United States Of America Experiencing The EndTimes. The Battle Between GOOD and EVIL also known as the EndTimes is occurring now. How many people believe in the American values of God, Country, and Family?
How many people living in the United States of America know the History of the Country they call Home?

Do you remember the Cold War and the World Wars? Do you know that you have more rights in the United States of America than any other country in the World? Do you remember these?

Many in the United States of America are teaching that there is no God-Allah-Yahweh and that Heaven does not exist either. So they would say that all these are made up?

Do you think that there is no life except on Earth? Do you think that Humanity is the Most Advanced Lifeform in the Universe. Think Again.

Do you think that all this is made up? Do you think all the legends about Gods, Angels, Devils, Visitors, Etc are all made up? Maybe you believe that all this is just made up? Well explain why Humanity can not replicate many capabilities and machines that obvious have been seen?
Ignorance is the Greatest EVIL and it used against people to keep them Ignorant and unable to advance into the Stars/Heaven by Knowledge or Actions. The Laws have been given long ago and if you wish to enter Heaven and receive the Gifts of God-Allah-Yahweh you must follow the path of the Righteous and refrain from EVIL.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.