AG Force Recuse Of Rosenstein And Mueller.

AG Force Recuse Of Rosenstein And Mueller. Attorney General Jeff Sessions MUST FORCE Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Special Counsel Robert Mueller to RECUSE due to Conflicts of Interests. The Conflicts of Interests of the Deputy AG and the Special Counsel FAR EXCEED the Conflicts of Interests of the AG, yet they have NOT RECUSED. The American People will NOT view anything coming out of the Mueller Investigation as Fair and Unbiased, due to the Conflicts of Interests already in the Public Domain. Recusal is Required even if there appears a conflict of interest, let alone there actually being a conflict of interest. The AG must either Force their Recusal, or Resign. The Attorney General is Guilty of Dereliction of Duty, if he does not Force Recusal. The FISA judge was forced to Recuse on the Flynn Case. The Deputy AG should have Recused himself when he signed the 3rd FISA renewal. The Special Counsel should have been Recused after the Firing FBI Director James Comey.

The American People shall never accept any outcome from the Investigation due to the Conflicts of Interests that are present, and the failures of the Deputy AG and SC to pursue indictments against Democrats and Obama Administration Officials that clearly have broken the Law. The Justice Dept and the FBI are failing to follow stated procedures and therefore are corrupt and untrustworthy. May God/Allah/Yahweh Curse All Who Have Failed To Follow And Uphold The Rule Of Law in The DOJ And FBI.

Advance, or Destroy Yourselves.

Advance, or Destroy Yourselves. Sometimes, Humanity needs a Push. Well here it is, because no one else seems to Understand or Care about the Future. 

Time to start using Photons and Advance to your Next Stage in Technological Development. The Photon Coil, allows light to be used in the same manner as electrons in today’s technology. The photons travel inside the Fiber Optic the same way electrons travel in the wire of a circuit.

In this manner the Photons become Concentrated and can be used in the same manner as lasers, hand held energy guns can be easily made, and can outperform the weapons of today. If used for War, this concept can make offensive and defensive weapons that will make today’s weapons obsolete. You can either learn Peace or Destroy yourselves. The decision is yours.

Photons correctly synchronized with coil length and turns will produce fluctuating magnetic fields that can be used for fusion, anti gravity, communications, medical scanning, and many other applications.

Transformers can then be created that will able to integrate with today’s technology allowing an increase in frequency bands that will progress Humanity in many areas.

The Time Has Come For The Advancement Of Humanity, whether or not it leads to Humanity’s Ultimate Destruction. The problems on earth are only going to increase and without advancement, Humanity will fall back into Dark Ages and fail to Become a Star Faring Race. God/Allah/Yahweh wants Humanity to Advance and be able to Enter Heaven, but Humanity will be Judged so that Evil may be purged and the Danger of Self Destruction and Hostility Towards Others will be diminished.

God/Allah/Yahweh Bless You With Understanding And Knowledge, And Guide You On The Path Of The Righteous.

Truth, Evil’s Greatest Enemy.

Truth, Evil’s Greatest Enemy. The Truth and the spreading of it, is the only way to defeat Evil. Evil is Ignorance, and in that Ignorance, you allow yourself to believe the Lies and Deceits that you have been told, and are being told.

Since the Battle of Good and Evil is most prominent in Religion, lets take that one on first. Most of the religious people of the world, believe that God and Heaven are in some type of other dimension that your soul enters after you are dead. Yahweh spoke to Moses and the Tribes of Israel from his Holy Mountain. Yahweh did many miracles here on Earth. Manna, flocks of birds, water, pillars of fire and cloud, plagues of burning hail, frogs, locusts, 3 days of darkness, and many more. Abraham was physically visited by the Immortal God and later by his messengers. Isaiah was shown that Yahweh has the power of Resurrection. Enoch was shown Heaven and met God, was returned to Earth and taught his family, and was then taken back to Heaven. Jesus died, was resurrected after 3 days, went to Heaven, returned and taught his disciples afterwards, and then was taken to Heaven again. Mohammad taught that the evil ones think they have escaped judgement through death but will be resurrected and punished. Mohammad was also taken to Heaven at the Blue Rock. God/Allah/Yahweh and Heaven are physical. All the souls of Earth are recorded and stored in Heaven until the Day of Judgement, when they will be resurrected and put in front of God/Allah/Yahweh for judgement. God/Allah/Yahweh is the Immortal Living God that Reigns over Heaven and Earth. Do your Research into Religions, and see this Truth.

