Right Vs Wrong.

Right Vs Wrong. The World is experiencing a time of great trouble as was predicted thousands of years ago.

The severe weather being experienced is due to the earth shift that changed where the sun and moon rise and set, which is part of an ongoing event, which is the shifting of earth’s magnetic poles.

The legends of Atlantis and the Great Flood, had earthquakes, volcanoes, earth shifts, and severe weather in them. Science, UFOs, and religious texts have all said that these events will occur but they all explain them slightly different. The events are real and therefore the sources of the knowledge must also be real.

War is very real but with all our technology we can not stop the events that are happening today. Many nations go to war for resources, religion, and/or world conquest. With all your technology, you can not conquer heaven, or the problems of your world.

Never forget that your world is controlled and that you are caught between an argument of God-Allah-Yahweh and Satan-Devil-Lucifer. Right Vs Wrong. God-Allah-Yahweh believes you are intelligent and that you are capable of becoming citizens of heaven. Satan-Devil-Lucifer does not believe you are intelligent and that you are incapable of becoming citizens of heaven. You are being tested and at the end of the experiment you will be judged.

The EVIL of your world want control and power over others, and do not care for the welfare of the people. They want you to be ignorant and believe what they tell you, not what is right and good. They seek to enslave you with lies and deceptions, so you can not learn truth and knowledge that will allow you to become citizens of heaven. The GOOD seek to educate themselves and learn truth and knowledge that will allow them to enter heaven. The GOOD seek to educate and advance others to improve everyone’s lives and conditions. Here is your next step technologies.

I have no desire to remain on earth, and rule over you. I want to enter heaven and learn from God-Allah-Yahweh, so I can progress in my own development. I hope to see evidence soon, that you are able to progress in your development, and make yourselves worthy of becoming citizens of heaven.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Please help me advance you, so I may open the way to heaven.

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Did you know that it was aliens who told us that the use of fluorocarbons was causing the hole in the ozone to grow? Did you know that we did not even know about the ozone layer at the time? Our earth scientists discovered this to be true after they began looking into it.

Did you know that it was aliens that told us about about pole shifts of the sun and the earth? Our earth scientists discovered this to be true after they began looking into it.

Did you know that God-Allah-Yahweh, his angels, and the prophets, have given us teachings, and messages, of what will be, for thousands of years? The most recent prophecies coming true are the EndTimes prophecies. We are seeing repeat of the events that led to the Atlantis legends and the Great Flood legends.

Do your research, and not just on the internet, for they have kept various subjects hidden on-line. The sun and moon are rising and falling in different spots then in the past. The change in climate is due in part to this. The increase in earthquakes and volcanoes is due to the pole shift in progress. These signs are real, but they are not caused by humanity. Check the old books in the library, and see for yourselves, what they are keeping from you on your devices.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

The Democrats Are Trying To Cover Up Their Crimes.

The Democrats Are Trying To Cover Up Their Crimes. Here is what the US President and his Personal Lawyer are doing in the Ukraine.

The case against US President Trump is illegal and unconstitutional. They have nothing but hearsay and are trying to twist facts to their false narrative so they can remove US President Trump and stop the investigations that will destroy them. Here is the EVIDENCE against them and more is being discovered each day that really has them worried.

Please Donate to Help Me Save The World.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL Ones And Their Followers.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We remember today, a man that was assassinated for wanting people to treated fairly, regardless of the color of their skin. Segregation was a period in history when Whites and Blacks were not allowed to associate with one another. Even though slavery had been abolished, the Whites viewed the Blacks as inferior, and refused to give them equal status. They had separate schools for each. They had separate neighborhoods. They had separate churches. After court rulings they were forced to desegregate. On public transportation the Blacks had to sit in the back of the bus and on the trains they had separate cars. Inside public parks they even had fountains that were labeled for Whites Only, and Blacks Only. Desegregation came about in earnest in the 1970s, after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. History remembers this fallen leader of the civil rights movement with reverence this day.

President Trump Responds To Articles Of Impeachment.

President Trump Responds To Articles Of Impeachment.


As we have previously stated, the articles of impeachment are illegal and unconstitutional.

These Articles of Impeachment fail to meet legal and constitutional standards required by the US Constitution. If the Chief Justice is unable to render this verdict, then it should be brought before the full Supreme Court for adjudication prior to further continuance of the Impeachment Trial.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Saving The World By Advancing Its Technologies.

Saving The World By Advancing Its Technologies. The climate change advocates say we need to switch to technologies like Solar and Wind to save our world. They are Wrong. Electrical power can be generated without using fuel and without needing nature. The generators of today are highly efficient and even electric motors are more efficient. An electric motor can be started with a battery and it in turn starts the generator, and once the generator is up to working speed, the battery can be disconnected and the generator can then power the motor. The generator will produce more power than the motor requires, so you now have additional usable power to meet your electrical energy needs.

Many people are creating innovative designs, and you will note that they require much less space and materials than Wind and Solar, and can provide power 24hours/7daysaweek/365daysayear. The people who control the world, do not want you to know this. This type of system can even power the International Space Station more efficiently. This is the direction to take for immediate change. I have a different design that can lead to far more efficiency and parts of it can take over many industries. I am seeking help raising funds to build a prototype, patent it, and produce it. Once this is achieved I will use the profits to pursue your next generation technologies that can lead to a golden age of advancement.

We can save the planet and also enter the heavens. Imagine being able to travel the solar system and other solar systems? It is time to make science fiction a reality, although it is much different than they thought. I have worked on these theories my entire life and I have been patiently waiting for all of to catch up enough to understand. I knew long ago that UFOs are real. I knew the Sun had a magnetic field. I knew that the ancient gods, and God-Allah-Yahweh, were the extraterrestrials only around thirty years ago. The religions of the world are based on beings from heaven that control everything about this world. The ancient Gods were beings from heaven that were supposed to educate us, but they made themselves Gods and rulers, and when God-Allah-Yahweh came to inspect his experiment, he removed them from Earth, and had to destroy most of humanity with the great flood, to put his experiment back to right. This time he will rescue those worthy. Yes, the EndTimes are here.

We can advance to heavens by creating a field drive that creates alternating fields like a particle of light. This will solve many problems and make humanity a star faring race. The dream is within reach. Plaese help me achieve it.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers. It Is Time To Become Free From This World.

Impeachment Bull. Here is their prosecution.

Impeachment Bull. Here is their prosecution.


These people are running your US House of Representatives and are making the laws that will govern you. They are EVIL intentionally, or idiots voluntarily. They are either ignorant of the US Constitution and basic civics, or they are attempting to twist and manipulate it, and force their view on the American People through Propaganda. The US President is accused of baseless non crimes that do not meet the standards required by the US Constitution for impeachment. Time for more education.

The EVIL within the United States of America, is an embarrassment and must be purged. God-Allah-Yahweh gave us his laws, also known as his Ten Commandments, so we could live in harmony with each other, having structure and a system of basic rights. The United States of America was created upon the teachings of God-Allah-Yahweh and his prophets.

The lack of evidence and abuse of basic American rights is beyond belief. The claims by the US President of Presidential Harassment appear to be very true. The EVIL Ones around the world are experiencing the wrath of God-Allah-Yahweh and their respective Peoples. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

On another Note: