
Sabotage. Sabotage means: deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage. Sabotage, Coup, Obstruction, Spying, False Testimony, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Corruption, Resistance, Treason, Sedition, are all words that apply to many of the events and actions taken place today. The Peaceful Transfer of Power, from the Obama Administration to the Trump Administration, …

End Of ‘The Resistance’.

End Of ‘The Resistance’. The Corrupt People within our US Government formed ‘The Resistance’ after the 2016 Election that Donald Trump won to become the 45th President of the United States of America. The Resistance has twitter #resist, #resistance, and #impeach. The following stories verify The Resistance and that it has direct links to …

The Fall Of The EVIL Ones And Their Followers.

The Fall Of The EVIL Ones And Their Followers. God-Allah-Yahweh Lead The Righteous In Battle Against The EVIL Ones And Their Followers. US President Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky have teamed together and are ‘Draining The Swamp’ in each of their countries. This also is a direct threat to the EVIL Ones and their ‘DeepState’ …

The Resistance-DeepState Has Been Confirmed By Many Officials.

The Resistance-DeepState Has Been Confirmed By Many Officials. The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Liberals/Democrats now know that US President Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky have been using an alternative channel due to the formal channel being compromised. The Ukrainian Government had been trying to get information on 2016 Election Interference to our US Government as …

The EVIL Ones Are Idiots.

The EVIL Ones Are Idiots. They have been trying to make a global government set up in the form of communism, with them as the elite communist party and the general populace as the socialist peasants. The United States of America is the greatest threat to the EVIL Ones because we guarantee our citizens individual … A Time Of Great Trouble. Posted on October 9, 2019 by Prince Michael A Time Of Great Trouble. The Battle of GOOD vs EVIL is being fought all over the world. God-Allah-Yahweh gave US his Commandments and Prophecies through many religions, and spread them to the whole world. The United States of America is the most advanced …