Global Warming, is the next hoax to tackle. Yes, we see climate changes and they are very concerning. The icecaps and glaciers are melting at an alarming rate, but they are not the result of Humanity. The Sun is changing its magnetic poles, and that affects the planets revolving around it. The increase in solar radiation causes the warming. The Earth is about to shift its magnetic poles in response to the Suns. This is apparent in the sun and moon rising in different spots then years past. The earthquakes, volcanoes, severe weather, and ice melting are all associated with this. Read the stories of Atlantis. Also Albert Einstein is said to have been a believer that Earth’s surface can shift due to similar events such as Earth’s magnetic fields shifting. Do your Research.

Just 50 years ago, we were told that the solar system we live in was unique and that no other planets revolved around other suns. We know this to be completely false and that most suns have planets around them. The big bang theory is now in jeopardy but no one comments on this. As astronomy has progressed, we find that there is more and more galaxies and matter then we ever thought before, yet have our theories been updated due to this??? Dark Matter and Dark Energy, as well as the Big Bang Theory need to revised but have they??? Gravity, Magnetism, and Electricity, are all being shown to be everywhere, but are their relations to each other being explored???

May God Guide Us To Him And Heaven


We can scan the entire Earth but we can not create a device that can scan the human body for changes??? Tumors, cancers, parasites, and injuries, are all simple things that should be easily detectable with simple technologies, but no one creates such a device. Why??? Viruses, poisonings, other cancers, and genetic defects are a little more difficult but devices should be possible to detect them also. This would bring down medical costs dramatically, and improve the human condition.

Energy systems are coming out that are capable of creating Electrical power with no fuel required except at startup. Do Your Research and see this.

A New Beginning.

Evil wants you to believe that, there is no God/Allah/Yahweh, there is no Heaven except a dimension that your soul enters at death, there is man caused global warming, there is no life beyond Earth, there are no Advanced Civilizations beyond Earth, The Universe is of Finite size, Faster than Light Travel is Impossible, AntiGravity is impossible, Sustainable power generation requiring no fuel is impossible, Advancing beyond electrical and combustion systems is impossible, War is inevitable, and many other things. Do Your Research, and Advance Beyond the Ignorance that Evil would have you Exist in.

We must also not forget that we have Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists here in the United States of America trying to destroy this Greatest Nation on Earth so they can implement Global Government and Control the Global Population and keep the World Ignorant and Evil, with no chance of Entering the Real Heaven. God/Allah/Yahweh is fulfilling his Prophecies, and The Righteous shall see the completion of his Great Plan.

May God/Allah/Yahweh Lead You Down Righteous Paths So You May Enter Heaven And Receive His Gifts. May God/Allah/Yahweh Show The Evil Ones His Wrath And Change Their Followers To Become His Children.

Evil Ones Pushing Their Lies.

Evil Ones Pushing Their Lies. The battle between Good and Evil is raging on and Truth is winning over Lies. God/Allah/Yahweh predicted this period in our development, many thousands of years ago. Do Your Research, and you can see we are now in the Endtimes. The prophecies are all coming true, and the time has come for Every Human to decide what their own Fate will be. Will your Name be found in the Book of Life, or will your deeds condemn you to Eternal Damnation ??? Do NOT take this Decision lightly, for your existence, and its continuation depends upon it.

God/Allah/Yahweh is a superior immortal being that has power beyond your imagination. He has stated that the rewards he offers to those who are worthy are greater than anything these Evil Ones can offer. Everlasting Life, also known as Immortality. The Ending of Suffering and Disease. The Tree of Life. The end of Ignorance and the Evil that it propagates. The Tree of Knowledge. The ability to progress in Truth and Understanding, and to continue to Pursue Righteous and Good Deeds.

