Should We Develop New Devices For Law Enforcement?

Should We Develop New Devices For Law Enforcement? What would happen if we created sonic and/or directed energy devices for our law enforcement personnel? They would not have to physically take down criminals and could disable them without danger to themselves. We could also incorporate higher energy settings that would allow the takedown of criminals at far greater ranges than common use firearms. We also have crowd control devices such as these that we should start using.

We have miniaturized phones, computers, cameras, and transmitters-receivers into smartphones, so we should be able to make these devices smaller also. We can make our law enforcement and military much more effective and take down the criminal-enemy with technology far advanced to what they can obtain. We can make these devices sealed and biometric locked for use. The complaints about police physical brutality would probably be replaced with police using overwhelming force and weapons of war.

We could also develop devices similar to phaser weapons and change the way we do law enforcement and warfare. We could also make helicopter or drone equipped devices.

We could even develop shock batons similar to cattle prods that would allow control better than beating the criminal.

Handguns, Batons, and even Handcuffs, are from the days of old and can be ineffective. Handguns are accurate to 30 to 40 ft. Batons are metal or wood and only effective against the smaller and more frail. Handcuffs can easily be picked and removed, hence you see many using tiewraps now that need to be cut off, and are more efficient.

The Police have been made to be minimally armed and less threatening, but with terrorists and gangs gaining in warfare training, we may see our police have to become more threatening.

BINLADEN-SPECIAL/ – Illustrations and factbox on U.S. Special Forces units. RNGS. (SIN03)
Indonesian anti-terror police prepare to stampede a hotel during a joint anti-terror drill in Jakarta, on October 27, 2011. The joint anti-terror drill is part of the country’s effort to combat terrorism acts, and comes ahead of Indonesia hosting the Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in November. AFP PHOTO / Bay ISMOYO (Photo credit should read BAY ISMOYO/AFP/Getty Images)

The United States has been infiltrated by Terrorists and those have created the domestic terrorists groups that are now terrorizing the American People. The Police inside the United States have SWAT units to handle armed organized crime, but as the numbers of bad actors increase so must the necessary counter force. We are seeing bombs, Molotov cocktails, acid, dynamite(high power fireworks), vehicles, as well as rocks, clubs, knives, small firearms, and various improvised weapons. Many of you do not remember the MOB wars of the past, but that is where we are now. Gangs of children and young people have been steadily on the rise due to laws that say children can not be treated as adults. The war against the police was started by organized crime and increased by the indoctrination techniques being taught inside our public schools and even higher education. The Rule of Law, and Equal Justice Under The Law, are no longer applied properly, and the systems are now corrupt. Restoration of these systems must be re-established, or we will see our large cities collapse first and then you will see armed American Citizens in rural and suburban areas taking Justice in their own hands due to a lack of trust in the Judicial and Law Enforcement systems. Make no mistake, the older generation is losing faith in the younger generation. The American People do NOT bow down to oppressors and those who seek to take away our Freedoms.

Remember the United States of America and what it stands for.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

May The Wrath Of God-Allah-Yahweh Fall On The EVIL.

May The Wrath Of God-Allah-Yahweh Fall On The EVIL.


Make no mistake, the EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists-Democrats-Liberals are everywhere and they would rather destroy you and your world than allow you to become members of the Kingdom of Heaven, and receive the promised gifts from God-Allah-Yahweh. EVIL is everywhere and they spread their EVIL doctrines, to make you even more EVIL than they are. The signs are here, and the Prophecies are being fulfilled. You are being the chance to change now, and hopefully make yourselves worthy of becoming a Citizen of Heaven. When God-Allah-Yahweh arrives in the New Jerusalem, the Thunders and Plagues will become much worse than now. You have been warned.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

We Warned You That DOJ Would Fail US.

We Warned You That DOJ Would Fail US. Over the past years we said that the EVIDENCE was going missing and/or being hidden and distorted. The failure to heed the warnings is going to lead to the greatest INJUSTICE in US History. The attempted Destruction of the United States of America by EVIL individuals who infiltrated our systems and government at the highest level, is going to go unpunished. The attempted COUP against a duly elected incoming US President, is going to catch only little fish. The Investigations and their FISA warrants, to spy on the opposition party during Campaigns, Elections, and even incoming Transition and Administration, are going to be hidden behind classification, and/or evidence will be mysteriously missing or deleted. We warned you, long ago.

This is the first 2 years of the Trump Administration and the American People are now told that they may not see Justice for the wrongdoing of the EVIL people involved.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Is This The Cure?

Is This The Cure? Do you realize that your chances of dying, are only increased if your healthcare professional fails to use the treatments that are shown to work.

Why are we in lock downs still and are they effective or harmful?

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

The Symptoms In Children Appear To Be Due To Lockdowns.

The Symptoms In Children Appear To Be Due To Lockdowns. We have no reports from anywhere of children suffering, until they were stuck indoors for extended periods, with exposure to cleaning chemicals, and wearing masks that propagate bacterial increase. CPAP machines require daily cleaning and that is with having the masks on for 8 hrs while sleeping. Many people are being required to wear masks for periods much greater than this, and they are not changing them periodically, or are cleaning them improperly and this causes increased bacteria and/or chemical levels. We have seen no guidance warning against this, and because children are small and developing, they are susceptible to lower levels. The guidance speaks of washing hands often, and cleaning surfaces often, but has failed to address high bacterial, high viral, and high chemical levels that people are being exposed to due to lockdowns.

