How Stupid Can They Be?

How Stupid Can They Be? They are saying that we will have to have antibodies to Covid-19 to go back to work. So that means that everyone who staying home and social distancing, and not catching the CoronaVirus Covid-19, will not be able to return to work? If hydroxychloroquine is a preventative, then that means all existing patients on it, will not develop antibodies, and will not be able to return to work? Does this sound stupid to anyone else?

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Update On Pandemic 4-6-20.

Update On Pandemic 4-6-20. Strange how articles are putting down treatment and testing of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin w/wo zinc. In our article at the end, you will see copies of reports, video testimonies, and evidence, that the treatment is in fact able to save lives. It is also funny that now spring has arrived, we are seeing numbers go down. We are seeing hospitalizations decreasing, every where but New York. Is this due to the other locations using hydroxychloroquine? It is also funny how the numbers do not match their estimates, and the effect seems to be overreacted because deaths and hospitalization numbers are not even that of the common flu. The young seem to be immune to this virus but can transmit it, and now we have confirmation that the virus can be transmitted from human to animal, but does it also go animal to human? Is this pandemic real or possibly a curse from God-Allah-Yahweh? The response does not match the numbers. Why does this virus behave so strangely? We are not hearing any explanations to these questions. We will have to wait and see.



God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Remember And Research.

Remember And Research. So far we see no justice or rule of law against the enemies of the United States Of America, foreign or domestic. Why?

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Beware The CoronaVirus Scams And Disinformation.

Beware The CoronaVirus Scams And Disinformation. First, do NOT self-medicate. Many of the stated drugs that are working against the COVID 19 CoronaVirus, may have risks of interactions with other medications and conditions. The stated drugs are required to be prescribed by healthcare providers and professionals so you will NOT be taking unnecessary risks.

Second, there is disinformation online that will make you believe that you can purchase various medications and treatments that can cure or prevent this COVID 19 CoronaVirus. The reasons for going to Healthcare Providers and Professionals is also to assure that you are obtaining real products and treatments from certified companies and pharmacies. There are many scams that are offering medications and cures, that will harm or even kill you. Recently a man and his wife took what they believed was prescription chloroquine but turned out to be tank cleaner. Online it is listed as the same. Obviously it is not. A website was also shut down that was advertising a vaccine for COVID 19, that does not exist. Beware of disinformation and scams. Seek testing and prescriptions from Healthcare Providers and Professionals as well as treatments. You also can go to Healthcare Providers and Professionals, and seek Chloroquine and Azithromycin, by invoking Right to Try, if you or a loved one has COVID 19 and breathing difficulties. The following article shows the whole timeframe and news regarding COVID 19 CoronaVirus.

The Clinical trial for Chloroquine, Chloroquine and Azithromycin, and other mixtures, are beginning in the largest hotspot, New York. We will soon have the data to verify these treatments, and allow FDA Labeling for COVID 19 CoronaVirus. This will free up ICU beds and ventilators. This will also give our Healthcare Providers and Professionals treatments that will free up Healthcare resources. Time will soon tell, and then the economy can be reopened, section by section as the data shows.

Follow the Healthcare tips, and quarantine if necessary, and seek testing, diagnosis, and treatment, from Healthcare Providers and Professionals. Beware Scams and Disinformation.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

COVID 19 Response Required.

COVID 19 Response Required. All persons testing positive for COVID 19 should immediately be placed on Chloroquine and Azithromycin. This will ensure that even if a quarantine has been broken and a hot spot is created, the need for hospitalization and ventilators will be greatly reduced, and the death toll can be kept from increasing, as well as the spread greatly reduced or even stopped.

US manufacturers should increase production of thermal cameras and visors that can show persons who are running high temp fevers, so they can be identified, isolated, tested, and if necessary treated. Thermal visors and cameras can be of great assistance, in identifying persons who may not even be aware they have COVID 19 or even the Common Flu (which kills many more persons). Healthcare professionals dealing with infected patients should also monitor their own temperatures so they can properly seek treatment if infected, contain the spread, and reduce the chance of they themselves requiring hospitalization and ventilators.

US manufacturers should also be making medical masks, gloves, shields, suits, and testing kits, as well as Chloroquine and Azithromycin. Hospital beds and ventilators are for critical care and life-saving measures, that should be rarely required. The social distancing and stay in place orders should only be required until adequate stocks of these materials are in place nationwide. The national guidelines are an effort to contain spreading the COVID 19 Coronavirus until this can obtained.



We repeat, there is no need for panic, and with these simple steps, the COVID 19 Coronavirus can be made less a threat, than the common flu.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

We Do Not Seek Pagan Worship.

We Do Not Seek Pagan Worship. God-Allah-Yahweh has never allowed anyone to remember what he looks like. Various Prophets and Religious Leaders have been brought to Heaven, and have been brought before God-Allah-Yahweh, to receive Knowledge and Instruction. God-Allah-Yahweh is often described as sitting on a throne. When Adam and Eve were created, they hid from God-Allah-Yahweh, as he walked in the Garden of Eden, because they were naked. God-Allah-Yahweh was also known as the Ancient of Days, He With No Name, The Ruler of Heaven and Earth, The Immortal Living God, The Lord of Lords, The King of Kings, The Almighty God, and in other languages and cultures, he is known as God, Allah, and Yahweh. The Prophets, Saints, Archangels, Angels, and everything and everyone else in Heaven and Earth, are not to be worshiped.