The Evil Ones promise many things but they Lie and Deceive, and have no Power to Grant their Empty Promises. Wealth, Sick Sexual Desires, Dominion Over Others, Benefit Without Work, Murder, and Subjugation By Spreading Evil and Adulterous Behavior. These are the Temptations, and the Paths that will lead you to Hell and Damnation. Change your ways before it is too late for you.

The Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists are only a small portion of the Evil Ones. Look around you and see the Evil Ones everywhere. The thugs who feed Drugs to our children, are just as guilty as the Teachers and Leaders who feed them Lies and Falsehoods. People feel Entitled to live off the Fruits of Others, but what happens when Everyone feels this way??? No One will work and our civilization will collapse. People will ask, where is my food that I am entitled to??? No One planted the crops??? People will ask why their Toys and Devices no longer work??? No One made them and kept the systems functioning. People will ask why their property is shabby and in need of repair??? No One made the goods necessary or provides the services anymore. People will ask why they have no water??? No One maintained the systems. People will ask, where are the workers??? The answer will be, they all became like you. Do you See this Truth??? Do you Understand??? Look around the World and See what is happening in the Areas that this Kind of Thinking has taken Hold. Is this what You want??? The World will enter a Dark Age that it can Not Recover from. This is the World that you will soon Know. God/Allah/Yahweh sent his messengers many times and told us of these times.

The Righteous Army of God is being Arisen at this time, so that as many People as can be Saved, will be Saved. The World is about to experience the shifting of the Magnetic Poles. The Last time this occurred was in the Time of Atlantis. Read the legends and stories of the severe weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, and strange solar activity. The Lost Continent of Atlantis is Antarctica. The Sun has shifted one pole and we are waiting for the other pole to shift. The Sun and Moon are rising and setting differently due to this. We must prepare for this event. Do Your Research. If the Legends are true, God/Allah/Yahweh will Save the Righteous and Worthy, and the Rest of Humanity will be left to suffer through this Horrific event. Make yourselves Worthy before it IS too late. May God/Allah/Yahweh Show You The Path To Righteousness.

Judgement Is Now In Progress.

Can You Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven ???

Blessed By God/Allah/Yahweh.

God/Allah/Yahweh Is Watching.

A New Beginning.

Do Your Research…

God vs Devil.

Prince of the Religions.

Not Under Oath.

Not Under Oath. If the Mueller Investigation needs President Trump to be questioned, it should not be under oath, thereby assuring the American People, and President Trump’s Legal Team, that it is not a Perjury Trap. If the Mueller Investigation refuses this stipulation, then President Trump should NOT answer any questions. It is as simple as this. The Mueller Investigation has no stated crime, therefore his appointment is invalid according to the rules for the appointment of a Special Counsel. The US Congress should find this as an acceptable alternative, unless they are really after Impeaching the President on anything can they find. Hillary Clinton was allowed this, and she had crimes stated against her, so President Trump should have the same treatment. If the same treatment is NOT to be OFFERED to President Trump, then the President should FIRE Robert Mueller and have his Investigation replaced with one that will pursue the Crimes of the Obama Administration also.

The Mueller Investigation is a sham and here is your proof of this. The Mueller Investigation has failed to follow the obvious leads, and continues to follow leads generated by the FAKE Dossier. The Investigation has failed to pursue the criminal acts that have arisen from the Russia Collusion in the 2016 Election. The Investigation has failed to pursue verification of the Hacking by Russians into the DNC, Hillary Clinton Private Server, and the Podesta Emails. Without Verification of Crime, any charges brought in court are Useless. This is a basic step that any Law Enforcement Personnel will tell you is essential for any solid case to move forward. We know President Trump offered 5 million dollars to anyone who could provide him with the 33,000 deleted Clinton emails, when he was campaigning. Since President Trump has never received these, it must be assumed that no one has these, or that those that do have them have already been bought off by someone else. On the campaign trail, President Trump spoke of improving relations with Russia. Slovenia offered to be the go between for these efforts, but we have heard nothing of any avenues investigated in this respect. It should also be noted that First Lady Melania Trump’s parents were formerly members of the Communist Party. The natural path for Trump/Russia collusion would have probably taken this path if any existed. President Trump is also good friends with the Prime Minister of Israel, and a back channel could easily have been made through him also. It should also be noted that President Trump is also friends with the King of Jordan and the Saudi Royal Family.

