The Advancement Of Humanity.

The Advancement Of Humanity. Do you think you are intelligent and highly advanced?

First, do you know how to read and write? This is a basic skill that you must have in order to study and expand your knowledge and understanding of the world around you. Without this skill you must learn everything on your own and use trial and error. You can not advance far in your lifetime without the ability of reading and writing. This article is a prime example, for in it, I will show you what years of studies has accomplished.

Second, do you have the basics of math and science? This is required for you to be able to understand the world you live in. The ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide are the basic math skills that all people should have to function within an advanced society that uses computers and money in many everyday functions. Using a calculator or computer to perform math is a luxury, but not being able to do math on paper hampers ones skills and abilities. Algebra and calculus are the more advanced versions of math and have allowed many advances such as manufacturing automation, space exploration, satellite technologies, computers, smartphones, and many areas of science. The basics of science are required to understand how and why various interactions occur. Chemistry, Biology, and Physics are these basic sciences that cover our understanding of life here on Earth, in the Solar System, in the Galaxy, and in the Universe.

May God Guide Us To Him And Heaven


Third, you must advance yourself in knowledge and understanding of what already exists. By doing so you can understand where our development is as a society, and understand how it functions.





The advancement is at this level right now but during world war 2 these things came out but their development is in question.



We never hear too many stories about these Nazi devices anymore. Now we have these of objects that display more capabilities than anything on Earth.


These objects have technology greater than anything on Earth at this stage in our development. Many theories exist and here are some of them.


Here is the Technology that will provide us with our next step in our advancement. Hopefully you will understand and develop.


Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh.

Humanity needs to develop and enter the Stars. May you advance and make me proud. God/Allah/Yahweh Guide You In Understanding And Righteousness.

Stop The Invasion.

Stop The Invasion. The people coming across our southern border at points other than ports of entry, are invaders. If someone sneaks into your home through a window uninvited, that is called home invasion. If someone crosses our border uninvited that is country invasion. We are allowed to defend ourselves, at home, and at our borders.

How many of these people respect our laws? None. How many of these people are invaders? Any that crossed our borders uninvited. What do they bring that will benefit US? Nothing. What do they want from US? Whatever they can get. Why do we allow it? Bad laws and corruption. What conditions do they live in at their country of origin?

These problems need to be solved by the governments of these countries. These countries are telling their poor to go to the United States, so they do not have to deal with them. Does the United States have a problem with poverty? Yes.

FILE – In this Dec. 1, 2017 file photo, homeless tents are dwarfed by skyscrapers as 63-year-old Vincent, who only gave his first name, sorts his belongings in Los Angeles. President Donald Trump’s administration is announcing $2 billion in grants for local programs to deal with homelessness. The funding total is a record for the Continuum of Care grants, but only a small increase over recent years. The announcement comes as the administration is calling for cuts to housing programs and as the West Coast is dealing with a homeless crisis. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File)

Homeless people are seen in Washington June 22. Bishop Frank J. Dewane of Venice, Fla., chair of the U.S. bishops’ domestic policy committee, released a statement Nov. 17 proclaiming that the House of Representatives “ignored impacts to the poor and families” in passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act the previous day. (CNS photo/Tyler Orsburn) See DEWANE-HOUSE-TAX-PASSAGE Nov. 17, 2017.

This exists already in the United States, and taking in everyone else’s poor will only shift the problem from one country to another. We can not and must not allow over 600,000 people a year to invade our country. Shoot them at the border and deter the invasion.

** FILE ** This is file photo dated July 1, 1916, shows British infantrymen occupying a shallow trench in a ruined landscape before an advance during the Battle of the Somme. One of the most vicious conflicts of World War I, the Battle of the Somme raged across northern France from July 1, 1916 and by its close on Nov. 18, millions of men had battled through the mud and blood of the treacherous trenches on both sides. On July 1 alone, more than 20,000 British soldiers were killed and up to 40,000 were wounded, making it the bloodiest day in the history of the British army. (AP Photo/PA, File) ** UNITED KINGDOM OUT NO SALES NO ARCHIVE **

Philippine Sea (June 18, 2006) – An Air Force B-2 bomber along with other aircrafts from the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps fly over the Kitty Hawk, Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike groups during the photo portion of Exercise Valiant Shield 2006. Valiant Shield focuses on integrated joint training among U.S. military forces, enabling real-world proficiency in sustaining joint forces and in detecting, locating, tracking and engaging units at sea, in the air, on land and cyberspace in response to a range of mission areas. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Photographer’s Mate Todd P. Cichonowicz (RELEASED)

We must protect ourselves and need strong borders to ensure that our great nation will continue for many generations.

