How Stupid Can They Be? I see a world full of Idiots, who fail to understand themselves, others, their world, and the problems that will happen.
I wrote the following 30 years ago. The world has only advanced in computers, communications, and robotics.
Have you ever thought about the future? What will our world be like in 50 years, or 100 years?
Will it be a world of wonders, or a world of tragedy?
— In the last 100 years, humanity has seen the following:
— From horse drawn carriages to various powered automobiles.
— From muskets to atomic weapons.
— From viewing birds to traveling to the moon.
— From small cities to cities populated by millions.
— From a single radio station to worldwide communications networks.
— From performing calculations on paper to super fast mega computers.
The following problems have been created or increased:
— Overpopulation. From less than 3 billion people to over 5 billion people.
— Pollution. A steadily increasing problem that affects all of us. The air we breath is filled with contaminates and the oxygen we need to live is being depleted faster than it is being created.
— Ignorance and Illiteracy. A large percentage of U.S.. residents can neither read nor write. The dropout rates at the high school level have steadily increased. College tuitions continue to increase to the point where many are denied higher education due to lack of funds or they must endure years of debt.
— Crime, individual and organized. This is a steadily increasing problem due to economic times further stressed with overpopulation and a weak penal system that treats criminals better than the poverty stricken populace.
— Taxes. Federal taxes were started during world war II. Federal and state taxes have steadily increased and the benefits provided by these taxes have decreased due to the allowing of the politicians and corporate heads to control the benefits according to personal whims.
— Famine. With population increasing, our ability to grow enough food will begin to steadily decrease. With the over-fishing of our oceans we are steadily decreasing our future food sources, for when the fish run out the populace will have to consume more of the land grown and bred food sources. People are starving even in the U.S.. where obesity has become a major problem.
— Lack of clean freshwater. In most areas of the world there is polluted and/or below standard water. The water in many areas has chemical, biological, and/or human/animal waste.
— Lack of living space. Rents have steadily increased over the years and now that the economy is doing poorly, many people are being forced into the streets because their income has fallen yet the landlords and banks still expect to receive full payment.
— Unemployment, lack of work. This is due to poor planning by world and business leaders, also overpopulation and lack of technological advancement.
— Failing economy. Due to corruption of world and business leaders, and their poor judgment. Also, due to lack of new products and technologies. Oil, gas, and electricity are primary to many of the existing technologies today and the ones who control these products have done everything in their power to prevent the emergence of any technology that threatens to make their products obsolete, no matter how beneficial to humanity or the future.
This is the world you know and live in. A world filled with many problems. War, hate, ignorance, corruption, greed, selfishness, lack of resources, and lack of caring. A world on the verge of self-destruction. A world where money and domination over others is cherished more than love and the welfare of others.
I know times are tough and the problems we face will only grow worse before they get better. The problems need to be faced now because we do not have much time left to do so.
The main problem humanity faces is overpopulation. There are only two solutions to this problem. The first is to kill off part of our population and implement strict birth control regulations. This is not acceptable and creates a way of thinking detrimental to the expansion of the human race. The second solution is to develop the technologies necessary for star travel and find a new world that we can relocate our excess population to. This is not possible with our present technologies. Time and resources do not exist to allow today’s technologies to solve our problem. In 50 years our population will nearly double again. The solution is to devise and develop new technologies that will allow time-efficient star travel and not cause rapid depletion of our resources. This new technology should also be pollution-free, so we can use it to clean up our world and provide better conditions for our people. We must also reform our present political, social, and economic systems.

This is the size of the rocket necessary to allow 3 people to travel to the moon and back. It still has not been improved.

This is the heavy lift vehicle today.

This is the reusable vehicle that was used in the 1980’s.

The International Space Station was assembled using these, and this is what it looks like today.

The International Space Station costs many billions of dollars and when you look at it, it is mostly solar panels and batteries, and then living and working quarters. This is considered our most advanced technology. This is sad.

These are your most effective future technologies that will lead you away from combustion and propulsion, and lead you to efficient star travel and space colonization. You think you are smart, but you are really stupid. You have been progressing at a very slow pace, and you are far from an advanced people.

I have known that God-Allah-Yahweh, Heaven, Aliens, UFOs, are all interrelated and all very real. You have no idea how advanced they are, and how easily they could conquer or destroy humanity and/or this earth.

Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you seen the history of UFOs? Have you ever read about the beginnings of religions, and encounters with beings from Heaven? Do your research, and learn to advance beyond your technologies of today. The time has come to advance to advance in field technology and advance to photons instead of electrons. You do NOT have much time left to do this. The Climate Change that you associate with Human Activity, is a celestial event involving the flipping of the magnetic poles of Earth. This was predicted/prophesied thousands of years ago in the various religions as the EndTimes, and the last message given to UFO abductees by Aliens. The predicted Judgement Day is coming and soon you shall rewarded or punished according to the works of your own hands. Save yourselves and your children by following what is taught as Righteous behavior.