US House Of Representatives Releases Impeachment Documents. 5-8-20.

US House Of Representatives Releases Impeachment Documents. 5-8-20.

Deposition of Ambassador Philip Reeker on October 26, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/27/2019
Interview Transcript of Rinat Akhmetshin (November 13, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Stephen Bannon (January 16, 2018) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Stephen Bannon (February 15, 2018) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Andrew Brown (August 30, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Michael Caputo (July 14, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of John Carlin (July 27, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Thomas Catan (October 18, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of James Clapper (July 17, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Samuel Clovis (December 12, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Dan Coats (June 22, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Michael Cohen (October 24, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Rick Dearborn (January 17, 2018) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Diana Denman (December 5, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Marc Elias (December 13, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Boris Ephsteyn (September 28, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Evelyn Farkas (June 26, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Peter Fritsch (October 18, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Michael Goldfarb (December 12, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Rob Goldstone (December 18, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Jeffrey Gordon (July 26, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Rhona Graff (December 22, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Shawn Henry (December 5, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Hope Hicks (February 27, 2018) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Ike Kaveladze (November 2, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of David Kramer (December 19, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of David Kramer (January 10, 2018) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Jared Kushner (July 25, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Corey Lewandowski (January 17, 2018) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Corey Lewandowski (March 8, 2018) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Loretta Lynch (October 20, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Simona Mangiante (July 18, 2018) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Andrew McCabe (December 19, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Mary McCord (November 1, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Alexander Nix (December 14, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Carter Page (November 2, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Brad Parscale (October 24, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Walid Phares (December 8, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of John Podesta (June 27, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of John Podesta (December 4, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Samantha Power (October 13, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Erik Prince (November 30, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Benjamin Rhodes (October 25, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Susan Rice (September 8, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Jonathan Safron (October 12, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Anatoli Samochornov (November 28, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Felix Sater (December 20, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Keith Schiller (November 7, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Jefferson Sessions (November 30, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Roger J. Stone, Jr. (September 26, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Jake Sullivan (December 21, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Michael Sussman (December 18, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Matthew Tait (October 6, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Yared Tamene Wolde-Yohannes (August 30, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Donald Trump, Jr. (December 6, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Witness Name Redacted (December 20, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Sally Yates (November 3, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Interview Transcript of Christopher Wylie (April 25, 2018) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020
Executive Summary of HPSCI’s DIA Roles and Missions Report [PDF] Added on 6/6/2019
Deposition of Ambassador Marie “Masha” Yovanovitch on October 11, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/4/2019
Transcribed interview of Ambassador P. Michael McKinley on October 16, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/4/2019
Texts Produced to the Committee by Volker on October 2, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/5/2019
Deposition of Ambassador Gordon Sondland on October 17, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/5/2019
Transcribed Interview of Ambassador Kurt Volker on October 3, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/5/2019
Deposition of Ambassador William B. Taylor on October 22, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/6/2019
Desposition of Mr. George Kent on October 17, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/7/2019
Deposition of Dr. Fiona Hill on October 14, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/8/2019
Deposition of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander S. Vindman, on October 29, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/8/2019
Deposition of Ms. Laura K. Cooper on October 23, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/11/2019
Deposition of Ms. Catherine Croft on October 30, 2019. [PDF] Added on 11/11/2019
Deposition of Mr. Christopher Anderson on October 30, 2019. [PDF] Added on 11/11/2019
Deposition of Ms. Laura Williams on November 7, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/18/2019
Deposition of Mr. Timothy Morrison on October 31, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/18/2019
Deposition of Mr. David Hale on November 6, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/18/2019
Deposition of Mr. Brian McCormack on November 4, 2019. [PDF] Added on 11/26/2019
Deposition of Dr. Charles Kupperman on October 28, 2019. [PDF] Added on 11/26/2019
Deposition of Mr. T. Ulrich Brechbuhl and Mr. Russell Vought on November 6, 2019. [PDF] Added on 11/26/2019
Deposition of Mr. Preston Wells Griffith on November 5, 2019. [PDF] Added on 11/26/2019
Deposition of Mr. Michael Duffey on November 5, 2019. [PDF] Added on 11/26/2019
Deposition of Mr. John Michael “Mick” Mulvaney on November 8, 2019. [PDF] Added on 11/26/2019
Deposition of Mr. Robert Blair on November 4, 2019. [PDF] Added on 11/26/2019
Deposition of Mr. John Eisenberg on November 4, 2019. [PDF] Added on 11/26/2019
Deposition of Mr. Michael Ellis on November 4, 2019. [PDF] Added on 11/26/2019
Deposition of Mr. Mark Sandy on November 16, 2019 [PDF ] Added on 11/27/2019
Adopted on February 6, 2019 were the Committee Rules of Procedure for the 116th Congress [PDF] Added on 2/12/2019

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

House Intelligence Committee Releases Transcripts. 5-7-20.

House Intelligence Committee Releases Transcripts. 5-7-20. Long awaited transcripts are finally released, and you will not believe what they prove.

Enjoy the show and you may read all of these for yourself.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Michael Flynn Update.

Michael Flynn Update.

Department of Justice, upon review of case, has decided to drop charges against Lt General Michael Flynn. We hope for complete exoneration soon.


God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Where Are The Hidden Documents?