How do you destroy a country? Send your army in one at a time over their porous border. Set up smuggling routes to bring drugs, slaves, sex slaves, weapons, disease, and your poor to weaken their systems and make them ready for invasion. The benefit of this, is that they can not interfere with your actions abroad due to all these problems at home. Destabilize so you can take over. Typical strategy of conquest. This way you can brainwash them and make them more willing to being conquered. Think about that for a moment. They want to destroy your country from within, and it is that much easier, especially when you use a long term plan.

God/Allah/Yahweh Save US.

The United States Is Our Home.

The United States Is Our Home. The United States of America has been infiltrated by Evil Ones who have tried to take our Knowledge and Belief in God/Allah/Yahweh away from US and our Children. They have spent generations corrupting our Children and Destroying the Values that made this Nation Great. Our politicians have taken the oath of office but have betrayed it because they worship idols instead of God/Allah/Yahweh. They have sold us out for riches and power, and are just Evil Ones now. God/Allah/Yahweh predicted this long ago.



The Presidents of the Past knew this, as does our President Trump. God/Allah/Yahweh is the God of Abraham, and the only true Living Immortal God, and the Master of Heaven and Earth. The prophets spoke of these endtimes and the events that would signal it has arrived. Do your research and see the Truth that God/Allah/Yahweh foretold. You still have some time, but not much, to change yourselves and become Worthy Children of God/Allah/Yahweh. God/Allah/Yahweh has stated what you must do to enter Heaven, and receive the gifts he has promised. You can not enter Heaven or Receive the Gifts promised, except through God/Allah/Yahweh and his Judgement. Only a few have been allowed in Heaven so far, but the Rapture is coming, and after that, the Judgement Day Predicted.



President Trump spoke of the Crisis at the US southern border, but he failed to articulate well the consequences of inaction. Many illegal aliens have hurt our American People after they have entered the United States. Many have numerous deportations, and the cause is our porous southern border. The drug cartels use the gangs to smuggle their drugs and sex slaves, and they pretend to be innocent immigrants. They have children inside the US that are born as US Citizens so they can take over areas of the US and Vote in Leaders that will create laws beneficial to themselves and Not the United States. They wish to Destroy the United States from the inside, and transform it into a country that they control and can further corrupt with Evil values that do not match that of the United States Constitution. The immigration system has been corrupted and those entering do NOT share our values and refuse to assimilate to the ways of our Country. You see this happening in Europe, and it will happen here unless we correct our immigration system and protect our borders. We need the border wall, and we need to correct the immigration system, or we are lost as a nation, and we will become just a memory. This is what is at stake.






Guilty As Charged.

Guilty As Charged. How many times have you lied, cheated, stole, and hurt others? How many times have you hurt others and felt good doing it? How many times did you feel proud of it? How many times do you lie to people to make yourself appear more or less than you are? How many times have you cheated in a relationship? How many times have you cheated and lied to get what you want? How many times have you caused people pain and injury to make yourself dominate another? How many times have you been improper with others, and felt you that you were a conqueror? How many times have you taken advantage of others to satisfy your own desires and needs without any regard to others? How many times have you used your words to belittle and demean others? You are guilty as charged!

We have all done these things to some extent. When we do these things, we have hurt others and have put an evil mark against our soul. If we are found to have too much Evil, we will NOT be allowed into Heaven, but shall be placed inside Hell so we can NOT harm anyone else anymore. Death, Disease, Torment, and the Loss of Freedom shall be all you have. You shall NOT be allowed to obtain Immortality. You shall NOT be cured our your Disease. You shall NOT be allowed to Torment Others. You shall NOT be allowed to have Freedom so you can Spread your Evil ways. The Judgement Day is Coming, and soon Evil shall be Purged from the Earth. The Righteous shall be harvested from the Earth and shall See the Plagues sent down upon the Evil on Earth. They shall See some who are Evil change their ways and Become Righteous, and shall Rejoice. They shall See those who are Evil destroy others who are Evil, and they shall Suffer Greatly. They shall Praise God/Allah/Yahweh for Saving them and Rewarding them, and for Cleansing the Earth so they can Return and have Heaven on Earth. There shall be a Golden Age and Humanity shall be Advanced and become Worthy to Enter Heaven. God/Allah/Yahweh Show You The Path Of Righteousness And Make You Worthy Of Heaven.

Are You Worthy???

God/Allah/Yahweh Destroy The Evil Ones And Their Evil Followers So The Righteous May Live In Peace And Praise You, And Follow You.

Prepare Your Defense.

