Read The Law. It appears that the law is once again being abused by those who are EVIL and Corrupt within our government.
3033-Inspector-General-of-the-Intelligence-CommunityThe purpose of the Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community is– (1) to create an objective and effective office, appropriately accountable to Congress, to initiate and conduct independent investigations, inspections, audits, and reviews on programs and activities within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence;

Where is it within the responsibility and authority of the DNI to question the conversations of the President of the United States of America with other World Leaders?
(4) in the manner prescribed by this section, to ensure that the congressional intelligence committees are kept similarly informed of– (A) significant problems and deficiencies relating to programs and activities within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence; and (B) the necessity for, and the progress of, corrective actions.
Congressional Intelligence Committees are NOT entitled to the conversations of the President of the United States of America.

(3) The Inspector General shall report directly to and be under the general supervision of the Director of National Intelligence.

(4) The Inspector General may be removed from office only by the President. The President shall communicate in writing to the congressional intelligence committees the reasons for the removal not later than 30 days prior to the effective date of such removal. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit a personnel action otherwise authorized by law, other than transfer or removal.

It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community– (1) to provide policy direction for, and to plan, conduct, supervise, and coordinate independently, the investigations, inspections, audits, and reviews relating to programs and activities within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence; (2) to keep the Director of National Intelligence fully and currently informed concerning violations of law and regulations, fraud, and other serious problems, abuses, and deficiencies relating to the programs and activities within the responsibility and authority of the Director, to recommend corrective action concerning such problems, and to report on the progress made in implementing such corrective action; (3) to take due regard for the protection of intelligence sources and methods in the preparation of all reports issued by the Inspector General, and, to the extent consistent with the purpose and objective of such reports, take such measures as may be appropriate to minimize the disclosure of intelligence sources and methods described in such reports; and (4) in the execution of the duties and responsibilities under this section, to comply with generally accepted government auditing.

What about all of these items?
(f) Limitations on activities (1) The Director of National Intelligence may prohibit the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community from initiating, carrying out, or completing any investigation, inspection, audit, or review if the Director determines that such prohibition is necessary to protect vital national security interests of the United States. (2) Not later than seven days after the date on which the Director exercises the authority under paragraph (1), the Director shall submit to the congressional intelligence committees an appropriately classified statement of the reasons for the exercise of such authority. (3) The Director shall advise the Inspector General at the time a statement under paragraph (2) is submitted, and, to the extent consistent with the protection of intelligence sources and methods, provide the Inspector General with a copy of such statement. (4) The Inspector General may submit to the congressional intelligence committees any comments on the statement of which the Inspector General has notice under paragraph (3) that the Inspector General considers appropriate.
Read the law. Congress gets a classified statements of the reasons to not investigate. Nothing More.

(G) In this paragraph, the term “urgent concern” means any of the following: (i) A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters. (ii) A false statement to Congress, or a willful withholding from Congress, on an issue of material fact relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity. (iii) An action, including a personnel action described in section 2302(a)(2)(A) of Title 5, constituting reprisal or threat of reprisal prohibited under subsection (g)(3)(B) of this section in response to an employee’s reporting an urgent concern in accordance with this paragraph.
Again, where does the DNI have jurisdiction over the President of the United States of America?

(I) An individual who has submitted a complaint or information to the Inspector General under this section may notify any member of either of the congressional intelligence committees, or a staff member of either of such committees, of the fact that such individual has made a submission to the Inspector General, and of the date on which such submission was made.
(6) In accordance with section 535 of Title 28, the Inspector General shall expeditiously report to the Attorney General any information, allegation, or complaint received by the Inspector General relating to violations of Federal criminal law that involves 1 a program or operation of an element of the intelligence community, or in the relationships between the elements of the intelligence community, consistent with such guidelines as may be issued by the Attorney General pursuant to subsection (b)(2) of such section. A copy of each such report shall be furnished to the Director.

The whistle-blower has no right to file a complaint against the President of the United States of America with the IGIC. If the complaint were valid, it would have been filed with the IGDOJ. Also, it is being reported that the whistle-blower does NOT have first hand knowledge of the conversation. How did the IGIC deem this credible and urgent?
What about looking into the fraudulent assessment report?
When will all these items be looked into? Strange and disturbing, unless EVIL and Corrupt. God-Allah-Yahweh Bring The Rule Of Law Back To The United States Of America.