It should also be noted that President Trump has put Top Military Personnel in his cabinet and key positions, and they would have known if President Trump was anything but a True Patriotic American Citizen. President Trump ran for President to SAVE the United States of America. President Trump is a billionaire, and has lost personal wealth since becoming President. He does not take a salary, and is constantly looking for ways to save taxpayer money. He has revived the economy faster than even thought he could. He is rebuilding the US Military and has made the USA respected again in the world. President Trump is a Reaganite, and believes in the concepts of Reaganomics. President Reagan revived our economy and military also, and we saw the collapse of the USSR under his leadership as well as many of the military advances we still use today. President Trump will guide this Great Nation into the next Technology era. The Policies and Actions of President Trump, benefit the American People and no one else. The American People are Proud of Their President. Thank You, Mr President. God Bless America.

Judgement Is Now In Progress.

Judgement Is Now In Progress. The Great Prince Michael is on Earth at this time, and he is preparing the Judgement Day. God/Allah/Yahweh foretold the People of Earth the events that will happen, and today those Prophecies are coming True. The changes occurring in the climate today are due to a celestial event. The shifting of the Magnetic poles was the last major event that Extraterrestrials/Aliens warned the People of Earth about. The Sun is shifting its magnetic poles, and so is the Earth. The Prophecies of God/Allah/Yahweh foretold that the Sun, Moon, and Stars would shift positions and that is beginning. The Severe Weather, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Fires, and even social behavior, were all predicted, long before science and computers even existed. God/Allah/Yahweh has been developing the People of Earth, and The Great Prince is assisting in this, and is also assisting now in your Judgement Day. The Evil People of this World Do Not want you to know the Truth. They think that they can escape Judgement, and they also think that they will remain in power over the surviving People of Earth. They are Wrong, and the Prophecies clearly say this. The Truth is Simple, and the People of Earth need to hear this. Obey the Ten Commandments as given by God/Allah/Yahweh, and make yourselves Worthy Children in the eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh, so you might be rescued by Him. The Evil of this world will try to save themselves, and leave the rest of the People of Earth to Suffer and Die. The Great Prince wants you to Know this Truth, and to make Yourselves Worthy of being Saved by God/Allah/Yahweh. The Battle of Good and Evil is upon US, and it is our Responsibility to make Ourselves, and Our Children, Worthy of being Saved. The Technologies of Earth are No Match for the Technologies of God/Allah/Yahweh, and this is the Simple Truth. The Great Prince is trying to Advance Our Technologies to Allow US to Enter Heaven, but that too, means God/Allah/Yahweh must bring Judgement Day. Here are the Commandments.


1 God/Allah/Yahweh holds all power over the People of Earth, and we need to Obey his Laws, so we may be Judged Worthy, of Entering Heaven and Receiving his Promised Gifts. Remember God/Allah/Yahweh is an Immortal Being and the Kingdom of Heaven is all that Exists beyond Earth. It is NOT another dimension that you go to after Death. Every Person since the Beginning has been Recorded and God/Allah/Yahweh can Resurrect Everyone, and Punish or Reward according to their Deeds.

2 No Image can possess the Power of God/Allah/Yahweh, and none can Save you but he. No one knows the Image of God/Allah/Yahweh, and this has been done on purpose. Worship no Image that is Made.