Prepare Your Defense. The time has come for everyone to look at themselves and wonder if they are Worthy to enter Heaven. God/Allah/Yahweh has been preparing and advancing Humanity for the next stage of development. Most of you will Not be found Worthy. You have failed to Obey the Commandments.

1 God/Allah/Yahweh holds all power over the People of Earth, and we need to Obey his Laws, so we may be Judged Worthy, of Entering Heaven and Receiving his Promised Gifts. Remember God/Allah/Yahweh is an Immortal Being and the Kingdom of Heaven is all that Exists beyond Earth. It is NOT another dimension that you go to after Death. Every Person since the Beginning has been Recorded and God/Allah/Yahweh can Resurrect Everyone, and Punish or Reward according to their Deeds.

2 No Image can possess the Power of God/Allah/Yahweh, and none can Save you but he. No one knows the Image of God/Allah/Yahweh, and this has been done on purpose. Worship no Image that is Made.

3 Never swear by God/Allah/Yahweh and Not Fulfill what you have Sworn. To do this, is a Deed that will be held Against You in the Judgement. The Evil and Corrupt of this World will find that This Commandment will Damn Them. Speak Not for God/Allah/Yahweh unless He has Instructed You to do so.

4 The Sabbath Day has been referred to as a day of Rest. You are supposed to Rest from your Labors, and Remember God/Allah/Yahweh. You should Remember God/Allah/Yahweh, His Laws, His Teachings, His Actions, and His Prophecies. On this day you should also Reflect on Yourself, and ask Yourself if you are Worthy in the Eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh.

5 Honor Thy Mother And Father. We Honor our parents by being the Best we can be in the Eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh. We Honor our Parents by visiting them in their Old Age and making them feel wanted in our lives. We Honor them by advancing ourselves in Knowledge and Understanding, and showing them that we have learned Right from Wrong. Some people say that this law is Obey Your Mother And Father. We only Obey our Parents until We ourselves become Adults, and then Obedience stops. Honoring Thy Mother And Father means Advancing Oneself beyond our Parent’s education and understanding, and Teaching Them so they may catch up this US. In this way we have Honored them whether they are Living or Dead.

6 Thou Shalt Not Kill. This law is simple in its words, but it is probably meant to be Thou Shalt Not Murder. Murder is the Intentional Killing of Someone for Reasons Other Than Justice or Defense. The Killing of a Convicted Murderer is Justice, and the Killing of an Invader is Defense. In War, the Country that is Threatening is Usually the Bad Actor, unless its threats are made in protection of its People. The World today has put Rules and Laws in place pertaining to Protocols of War in regards to Major Wars. This has kept the World in a Balance that keeps the outbreak of Major War down to a minimum. A person is a Murderer if they Kill for Pleasure, with no regards to the rights of those being killed. God/Allah/Yahweh kept the United States of America out of war, for the four years the Great Prince served in the Marines. This the Power of God/Allah/Yahweh, and should be remembered before someone wishes to commit murder.

7 Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery. This law is in respect to intercourse. It is often interpreted as meaning a married person is Not to have intercourse with anyone But their espoused. It should probably be interpreted as you shall have no intercourse except with your espoused or one that you wish to become your espoused. This interpretation is more accurate because it covers such acts as animal sex, rape, prostitution, child sex, sodomy, as well as sex with someone already espoused. This interpretation also allows for masturbation so one may satisfy oneself to avoid breaking this commandment and others.

8 Thou Shalt Not Steal. This is straight forward. You are not to take that which is not yours. This also means that others are not to take that which is yours.

9 Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness. This is straight forward. You are not to charge others falsely. You do not say someone is guilty of a crime, that you know they are innocent of. This is going to take down many people that lie under oath. God/Allah/Yahweh knows all your deeds, both Good and Bad. The Evil ones who Lie and Deceive with False and Misleading Allegations will feel the Wrath of God/Allah/Yahweh.

10 Thou Shalt Not Covet. This means that you are Not to conspire against others to Obtain that which they have. Knowledge, Truth, and Understanding, are that which we should covet, Not anything else of someone else. There is nothing on this world Worth anything except the Army of the Righteous, and the Blessed Children of God/Allah/Yahweh. Make yourself Worthy.

Are You Worthy???


You have failed to develop yourselves properly.


These are the seven attributes that you are supposed to develop in yourself. Think of yourself as a Citizen of Heaven, and behave as such. The wonders of Heaven are many, and God/Allah/Yahweh has shown the wonders to some, and had them write/communicate what they were shown so future generations would have no excuse or be able to claim ignorance.

Develop and Increase your Knowledge.

Develop and Increase your Intelligence.

Develop and Increase your Wisdom.

Develop and Increase your ability to Counsel.