The lockdowns and requirements of personal protection equipment, as well as frequent use of harsh cleaning chemicals in enclosed spaces, will cause medical problems which can be deadly. Most people can not afford 3 masks per day so this is causing problems.

Sunlight and heat kill the virus also, with summer approaching in the northern hemisphere, the virus will decrease or disappear until fall. Sunlight also provides vitamin D which enhances the immune system. Fresh air and exercise allows the lungs to clear and improves health. The dangers being created by these lockdowns far outweigh the chances of contracting the COVID-19 Coronavirus and/or dying from it. The high numbers of deaths in the USA are due to these measures.

PPE is for healthcare professionals that know its use, and are constantly around those infected. Staying confined inside homes and being exposed to harsh cleaning chemicals for extended periods is not beneficial. Reusing PPE or using it for extended periods of time, without properly cleaning it, causes problems and is not beneficial. The hospitals are not overwhelmed. The contracting COVID-19 is not a death sentence. The USA has more than enough ventilators now. Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc, are an effective treatment against the COVID-19 infection. Israel is claiming they have developed an antibody that destroys the COVID-19 in infected individuals and is seeking mass production and testing. The chances of dying from COVID-19 are less than the Common Flu, which takes 3-4 million lives every year worldwide. Protect the elderly and those with underlying conditions, and let the rest of the world return to healthy and productive lives.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Corruption Inside The United States Of America Continues.

Corruption Inside The United States Of America Continues. Released today is the list of persons in the US Government that ‘UNMASKED’ Lt General Michael Flynn during the United States Presidency transition.


We were expecting the Federal Judge to close the case against Lt General Michael Flynn, but guess what happened?

The Politics are very apparent. The US Senate Judiciary Committee was going to request Lt General Michael Flynn to come and testify, so Judge Sullivan has decided this unprecedented procedure can keep this from happening before the election. The ‘Unmasking’ of Lt General Flynn is just the tip of the iceberg. The Obama Administration framed Russia with hacking the Democrat National Committee, framed Donald Trump with colluding with Russia to win the election, illegally spied on the Trump Campaign-Transition-Presidency, illegally dropped case against Clinton, illegally sold off United States assets to foreign powers, and many other Treasonous and Criminal activities.

The United States of America was created as a force for GOOD, but EVIL and Corruption have entered her and like a cancer, are destroying her from the inside. The American People and God-Allah-Yahweh, have seen US President Trump attempt to restore the USA, but with limited success. We thank him for his efforts, and what he has achieved, but it is NOT enough to allow the self rule of Humanity. God-Allah-Yahweh gave US his Commandments-Laws and a Justice system to maintain civilization and deter EVIL so his Children could advance and live in peace. We were told that these EndTimes would come, and we were instructed to look for the predicted signs. Prepare yourselves, for the battle of GOOD vs EVIL is upon US and the Promised Judgement Day fast approaches.

The EVIL of this world must be purged and removed, or Humanity will be completely lost, and require destruction as in old times. This time the Worthy and Righteous shall be saved, and will be allowed to see the destruction of the EVIL and their followers.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

God-Allah-Yahweh Reveals Truth Of His Plans.

God-Allah-Yahweh Reveals Truth Of His Plans. The following should be proof to prepare for the Great Day of Judgement.







The EndTimes are here, as you can see, and you must prepare for the Great Judgement Day. When you see the New Jerusalem approaching Earth and then orbiting it, you shall truly know to Fear God-Allah-Yahweh, and you shall also realize that you are just Children, and that your Father-Creator-God, has arrived to fulfill his Promises and Prophecies.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And His Followers.

Time To Realize The Truth.

Time To Realize The Truth. Many of you are wondering what is going on and why? The War of GOOD vs EVIL, and the ENDTIMES are here now. The Shutdowns are the predicted END OF THE DAILY SACRIFICE. Read.

The EVIL are being exposed and here is the evidence we have been telling you to spread and save.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

US Healthcare Needs Truthful Leaders.

US Healthcare Needs Truthful Leaders. This report shows they knew about Treatments and Preventatives back in 2005, and Lied to US about this one.


How can we trust them, when they knew 15 years ago and withheld this for COVID -19 Coronavirus. The deaths we are seeing are on their hands. Also their models have failed every time they use them.

When Doctors break their hippocratic oath, they should have their licenses removed so the population may be better served by those who still keep their oath.

I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant: I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

These doctors and scientists should be commended, for they saved many lives by telling the world of their knowledge and research. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless Them And Keep Them Safe, Who Save People And Honor Human Life.

The United States has been misled by its Healthcare Leaders, for they lied about known preventatives and treatments for CoronaVirus. The Healthcare Professionals of France, South Korea, and even China, shared their methods of treatments and dosings, and we thank them for sharing. The Healthcare Leaders in the United States downplayed and even wanted to refuse the efficiency of the treatments. They failed the American People and because they failed in their oath, many people died who could have been saved. We wish to also thank Laura Ingraham and US President Donald Trump, for caring enough for Human Life and spreading knowledge of the treatments that saved so many. May God-Allah-Yahweh Bless You Both For The Lives You Helped Save.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.