God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous. The events we see today are due to changes that God-Allah-Yahweh predicted long ago. The final prophecy that was required for the endtimes was the the shifting of the Earth. The sun and moon are now rising and setting in different locations from the past. The magnetic fields of the Earth are about to shift. The magnetic poles are moving more rapidly than anyone can remember. This is also causing weather patterns to shift, volcano activity increases, earthquake activity increases, and temperature shifts. Areas that were colder are now warmer, and areas that were warmer are now colder. Animals, insects, plants and algae, and even bacteria and viruses, are shifting and adapting to these changes. Humanity is trying to downplay this and many are trying to say that Humanity caused it. Ignorance is EVIL, and causes many to believe the lies and deceptions of those spread EVIL.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Are You Intelligent? Are They Suppressing Your Intelligence?

Are You Intelligent? Are They Suppressing Your Intelligence? I have been attempting to teach you for 30 years, and I find it strange that you are not learning. Civilization today runs on electricity and combustion. Electricity can be generated without fuel, but you still do not use it except by solar and wind which are highly inefficient. Why?

Are you able to learn and progress? I have been questioning if you are under mass mind control that is preventing you from advancing? I know my wife can be directly controlled and I have also seen others directly controlled. I am indirectly controlled, and in an encounter my wife had, they said to her that they are not allowed to interact with me. This would mean that I am being kept outside the system most of you are in. Why, and for what purpose? If you are being controlled and kept ignorant, then you are merely pawns in a bigger game, and since you have no control, then you can not be judged accurately due to this interference. I know that I am controlled indirectly, and that I am punished when I desire to do wrong, when I go from thought to action. I have met many people, but few know that I am not like them. I am considered strange and eccentric, but extremely smart. Perhaps the science and religious people need to explore if humanity is being controlled, suppressed, and kept ignorant, so EVIL can flourish, and never enter Heaven?

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Cursed And Confused.

Cursed And Confused.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Many of you have religious beliefs, but you never do your own research to expand your knowledge and understanding of your own beliefs, much less that of other people and their religious beliefs. God-Allah-Yahweh is the God of Abraham, and is worshiped by Christians, Muslims, and Jews, though they all proclaim that they are the only true religion and the others are worshiping a false Deity. Sorry, to inform you, but it is the same immortal God of Abraham who sits on the throne in Heaven, and rules Heaven and Earth.

All of you believe God-Allah-Yahweh will have a final Judgement Day in which you will be judged against the deeds of your own hands. All of you believe that Satan-Devil-Lucifer is the enemy that leads you into temptation and sin. He is also known as the Father of Lies and Deceptions. How many of you think about what temptation and sin are?

Do you know that believing God-Allah-Yahweh is an almighty spirit and that the residents of Heaven are spirits, is a false belief? Do you know that UFOs are really highly advanced technological vehicles that come from Heaven? Do you know that God-Allah-Yahweh records your soul so you can be resurrected and rewarded or punished at his final Judgement Day? Do you know that God-Allah-Yahweh and Satan-Devil-Lucifer are able to take over your body and control you? I have seen people possessed and have been given messages through them. I have seen people controlled so I can be punished for just wanting to do EVIL. I have seen my own wife stopped from telling me what she was told in an encounter with them. I have seen at least two UFOs from a distance, and know that they are NOT from Earth, because Humanity still does NOT have anything that can do what these craft did when I saw them over 40 years ago. I know I have been inside craft at least two times but they have blocked my memory of what they look like, and what the craft and its insides look like. I know that they have the ability to materialize matter inside a closed room, because twice they dropped lit cigarettes that had no filter or markings on my wife as I was there. We would hear a pop and then it would drop on her. The technologies and abilities are far beyond anything we have today. I know that they can show a person what their life will be like and what they will look like 10 years in the future. I know they can create illusions in people’s minds to affect their behavior. These are just the things that I know of.

I have been trying to advance and save Humanity for many years now. I find life here on Earth to be miserable and something that I must endure to fulfill my destiny appointed by God-Allah-Yahweh. I have advanced far beyond any of you with no benefit of rank, money, education, or blessings. If anything, I am cursed with poverty and failure to be able to attain wealth and prestige. I have sought to teach and advance you, but have been granted no charity, no sales, and no investment, even though I know that what I teach works, and can advance humanity in the direction required. I have prayed to God-Allah-Yahweh every day with the following prayer so you, the people may be shown the path of righteousness, and that those who are EVIL and their followers will be shown to you for what they are and should NOT be followed to HELL.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Prayer To God-Allah-Yahweh.