Develop and Increase your Strengths.

Know in your Heart and Mind that God/Allah/Yahweh is Real.

Fear the Power and Might of God/Allah/Yahweh.

The developing of these attributes is necessary to allow you to advance, and the obeying of the commandments will help you make the right decisions. The proper use of the knowledge you obtain/develop is directed by Intelligence, Wisdom, and Counsel, and is a Strength as well as a Responsibility. Please remember that Ignorance is the Greatest Evil and the Evil Ones use your Ignorance against you using Lies and Deceptions to Distort your Knowledge of Right and Wrong, also known as Good and Evil.

The Evil Ones are those who know and intentionally do Wrong. The Followers of Evil, out of their Ignorance, will be Judged Unworthy to Enter Heaven and Will be punished, following the Judgement Day.



Can You Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven ???


The BIG Picture.


The Prince Of Heaven.

Turn Away From EVIL.


The Signs are all here that we are in the EndTimes. Remember that God/Allah/Yahweh knows all of your Evil deeds and all of your Good deeds. God/Allah/Yahweh’s records on you are Everything you have done since you were born. Nothing is Hidden from God/Allah/Yahweh. You Still have Time to Change and Make yourself Worthy of Heaven.


The BIG Picture.

The BIG Picture. Do you have the Knowledge, Wisdom, and Intelligence, to see the BIG Picture? Can you picture the universe in your mind? Can you Understand how it all works? NO, is the most likely Answer.

We still do Not see the end. They say this is the visible universe. As technology improves we see more of it, that is all.

The Universe is viewed as a flat disk just like a galaxy, therefore it is safe to make the assumption that our universe is just a mega galaxy that is part of even larger mega universe. It may not even stop there.

May God Guide Us To Him And Heaven

The Milky Way Galaxy consists of 200 Billion stars, one of which is our star Sol. We still have not sent a probe much less a person to another star system. Humanity must advance technologically and scientifically.

The only place Humanity has sent a person to, is our own moon. We still have not sent a person to Mars or Venus. We must advance beyond propulsion and combustion.

This is what Humanity calls advancement? Gravity, Magnetism, and Electricity, are basic foundations of Science, yet they have not been developed fully. Solar Cells are more effective in space then on Earth. The magnetic field, atmosphere, and rotation, of the Earth, make solar cells ineffective on Earth. Wind Turbines have fluctuating outputs due to windspeeds. Days that are calm produce less, and days that are stormy cause the blades to be locked so the rotors and generator are not damaged. Power plants today use oil, gas, coal, and nuclear fuels to turn turbines that turn generators. Hydroelectric plants are very efficient as long as they have large quantities of water flowing, but become obsolete if water is diverted due to people or nature. The Environmentalists complain of pollution due to vehicles and power plants, yet fail to advocate technologies that require no fuel, like the following.

The advances necessary for the next step in our Technology Development is as follows.

Energy concentration. Directed Energy. Energy Magnet. Energy Transformer. Energy Star Drive/ Antigravity.

Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh.

Here are some of the reports and drawings inspired by UFO sightings.

As you can see, there has been many ideas, innovations, observations, and speculations. Many of the UFO reports following the second world war were probably due to the Nazi war machines and technologies that were seized after their defeat. The foofighters and UFO sightings that exhaust was seen and landings that produced visible rings were due to this.

The UFO reports of the far past, can not be explained away so easily due to Humanity not possessing the technology, science, or manufacturing capability, to make such devices. We have many stories throughout history, and evidence of advanced capabilities and engineering, that can not be explained. We have no ancient sites where the necessary development of these technologies would be evident anywhere on earth. The knowledge is nowhere, but the evidence of the stories is overwhelming. Therefore we must conclude that something beyond earth has come to earth and has influenced the creation and stories that are unexplained. God/Allah/Yahweh and the angels of Heaven have influenced the development of Humanity over many thousands of years.

Picture 038

St. Michael is one of the principal angels; his name was the war-cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against the enemy and his followers. St. Michael is an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition. He is viewed as the field commander of the Army of God. He is mentioned by name in the Book of Daniel, the Book of Jude, and the Book of Revelation.

The Prophecies, Teachings, and Commandments/Laws, have spread throughout the Entire World. Knowledge has increased, and understanding has also. I tell you to do your research, so you may know that I am Not trying to deceive you. The messages that Heaven has sent to Humanity in my lifetime, are the Hole in the Ozone, and the Shifting of the Magnetic Poles. When the knowledge was told to Humanity, the scientists said that it was impossible. The more they researched, they found the Knowledge to be True.