I am seeing many people try to profit by selling items that are meant to invoke favor or protection, and they will not. Candles, oils, incenses, images, talismans, amulets, symbols, and even prayers to Prophets, Saints, Archangels, and Angels, will not gain favor or protection from God-Allah-Yahweh. Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me. Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image. This prayer to St Michael was created to remember the prophecies pertaining to him, not to worship him or invoke favor or protection.

This is the prayer we give you, that is more appropriate:

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

God-Allah-Yahweh Created Michael to fulfill his prophecies. Michael is an instrument of Judgement, Justice, and Righteousness. Michael is doing his duties and responsibilities as prince, appointed by God-Allah-Yahweh. Michael is here now, and trying to save as many of humanity as possible. He was told he is a prince, and to find his way back to Heaven.

Remember to worship only God-Allah-Yahweh.

Remember Heaven is where we wish to enter.

The vehicles of Heaven have been with us for thousands of years.

The messengers and teachers.

The teachings of the religions.

The science and technology of the future.

Worship God-Allah-Yahweh and praise him for your creation and advancement. Obey the commandments of God-Allah-Yahweh, and seek knowledge and understanding so you can battle Satan-Devil-Lucifer by not being EVIL and ignorant in the ways of the righteous. No pagan product can help you more than proper prayer to God-Allah-Yahweh and obeying his commandments. You can remember the Prophets, Saints, Archangels, Angels, and other messengers, but never think they can invoke favor or protection. They are merely servants and followers of God-Allah-Yahweh. Remember:

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

CoronaVirus Danger To Southern Hemisphere.

CoronaVirus Danger To Southern Hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere is about to enter Spring, which means that Sunshine will cleanse the virus, as it does with Flu Virus every year. The Southern Hemisphere is about enter Fall, which means less Sunshine, and an increased lifespan of Flu Virus and others. The nations of the Southern Hemisphere should prepare for the CoronaVirus Danger because they are just about to enter their Flu Season.

Please note, as the seasons change in both hemispheres, allergies shall make people panic, thinking that have the CoronaVirus when their symptoms arise. This is inevitable, and should be expected, by government and healthcare organizations. Everyone with allergies should note if others around them that do not have allergies are showing the same symptoms, if they are, then they may wish to have all of them seek healthcare services. If they are not showing symptoms, then it should be safe to assume it is only your own allergies, and not the virus. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is more accurate, than in the Southern Hemisphere, because the North is leaving the Flu Season, where the South is just entering it.


We do not wish to cause panic, but must point this out, so proper planning can be made, and in the proper regions. Vaccines are being worked on, but as with everything else, it takes time. It is estimated that a vaccine will be approved for use and distributed for the Northern Hemisphere’s next Flu Season, which means after Sept 2020. The Greatest Threat will be to the Southern Hemisphere as it enters its Fall and Winter seasons. Prepare appropriately so the most lives can be saved.

This article should help everyone and prepare you with the best knowledge available at this time.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous. The events we see today are due to changes that God-Allah-Yahweh predicted long ago. The final prophecy that was required for the endtimes was the the shifting of the Earth. The sun and moon are now rising and setting in different locations from the past. The magnetic fields of the Earth are about to shift. The magnetic poles are moving more rapidly than anyone can remember. This is also causing weather patterns to shift, volcano activity increases, earthquake activity increases, and temperature shifts. Areas that were colder are now warmer, and areas that were warmer are now colder. Animals, insects, plants and algae, and even bacteria and viruses, are shifting and adapting to these changes. Humanity is trying to downplay this and many are trying to say that Humanity caused it. Ignorance is EVIL, and causes many to believe the lies and deceptions of those spread EVIL.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Are You Intelligent? Are They Suppressing Your Intelligence?

Are You Intelligent? Are They Suppressing Your Intelligence? I have been attempting to teach you for 30 years, and I find it strange that you are not learning. Civilization today runs on electricity and combustion. Electricity can be generated without fuel, but you still do not use it except by solar and wind which are highly inefficient. Why?

Are you able to learn and progress? I have been questioning if you are under mass mind control that is preventing you from advancing? I know my wife can be directly controlled and I have also seen others directly controlled. I am indirectly controlled, and in an encounter my wife had, they said to her that they are not allowed to interact with me. This would mean that I am being kept outside the system most of you are in. Why, and for what purpose? If you are being controlled and kept ignorant, then you are merely pawns in a bigger game, and since you have no control, then you can not be judged accurately due to this interference. I know that I am controlled indirectly, and that I am punished when I desire to do wrong, when I go from thought to action. I have met many people, but few know that I am not like them. I am considered strange and eccentric, but extremely smart. Perhaps the science and religious people need to explore if humanity is being controlled, suppressed, and kept ignorant, so EVIL can flourish, and never enter Heaven?

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.