3 Never swear by God/Allah/Yahweh and Not Fulfill what you have Sworn. To do this, is a Deed that will be held Against You in the Judgement. The Evil and Corrupt of this World will find that This Commandment will Damn Them. Speak Not for God/Allah/Yahweh unless He has Instructed You to do so.

4 The Sabbath Day has been referred to as a day of Rest. You are supposed to Rest from your Labors, and Remember God/Allah/Yahweh. You should Remember God/Allah/Yahweh, His Laws, His Teachings, His Actions, and His Prophecies. On this day you should also Reflect on Yourself, and ask Yourself if you are Worthy in the Eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh.

5 Honor Thy Mother And Father. We Honor our parents by being the Best we can be in the Eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh. We Honor our Parents by visiting them in their Old Age and making them feel wanted in our lives. We Honor them by advancing ourselves in Knowledge and Understanding, and showing them that we have learned Right from Wrong. Some people say that this law is Obey Your Mother And Father. We only Obey our Parents until We ourselves become Adults, and then Obedience stops. Honoring Thy Mother And Father means Advancing Oneself beyond our Parent’s education and understanding, and Teaching Them so they may catch up this US. In this way we have Honored them whether they are Living or Dead.

6 Thou Shalt Not Kill. This law is simple in its words, but it is probably meant to be Thou Shalt Not Murder. Murder is the Intentional Killing of Someone for Reasons Other Than Justice or Defense. The Killing of a Convicted Murderer is Justice, and the Killing of an Invader is Defense. In War, the Country that is Threatening is Usually the Bad Actor, unless its threats are made in protection of its People. The World today has put Rules and Laws in place pertaining to Protocols of War in regards to Major Wars. This has kept the World in a Balance that keeps the outbreak of Major War down to a minimum. A person is a Murderer if they Kill for Pleasure, with no regards to the rights of those being killed. God/Allah/Yahweh kept the United States of America out of war, for the four years the Great Prince served in the Marines. This the Power of God/Allah/Yahweh, and should be remembered before someone wishes to commit murder.

7 Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery. This law is in respect to intercourse. It is often interpreted as meaning a married person is Not to have intercourse with anyone But their espoused. It should probably be interpreted as you shall have no intercourse except with your espoused or one that you wish to become your espoused. This interpretation is more accurate because it covers such acts as animal sex, rape, prostitution, child sex, sodomy, as well as sex with someone already espoused. This interpretation also allows for masturbation so one may satisfy oneself to avoid breaking this commandment and others.

8 Thou Shalt Not Steal. This is straight forward. You are not to take that which is not yours. This also means that others are not to take that which is yours.

9 Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness. This is straight forward. You are not to charge others falsely. You do not say someone is guilty of a crime, that you know they are innocent of. This is going to take down many people that lie under oath. God/Allah/Yahweh knows all your deeds, both Good and Bad. The Evil ones who Lie and Deceive with False and Misleading Allegations will feel the Wrath of God/Allah/Yahweh.

10 Thou Shalt Not Covet. This means that you are Not to conspire against others to Obtain that which they have. Knowledge, Truth, and Understanding, are that which we should covet, Not anything else of someone else. There is nothing on this world Worth anything except the Army of the Righteous, and the Blessed Children of God/Allah/Yahweh. Make yourself Worthy.



Prepare Yourselves and your Children, so that you may be found Worthy in the Eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh, and that you shall be Allowed to Enter Heaven, and Receive the Promised Gifts. God/Allah/Yahweh is Already Punishing the Evil Ones on Earth so that You may Know Truth and Understanding, and may walk the Path of Righteousness. God/Allah/Yahweh Be Blessed And Honored.


Do Your Research…

Do Your Research… The American People are being hit with all kinds of strange and unverified News stories lately. The mid-term elections are coming up and the News Media is working overtime to sow emotional responses from Voters. This year the Main Stream Media is putting out the most outrageous claims as True News. The American People are NOT Idiots, but you MUST DO YOUR RESEARCH to ensure that what you are seeing is REAL.

A New Beginning.