The evidence that the Earth is experiencing the beginning of the magnetic shift is overwhelming. The magnetic field of the Earth is fluctuating. The magnetic field is being studied of both the Earth and the Sun.


Climate change is occurring due to the shifting magnetic poles of the Sun and consequently the Earth. These changes would occur whether or not Humanity lived on Earth or not. God/Allah/Yahweh knew all of this before he even created Humanity. He has been developing Humanity and guiding it for a very long time. The Judgement Day will occur because at that time God/Allah/Yahweh will Harvest/Save the Righteous. You have been warned for thousands of years, and the time is approaching.

I was predicted to be on Earth at this time, a long time ago. I am Michael. I am the prince that assists in the judgement day. I have studied and advanced myself beyond the existing knowledge and technologies, without the benefit of money or college. This world is still very primitive and it appears that you are only able to imitate or copy what you encounter, but are unable to advance your thinking or abilities to truly advance. I am hoping that I wrong, and that is why I have given you the beginnings of my first technology to test you further in this assessment. Please prove to me, and to God/Allah/Yahweh, that you are worthy and deserve to be saved, and that you are capable of independent and creative thought. God/Allah/Yahweh Bless The Righteous And Guide Them To Heaven.

God/Allah/Yahweh Grant US The Wall.

God/Allah/Yahweh Grant US The Wall. The American People pray to God/Allah/Yahweh to grant them a wall at the southern border, to protect and secure the American People who follow your commandments and are on the Path of Righteousness.


The Arizona-Mexico border fence is seen near Naco, Arizona, March 29, 2013. In the latest bid to militarize the U.S. border with Mexico, Federal agents are asking for 23 more miles of fences, better radios and aerial drones to tighten the nearly 2,000-mile-long southern frontier, according to an internal government study that Reuters been briefed on by officials and seen outlined in emails. REUTERS/Samantha Sais/File photo – RTX2C2D1

A Turkey’s border police personel stands on a watchtower overlooking a barbed wire wall fence erected on the Bulgaria-Turkey border near the town of Lesovo, on September 14, 2016. / AFP / NIKOLAY DOYCHINOV (Photo credit should read NIKOLAY DOYCHINOV/AFP/Getty Images)

Border Patrol agents and others stand next to a new stretch of border wall in Calexico, Calif., Friday, Oct. 26, 2018. U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen will later visit the new 30-foot-high border wall that is replacing a 2-mile stretch of older barriers between the U.S. and Mexico in Calexico. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

HATAY, TURKEY – AUGUST 13: A 3-meter high and 2-meter width wall has been built along the Turkish-Syrian borderline to prevent smuggling, illegal migration and possible attacks from Syria on August 13, 2015 in Reyhanli district of Hatay province, Turkey. (Photo by Cem Genco/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

Border walls and fences are used all around the world. Why is it wrong for the United States to do the same??? The amount of money that it will save the United States is as follows.


As you can see, the wall more than pays for itself in less than 1 year. The time has come for the American People to ask God/Allah/Yahweh to influence our government officials or military to build the wall at the southern border.




God/Allah/Yahweh Destroy The Evil Ones Before The Eyes Of Your Righteous Army Of Light, And Bring Them Peace And Security Where They Live.



The Prince Of Heaven.

The Prince Of Heaven. God/Allah/Yahweh created Humanity and made Earth as a place to develop his creation.

The Devil also Known as Lucifer is a Loyal Servant Of God/Allah/Yahweh, Given the Task of Testing Humanity. The ones who rebelled against God/Allah/Yahweh were Samyaza and the most heinous of his group was Azazel. They made themselves Gods on Earth and taught Humanity many things, some good and some evil. They were captured by God/Allah/Yahweh and imprisoned until Judgement Day, but Azazel was buried alive in chains because his crimes were the most heinous. The Devil/Lucifer has often been confused with the Group that Rebelled. Do Your Research.

Why was Humanity and the Earth Created? Why did God/Allah/Yahweh tell his Angels to bow in Obeisance to his Creation? Why did the Devil/Lucifer refuse? Why did God/Allah/Yahweh Not Punish Lucifer right away? What is the Lamb? Who are the Seven Princes? What are the Seven Lamps? What are the Seven Stars? What are the Seven horns? Why is it always seven? Do Your Research.

The Prophecies, the Legends, and the Oral Stories, of many religions, tell the Plan of God/Allah/Yahweh, but he made sure that all would be revealed according to his plan. The Final Prince, Michael, is on Earth at this time. He has proven that the knowledge and development of Humanity is sufficient to develop the technologies necessary to Enter Heaven.

The Technology that God/Allah/Yahweh possesses far exceeds anything so far developed on Earth. Here is your next phase in technological development, and even with this, we are no match to Heaven.

