against our President is outright Treason against the United States of America, and our President Trump. The American People are not going to forget the hell and division these Traitors committed. The American people are demanding justice and for the Law to apply to all in this country. They all swore an oath to the constitution, and they have failed us. The DC Swamp is about to be drained, and many should be worried. I have faith in President Trump, and in those that the President has appointed. I do not trust any of the others. The President has shown himself to be for the American People, and to uphold the US Constitution. May God Bless America, and bring her to greatness. Make America Great Again.

Hurricane Irma Category 5

Please be aware that a Category 5 Hurricane is predicted to hit US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Florida. This is an extremely powerful hurricane that appears to be record breaker. Listen to your state and local authorities, and evacuate when requested to. The high speeds and high winds of this hurricane are capable of massive destruction. May God keep you safe and alive. Once again, make sure you are prepared, and if requested to evacuate please do so. Property can be repaired, lives can not.