Prayer To God-Allah-Yahweh.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

God-Allah-Yahweh, We Pray For Guidance, So May Walk On The Path Of The Righteous, And Not Be Led Astray By Satan-Devil-Lucifer. God-Allah-Yahweh Grant US The Power To, See The Truth, Hear The Truth, And Speak The Truth. God-Allah-Yahweh Save As Many Of Your Faithful Children As Possible, And Let Them Overcome The EVIL Plans Meant To Deny Them Entry Into Heaven.

God-Allah-Yahweh Show US Who Is EVIL, So We May Know The Path Of The Righteous, And Avoid The Path Of The Unrighteous That Leads To Hell And Punishment. God-Allah-Yahweh Lead US To The Light And Righteousness, And Help US Avoid The Path Of Darkness And Ignorance That Leads To Hell And Damnation.

God-Allah-Yahweh, Let The Trumpets Blow, The Bowls Of Wrath Flow, Let The Signs Show US True, The Events Predicted By You, Your Arrival We Wait, For Your Judgement And Our Fate.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

US President Trump Defense Team Finally Being Heard.

US President Trump Defense Team Finally Being Heard. For 2 hours saturday the US President’s defense team laid out the facts and completely destroyed the false narrative being put forward by the US House of Representatives. The Speaker of the House had no authority to unilaterally begin an impeachment inquiry. The US House of Representatives never voted a resolution on the House floor to give such authority per the US Constitution therefore the subpoenas issued were not legal. The due process rights of the US President were denied except for the last week of the process. The articles of impeachment were written and voted on before the defense team could even respond. Monday and tuesday we will here more from the defense team, and the EVIL Un-American Radical Democrats-Globalists-Liberals will be shown to be liars and deceivers. The Rule of Law must be restored.

Here are our recent articles.

We hope that our articles bring you knowledge and enlightenment.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

The Truth Is Coming.

The Truth Is Coming. The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists-Democrats-Liberals have been conspiring to destroy the United States Of America, so they can conquer the world and install a global communist-socialist government that they control. They want to bring about another dark age where the majority of the population is kept ignorant and made to believe in the lies and deceptions that will keep you under their control and unable to advance to your potential.

God-Allah-Yahweh wants you, his creation, to advance and seek him. I am here to assist in the judgement, and assist in saving as many of you as possible. I am sorry, but the Judgement Day is coming within my lifetime. It is time for you to advance to field propulsion. You need to create a craft that will act as a photon, a particle of light. Alternating magnetic fields make a photon move at the speed of light. Placing photons in loops of fiber optic material can achieve concentrations that metal wire is incapable of reaching. As you advance further in material development, you will be able to increase the fields produced, and reduce the size of the craft. A New Golden Age of technological advancement is coming, and soon you will be able to enter heaven. God-Allah-Yahweh has been implementing his plan for thousands of years, and all of you should thank him for his wisdom and patience.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Right Vs Wrong.

Right Vs Wrong. The World is experiencing a time of great trouble as was predicted thousands of years ago.

The severe weather being experienced is due to the earth shift that changed where the sun and moon rise and set, which is part of an ongoing event, which is the shifting of earth’s magnetic poles.

The legends of Atlantis and the Great Flood, had earthquakes, volcanoes, earth shifts, and severe weather in them. Science, UFOs, and religious texts have all said that these events will occur but they all explain them slightly different. The events are real and therefore the sources of the knowledge must also be real.

War is very real but with all our technology we can not stop the events that are happening today. Many nations go to war for resources, religion, and/or world conquest. With all your technology, you can not conquer heaven, or the problems of your world.

Never forget that your world is controlled and that you are caught between an argument of God-Allah-Yahweh and Satan-Devil-Lucifer. Right Vs Wrong. God-Allah-Yahweh believes you are intelligent and that you are capable of becoming citizens of heaven. Satan-Devil-Lucifer does not believe you are intelligent and that you are incapable of becoming citizens of heaven. You are being tested and at the end of the experiment you will be judged.

The EVIL of your world want control and power over others, and do not care for the welfare of the people. They want you to be ignorant and believe what they tell you, not what is right and good. They seek to enslave you with lies and deceptions, so you can not learn truth and knowledge that will allow you to become citizens of heaven. The GOOD seek to educate themselves and learn truth and knowledge that will allow them to enter heaven. The GOOD seek to educate and advance others to improve everyone’s lives and conditions. Here is your next step technologies.

I have no desire to remain on earth, and rule over you. I want to enter heaven and learn from God-Allah-Yahweh, so I can progress in my own development. I hope to see evidence soon, that you are able to progress in your development, and make yourselves worthy of becoming citizens of heaven.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Please help me advance you, so I may open the way to heaven.