God/Allah/Yahweh has matter transfer, mind control, matter manipulation, energy manipulation, and much more. The Earth is at its breaking point, and the Population of Humanity is far too great to be sustained. Space Travel must be developed to relieve this stress. The Judgement Day predicted long ago is about to happen, because God/Allah/Yahweh does Not want his creations of Humanity and Earth to be Destroyed Completely. God/Allah/Yahweh Be Praised, And His Commandments Be Obeyed, So We Can Enter Heaven And Receive His Promised Gifts.

Turn Away From EVIL.

Turn Away From EVIL. The EndTimes are Here Now and if you ignore the signs and pursue EVIL ways, then you can Only Blame Yourself when you are Judged Unworthy of Heaven. Google and Facebook Data Collections are Nothing compared to God/Allah/Yahweh Collections. Your Soul is a collection of all you have experienced in life, and it has been Collected in Heaven from the Day you were Conceived, and Recorded.

Many of you think that when you Die you have avoided Judgement simply because your body has failed. Know this Now, that your soul is recorded, and you will be resurrected, and you will be Judged. Every Deed you have done is in the Records, and that will be Used to Judge You, and to Determine if you are Worthy of Heaven, or that you Deserve Punishment in Hell.

Can You Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven ???

Can You Recognize EVIL ???

EVIL Leaders And Their Followers.


Evil Ones Pushing Their Lies.

EVIL Wants To Enslave US.

God vs Devil.

The Knowledge and Understanding Required to Enter Heaven has been passed down for generations in the teachings of most major religions. God/Allah/Yahweh is an Immortal Being that is Immortal, Highly Advanced, and Extremely Powerful. Many of you have built him into an Almighty Spirit who Lives in a Spiritual Realm Called Heaven, and that He and his Angels are Incorporeal Beings, having no Actual Body or Form. You obviously have Not Read the Texts and Stories. Many of the major figures have physically been taken to Heaven, and many of the interactions with Angels have been with physical beings that are capable of being seen and touched, and can eat and drink. Do your Research and Learn the Truth. Physical Angels came down to Earth and made them Themselves the Gods of Old, and had Children with Mankind.

Weapons And Technology Far Beyond Ours.

Advances In Science Required.

A New Beginning.

Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh.

Advance, or Destroy Yourselves.

Electrical Power Generation.

Magnetic Drive Theory.

Propulsion Vs Field Drive.

The Advancement of Humanity and the events of the Future have been foretold for thousands of years. Educate yourselves and live Righteously, and you shall attain a place in Heaven. Pursue Evil ways and Desires, and you shall pay a heavy price, and it is said that you shall wish you had never been born. Remember and study, so you can learn Right from Wrong, and pursue and perform Good Deeds so you may rewarded and not punished.

God/Allah/Yahweh Lead Humanity Into The Future, And Bring The Largest Number Of Your Righteous Children Into The Kingdom Of Heaven, And Destroy Evil On The Earth And Make It Part Of Heaven.

Are You Worthy???

Are You Worthy???

Do you follow God/Allah/Yahweh and obey his commandments?

1 God/Allah/Yahweh holds all power over the People of Earth, and we need to Obey his Laws, so we may be Judged Worthy, of Entering Heaven and Receiving his Promised Gifts. Remember God/Allah/Yahweh is an Immortal Being and the Kingdom of Heaven is all that Exists beyond Earth. It is NOT another dimension that you go to after Death. Every Person since the Beginning has been Recorded and God/Allah/Yahweh can Resurrect Everyone, and Punish or Reward according to their Deeds.

2 No Image can possess the Power of God/Allah/Yahweh, and none can Save you but he. No one knows the Image of God/Allah/Yahweh, and this has been done on purpose. Worship no Image that is Made.

3 Never swear by God/Allah/Yahweh and Not Fulfill what you have Sworn. To do this, is a Deed that will be held Against You in the Judgement. The Evil and Corrupt of this World will find that This Commandment will Damn Them. Speak Not for God/Allah/Yahweh unless He has Instructed You to do so.

4 The Sabbath Day has been referred to as a day of Rest. You are supposed to Rest from your Labors, and Remember God/Allah/Yahweh. You should Remember God/Allah/Yahweh, His Laws, His Teachings, His Actions, and His Prophecies. On this day you should also Reflect on Yourself, and ask Yourself if you are Worthy in the Eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh.