The Lies and Deceptions from some of these Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists, is beyond belief. God/Allah/Yahweh is watching all of this, and his Army of the Righteous, knows Truth from Lie. God/Allah/Yahweh Bless His Children Of The Light And Guide Them With Truth And Understanding. God/Allah/Yahweh Shine Your Light Of Truth On The Deeds Of The Evil Ones So They Will Have No Power Over Your Worthy Children.

False Evidence Created False Investigation.

It Was A Set Up !!!

President Trump, We Want Justice, NOW!!!

Save The Evidence. Take Them Down.

We Are NOT Idiots !!!

The Truth, And The Lies Of Inaction.

And Here we have some pages with inspiration for The American People. God Bless America.

Make America Great Again. Inspiration.

Long Live The United States Of America !!!

Patriotic songs for inspiration.

Are You A Proud American?


A New Beginning.

A New Beginning. The Time has come to Advance Humanity. I see no better time to Advance you then now. Here is your future and the next step in your development.

The harnessing of photons is the next step in your technological development. Be careful with this technology, and use it wisely. Do you understand???

Have you ever thought about the future? What will our world be like in 50 years, or 100 years?

      Will it be a world of wonders, or a world of tragedy?

           In the last 100 years, humanity has seen the following:

           From horse drawn carriages to various powered automobiles.

           From muskets to atomic weapons.

           From viewing birds to traveling to the moon.

           From small cities to cities populated by millions.

           From a single radio station to worldwide communications networks.

           From performing calculations on paper to super fast mega computers.

      The following problems have been created or increased:

      Overpopulation. From less than 3 billion people to over 6 billion people.

      Pollution. A steadily increasing problem that affects all of us. The air we breath is filled with contaminates and the oxygen we need to live is being depleted faster than it is being created.

      Ignorance and Illiteracy. A large percentage of U.S.. residents can neither read nor write. The dropout rates at the high school level have steadily increased. College tuitions continue to increase to the point where many are denied higher education due to lack of funds or they must endure years of debt.

      Crime, individual and organized. This is a steadily increasing problem due to economic times further stressed with overpopulation and a weak penal system that treats criminals better than the poverty stricken populace.

      Taxes. Federal taxes were started during world war II. Federal and state taxes have steadily increased and the benefits provided by these taxes have decreased due to the allowing of the politicians and corporate heads to control the benefits according to personal whims.

      Famine. With population increasing, our ability to grow enough food will begin to steadily decrease. With the over-fishing of our oceans we are steadily decreasing our future food sources, for when the fish run out the populace will have to consume more of the land grown and bred food sources. People are starving even in the U.S.. where obesity has become a major problem.

      Lack of clean freshwater. In most areas of the world there is polluted and/or below standard water. The water in many areas has chemical, biological, and/or human/animal waste.

      Lack of living space. Rents have steadily increased over the years and now that the economy is doing poorly, many people are being forced into the streets because their income has fallen yet the landlords and banks still expect to receive full payment.

      Unemployment, lack of work. This is due to poor planning by world and business leaders, also overpopulation and lack of technological advancement.

      Failing economy. Due to corruption of world and business leaders, and their poor judgment. Also, due to lack of new products and technologies. Oil, gas, and electricity are primary to many of the existing technologies today and the ones who control these products have done everything in their power to prevent the emergence of any technology that threatens to make their products obsolete, no matter how beneficial to humanity or the future.

      This is the world you know and live in. A world filled with many problems. War, hate, ignorance, corruption, greed, selfishness, lack of resources, and lack of caring. A world on the verge of self-destruction. A world where money and domination over others is cherished more than love and the welfare of others.

      I know times are tough and the problems we face will only grow worse before they get better. The problems need to be faced now because we do not have much time left to do so.

      The main problem humanity faces is overpopulation. There are only two solutions to this problem. The first is to kill off part of our population and implement strict birth control regulations. This is not acceptable and creates a way of thinking detrimental to the expansion of the human race. The second solution is to develop the technologies necessary for star travel and find a new world that we can relocate our excess population to. This is not possible with our present technologies. Time and resources do not exist to allow today’s technologies to solve our problem. In 50 years our population will nearly double again. The solution is to devise and develop new technologies that will allow time-efficient star travel and not cause rapid depletion of our resources. This new technology should also be pollution-free, so we can use it to clean up our world and provide better conditions for our people. We must also reform our present political, social, and economic systems.

