More COUP Evidence.


We told you long ago.


They have lied in their reports to make it look like Russia and still we do NOT hear the Truth.


Are there other FISA Warrants that we have NOT heard of? Have the Obama Whitehouse Daily Security Briefings been obtained and analyzed? Has the DNC server been obtained and analyzed? What about the Awan Bros and the Servers they tapped and controlled? What about Former President Obama using private email accounts the same way Hillary Clinton did? How many other Government Officials and Politicians are corrupt and using these methods for Criminal Activity? Have the various servers and devices in FBI custody been reviewed since the firing of many High Officials? Have the NSA records been saved? Have Military Intelligence been activated to investigate and locate all the Coup Members involved?

Dear Mr. President, We Thank You for all you have done and endured so far. The American People are Proud of their President Trump. We MUST have prosecution of the Members Of The COUP, or Rule of Law and Equal Justice Under The Law, are NOT present and we have become a third world corrupt nation. God-Allah-Yahweh is Watching and Judgement Day is coming as Prophesied. Remember there is a Heaven and a Hell, and all are accountable for their deeds and actions. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless You And Guide You. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless The USA. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Guide The Righteous. Sincerely, The American People.