5 Honor Thy Mother And Father. We Honor our parents by being the Best we can be in the Eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh. We Honor our Parents by visiting them in their Old Age and making them feel wanted in our lives. We Honor them by advancing ourselves in Knowledge and Understanding, and showing them that we have learned Right from Wrong. Some people say that this law is Obey Your Mother And Father. We only Obey our Parents until We ourselves become Adults, and then Obedience stops. Honoring Thy Mother And Father means Advancing Oneself beyond our Parent’s education and understanding, and Teaching Them so they may catch up this US. In this way we have Honored them whether they are Living or Dead.

6 Thou Shalt Not Kill. This law is simple in its words, but it is probably meant to be Thou Shalt Not Murder. Murder is the Intentional Killing of Someone for Reasons Other Than Justice or Defense. The Killing of a Convicted Murderer is Justice, and the Killing of an Invader is Defense. In War, the Country that is Threatening is Usually the Bad Actor, unless its threats are made in protection of its People. The World today has put Rules and Laws in place pertaining to Protocols of War in regards to Major Wars. This has kept the World in a Balance that keeps the outbreak of Major War down to a minimum. A person is a Murderer if they Kill for Pleasure, with no regards to the rights of those being killed. God/Allah/Yahweh kept the United States of America out of war, for the four years the Great Prince served in the Marines. This the Power of God/Allah/Yahweh, and should be remembered before someone wishes to commit murder.

7 Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery. This law is in respect to intercourse. It is often interpreted as meaning a married person is Not to have intercourse with anyone But their espoused. It should probably be interpreted as you shall have no intercourse except with your espoused or one that you wish to become your espoused. This interpretation is more accurate because it covers such acts as animal sex, rape, prostitution, child sex, sodomy, as well as sex with someone already espoused. This interpretation also allows for masturbation so one may satisfy oneself to avoid breaking this commandment and others.

8 Thou Shalt Not Steal. This is straight forward. You are not to take that which is not yours. This also means that others are not to take that which is yours.

9 Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness. This is straight forward. You are not to charge others falsely. You do not say someone is guilty of a crime, that you know they are innocent of. This is going to take down many people that lie under oath. God/Allah/Yahweh knows all your deeds, both Good and Bad. The Evil ones who Lie and Deceive with False and Misleading Allegations will feel the Wrath of God/Allah/Yahweh.


10 Thou Shalt Not Covet. This means that you are Not to conspire against others to Obtain that which they have. Knowledge, Truth, and Understanding, are that which we should covet, Not anything else of someone else. There is nothing on this world Worth anything except the Army of the Righteous, and the Blessed Children of God/Allah/Yahweh. Make yourself Worthy.

Have you developed the Spirits within yourself?

Have you ever wondered about the seven princes? Have you ever heard of them? Do your research.


Why is Michael weighing the souls? Do your research.

St. Michael is one of the principal angels; his name was the war-cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against the enemy and his followers. St. Michael is an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition. He is viewed as the field commander of the Army of God. He is mentioned by name in the Book of Daniel, the Book of Jude, and the Book of Revelation.

You will note the passage saying he had no example to follow in doing the will of God, and yet he fulfilled God’s will faithfully. Michael was born and raised on Earth, without any direct guidance from God and Heaven, except being told that he is a prince and to find his way back.

Here is the Technology Michael figured out, to return to Heaven.

I call this new technology the photon coil. The theory behind it is:

Light or other electromagnetic radiation can be inserted into a continuous loop of reflective tubing (fiber optic glass rods are one example) causing it to become trapped. This allows it to become concentrated and useable.

fig 1

I believe if used in a coil-like fashion this will produce a field whether this is a magnetic, electrical, or as yet unknown field such as antigravity, is yet to be determined.

fig 2

I believe if used in a loop fashion this will produce highly concentrated pulses that may be used in applications similar to those of lasers.

Fig 3

The photon coil in Fig 3 is a simple application and consists of four parts.

1. A light or electromagnetic radiation source. This can be as simple as a light bulb or a penlight laser or as complicated as microwave or cosmic ray generators.

2. A coupler that allows the light to enter the photon coil but not to escape it. This can be made of many different materials such as the glass used in the making of fiber optic cables, polished aluminum tubing, or new age plastics or metals.

3. An ejector that allows the controlled ejection of the concentrated light. This can be as simple as modifying a coupler with a rotating mirror or as complicated as using special refraction technologies.

4. A length of material for the coil or loop. This will probably be the same material as the coupler. The length is dependent on the application and the limitations of the material. The following should be evidence enough as to the reasons I have not attempted to build this. The formula to figure out the concentration factor per second is as follows:


The time in seconds the light is applied multiplied by the answer in the above equation provides the concentration factor. The concentration factor multiplied by the lumens or rate of photons produced by the light source will give you the number of photons being ejected given all the photons in the coil are allowed to be ejected. (note: a long coil with a mirror rotating very fast would not allow all the photons to escape, therefore causing the next pulse to be more concentrated than the first. Caution must be used or the photons could become great enough to go beyond the capacity of the material.) Here are some of the concentration factors at various lengths using 186,000 miles per second as the speed of light.