God Guide You In Righteousness And Make You Worthy Children Of Him.

False Evidence Created False Investigation.

False Evidence Created False Investigation. Evil People are trying to stop a God/Allah/Yahweh Appointed President of the United States. God/Allah/Yahweh is trying to save as many people as possible before the coming Judgement Day. God/Allah/Yahweh is giving people the chance to redeem themselves before the big day. The Righteous of God/Allah/Yahweh can soon rejoice, for the Kingdom of Heaven is about to be open unto you. The Prophecies of old, are coming to pass, and it is sad that so many have lost their way and the teachings.

The Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists have colluded together to attempt to destroy the United States of America, so they can set up their New World Order. The Mueller Investigation has done nothing to forward the principles of Law and Order, and of Fair and Equal Justice. The World and the American People are looking at this sham of an investigation and seeing only Evil People getting away with Crimes, while the Righteous People are being Persecuted, Ridiculed, and Shamed. God/Allah/Yahweh is working through President Trump, and We, The American People, Must put our Faith, Prayers, and Protestations to him. We must strive to remain Righteous and show God/Allah/Yahweh that we deserve to enter Heaven and are Worthy to Receive his Promised Gifts. We must seek the Truth, and learn to bring Lies and Deceptions to Light. The Battle Between Good and Evil is Ongoing and Reaching a Desperate Point in our History and Development.

The Evidence against the Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists is overwhelming, but we see few interviews, few investigations, No indictments, No prosecutions, and No Justice. When will Justice be served to those who attempted to Destroy our Great Republic, and our Great President??? When will the Rule of Law and Equal Justice For All, be re-established???

The DNC server emails began this Russia narrative, yet the FBI never seized the server for forensics. The Obama Administration blamed the Russians, but how can they be sure without ever going into the server??? The Obama Administration obtained Illegal FISA warrants on Carter Page so they could spy on President Trump’s Campaign, Transition, and Administration. The Obama Administration, Clinton Campaign, and DNC, all colluded to cover up, Uranium One, FISA abuses, Election Rigging, Arms Dealings, Drug Smuggling, Human Smuggling, Colluding with Russia, Colluding with Iran, Colluding and Funding Terrorists, Destroying our Healthcare System, Depleting our Military, Giving Away our Republic/Nation to Foreigners, Destroying Law Enforcement, Spying on US Citizens, Colluding with Ally and Foreign Spy Agencies, Spending so much to bring Insolvency/Bankruptcy to US, Weaponizing FBI, CIA, IRS, and DOJ, and many more scams and schemes. The Evidence is in the Daily Presidential Briefings, but those are locked up in the Archives or Obama Library. The Evidence is also in the DNC server. The Evidence is also in the NSA Databases. The Evidence is also on the email servers of all their Private Emails used for Government Business. The Evidence is also on the Clinton Aides Devices. The Evidence is also on the Democratic Caucus Server. The Evidence is also on the Backup of the Hillary Clinton Private Server. The Evidence is on the Podesta Laptop. The Evidence is on the Weiner Laptop. So where is all this evidence today? Why is it not seized and searched??? What ever happened about the FICA and the Trump Server being pinged by the hacked Russian Bank Server??? What ever happened to the records of requests made to British Intelligence and others???

You can also check these links for evidence and stories from the beginning of this sham they are pulling on the World and The American People.

It Was A Set Up !!!

Save The Evidence. Take Them Down.

President Trump, We Want Justice, NOW!!!

God Bless And Save The United States of America. God Restore Law And Order, And Justice, In The World. God Bless Your Army Of Righteousness. God Curse Those Who Are Evil And Lead Others To Evil. The Righteous Of The World Praise God/Allah/Yahweh.