God-Allah-Yahweh Shall Judge Them Harshly.

God-Allah-Yahweh Shall Judge Them Harshly. It would appear that the US House of Representatives has broken the commandment of God-Allah-Yahweh, ‘Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness’. They claimed that they were moving with ‘Impeachment’ rapidly due to President Trump was interfering with the 2020 US Elections, and needed to be removed to stop this threat …

Right Of Quick And Speedy Trial.

Right Of Quick And Speedy Trial. The accused has the right of quick and speedy trial, but the EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists-Democrats-Liberals have decided to deny the President of the United States of America this right. The EVIL Ones are in the halls of the US Congress. They have claimed and sworn to uphold the …

US President Trump Impeached.

US President Trump Impeached. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/12/18/house-pass-partisan-articles-of-impeachment-against-president-trump https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2019/12/18/pelosi-could-not-be-prouder-of-moral-courage-of-dems-its-great-day-for-the-constitution-and-sad-one-for-america/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/12/18/ilhan-omar-tells-mccarthy-stop-it-after-he-quotes-tlaibs-impeach-the-motherfcker/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/12/18/pelosi-wont-say-when-she-plans-to-send-impeachment-articles-to-senate/ US President Trump has been impeached by the US House Of Representatives strictly on partisan lines and without any real charges being made. Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress. Both charges have no legal basis and no direct evidence has been presented. The EVIL Un-American Radical …

God-Allah-Yahweh Is Watching The United States Of America.

God-Allah-Yahweh Is Watching The United States Of America. US President Donald Trump will not be crucified, but he is being treated the same way you treated Jesus of Nazareth. You are being watched and your actions and deeds will be used to Judge if you are Worthy to enter Heaven. The nation created with Freedom …

The Trial Of Jesus Of Nazareth-The Trial Of US President Donald Trump.

The Trial Of Jesus Of Nazareth-The Trial Of US President Donald Trump. The EVIL Ones always try to condemn and destroy those Chosen by God-Allah-Yahweh to Help The People, even if they are Innocent of any Crimes. The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists-Democrats-Liberals are treating US President Donald Trump, the same way the Sanhedrin treated Jesus …