982,080,000 feet per second divided by 1 foot equals a concentration of 982,080,000 times per second of time applied.

982,080,000 feet per second divided by 10 feet equals a concentration of 98,208,000 times per second of time applied.

982,080,000 feet per second divided by 100 feet equals a concentration of 9,820,800 times per second of time applied.

I hope you can now see why I am reluctant to attempt building and testing this technology. Here is an example, the light source is a light bulb that puts out 1,000,000 photons per second, and the length of the coil is 100 feet. The time applied is 10 seconds. The 1,000,000 photons per second multiplied by the 10 seconds applied equals 10,000,000 photons. As seen above the concentration is 9,820,800 times. The original light had a distance of 98 feet between the photons and now has a small fraction of an inch. 10,000,000 photons now share a pulse the length of 100 feet and their concentration is 98,208,000 times the original light. Those of you with any science background will note that the light source in the example is weaker than any star seen in the sky with the naked eye. This example was given to show one possibility of this new technology. The seeing farther than we ever have before.

I have now shown you the basics of this new technology and I hope I have done so in terms the common layman can comprehend. The following applications are only possible if our concept of photons is true. We have all learned in physics that photons act as a wave in some applications and as a particle in other applications, but what is a photon?

Fig 4

In Fig 4 you see a photon traveling through space as a particle having spin giving it electric and magnetic fields. I know this diagram will have many in an uproar but it is an accurate depiction of a particle of light.

The reason I have shown a photon as such is so you can understand the applications I am about to disclose to you. As you know infrared light has a lower frequency and ultraviolet has a higher frequency. Light with a higher frequency has a shorter wavelength than that of lower frequency. The length and width of the coil may be adjusted to accommodate and fine tune to desired wavelength or frequency.

The application in fig 5 is a possible means of using light to create electricity. As you can see, this device would work similar to an electrical transformer. Photons are injected into the photon coil at C, and upon reaching point D are directed back to the beginning of the coil at point E. An electrically conductive coil is placed between the loops of the photon coil and due to inductance an electric current is produced across points A and B.

It is envisioned that the frequency of the injected photons would also be reproduced on the conductive coil allowing electrical devices such as computers, radio, radar, etc. to operate at these higher frequencies.

In the following diagram you see twin coils with photon flows in opposite directions. Photons are injected at points A and B. The coils will fill with photons and produce magnetic fields that will cancel each other, which may cancel the affects of gravity on the object. This can not be tested with ordinary electromagnetic coils because they are too heavy and the concentration of electrons is limited. You will also notice points G and H. These are rotating mirrors fully reflective on one side and transparent on the other side. They allow the transfer of photons from one coil to the other, thereby allowing rapid changes in the fields. When a rapid change is made in the field, I envision the ability to attract or repel the object from another object such as Earth which also possesses a magnetic field. At points I to J and points K to L I am showing the avenues of transfer between the coils. At points C to E and points D to F I am showing the returns that complete the coils making them continuous loops. Please note that if this application is attempted I advise the device being placed inside a vacuum. It is possible that fusion may occur if any matter is in the center of this device. This is the heart of my envisioned starship. Please use it for the good of humanity.

Fig 6 Heart of a starship

God/Allah/Yahweh Brings Knowledge And Enlightenment At The Proper Times. Thanks And Praise To God/Allah/Yahweh.

The People of Earth need to develop these technologies to advance to Heaven. The Endtimes are upon us and the Evil Ones will try to deceive you with their lies.

What they call manmade climate change is the fulfillment of God/Allah/Yahweh’s prophecies for the endtimes. No matter what lies they tell you, they still do not account for the sun and moon rising and setting in different spots then a few years ago. All the changes in climate can be explained by this one fact. The earthquakes, volcanoes, and changes in animal migration patterns, are all due to the shifts the earth is feeling as it changes its magnetic poles, just as the sun is changing its poles also. The changes to the earth will cause many to be displaced and many deaths also. God/Allah/Yahweh will protect his righteous children and shall put many of you through trials to make you worthy of Heaven by allowing you to do Good Deeds and be a Good Example for others to follow. Prepare yourselves for Judgement Day.

God/Allah/Yahweh Bless The Righteous, Show The Path Of Righteousness To All, And Punish The Unrighteous So The Children Will Not Follow Their Evil Ways. God/Allah/Yahweh Be Praised And Glorified.