Where Are The Hidden Documents? We now know that multiple investigations were opened against the Trump Administration. We see that Crossfire Hurricane was merely one of them. They also had CrossWind, Crossfire Typhoon, Crossfire Razor, and another still redacted investigation. We know that they had a FISA Title 1 against Carter Page, but what about Paul Manafort, George Papadopolous, Michael Flynn, and we presume the redacted is probably Roger Stone? They also may have had investigations into Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr, Melania Trump, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and many others. Where are the records for the other FISAs that would have been associated with the other investigations? Where are the documents relating to all these investigations?




We also have this document now, that shows DAG Rosenstein conspired with Deputy Director McCabe in regards to spying/entrapping President Trump, and also setting up Special Counsel.


We now know that there is much more that needs to be investigated, because we have not heard of these other named investigations, and only the Carter Page FISA has been exposed, but if they followed pattern, then there are other FISAs. We know that they had a FICA in regards to the Trump Server and the Russian Bank.

We also know that Project Fulsome was also going on at President Obama’s request with GCHQ in the United Kingdom. Where are the Documents?

We have been saying that there is an EVIL Global Element that has infiltrated the United States of America, and has been working to the weakening and then destruction of our great nation. President Obama appears to have been a member of this Element, and even his legitimacy to be the US President, is still in question, and his actions seem to prove it also. Do you know that his personal records are sealed under executive order, and that his Presidential Daily Briefings were transferred to the Obama Library immediately to avoid FOIA requests for 5 years? Common Core was used to brainwash our children, God was removed, Allah was silently installed in schools, our US Military was depleted, refugees and illegals were increased and encouraged, the Affordable Care Act was installed to bankrupt the USA, DAPA and DACA were illegally created with Executive Orders, the Opioid Crisis was never addressed, our Ports were leased to foreign government entities, our uranium was shipped out by him, the spying and unmasking were directed by him, the Resistance movement was created by him to overthrow his unwanted successor, DOJ slush fund was used to reward and fund his progressive movements, the Iran payment and Palestinian payments were used fund the destruction of US, Climate Change was pushed as manmade, and Globalism was used in an attempt to destroy Nationalism so our country would not rebel when their New World Order was established.

Is this his real birth certificate supplied by his brother?

The United States of America has always been known as the policeman of the world, and a weakened force can not protect others or even itself. The EVIL in the world have been destroying US covertly and from the inside, so they may control you and keep you from advancing, thereby denying you knowledge of Heaven, and the desire to part of it. Here are the documents and evidence to prove the corruption and EVIL, but there is much more that we still have not seen.

We wish to give you knowledge, power, and inspiration, so we created this article to assist you.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

US Healthcare Needs Truthful Leaders.

US Healthcare Needs Truthful Leaders. This report shows they knew about Treatments and Preventatives back in 2005, and Lied to US about this one.


How can we trust them, when they knew 15 years ago and withheld this for COVID -19 Coronavirus. The deaths we are seeing are on their hands. Also their models have failed every time they use them.

When Doctors break their hippocratic oath, they should have their licenses removed so the population may be better served by those who still keep their oath.

I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant: I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

These doctors and scientists should be commended, for they saved many lives by telling the world of their knowledge and research. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless Them And Keep Them Safe, Who Save People And Honor Human Life.

The United States has been misled by its Healthcare Leaders, for they lied about known preventatives and treatments for CoronaVirus. The Healthcare Professionals of France, South Korea, and even China, shared their methods of treatments and dosings, and we thank them for sharing. The Healthcare Leaders in the United States downplayed and even wanted to refuse the efficiency of the treatments. They failed the American People and because they failed in their oath, many people died who could have been saved. We wish to also thank Laura Ingraham and US President Donald Trump, for caring enough for Human Life and spreading knowledge of the treatments that saved so many. May God-Allah-Yahweh Bless You Both For The Lives You Helped Save.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Comfort And Hope.

Comfort And Hope. The American Spirit will NOT be destroyed again. God, Country, And Family.

May you take comfort and hope from all this information. The United States of America was created as a beacon of freedom and a force for truth, justice and the American way. We are under attack from EVIL forces both outside and inside. We can win the battle of GOOD vs EVIL if we restore the systems set up by our forefathers and founders. We must make sure we never lose what makes US special.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Where Is The Law And Justice?

Where Is The Law And Justice? Where are all the Records, FISA, and Warrants, in regards to Crossfire Hurricane, Crossfire Typhoon, Crossfire Razor, CrossWind, Project Fulsome, and any other case used in the attempted coup of US President Trump? Where are the servers, the 2016-17 Obama Presidential Daily Briefings, the Mueller Investigation failures, the Intelligence Community Assessment failures, and where is the evidence of Russia hacking the Democratic National Committee? Does Peter Strzok still work for the Central Intelligence Agency? How many documents have been deleted, and/or hidden by ongoing status and redactions?

The United States of America was supposed to return to the greatness of previous years. The US military was rebuilt and Space Force was created. The US Economy was rebuilt, only to be destroyed by a pandemic that appears NOT to be a pandemic. The school system has NOT been restored, and US students are still NOT learning English, Reading, Writing, Math, Science, American History, World History, and even Basic Civics. The Rule of Law has not been restored, and law enforcement is not protecting the basic rights of American Citizens. The Justice System has failed to create the iconic Equal Justice Under The Law. The Judicial System is being restored, but renegade Judges are not being brought to task or removed. The Attempted Coup against US President Trump and his Administration has seen no indictments, arrests, or trials. Religious Freedom has been restored but Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press has not. US President Trump has not restored the Executive Order making propaganda illegal to the American People. The Second Amendment to Keep and Bear Arms is still being contested and restricted in some areas. The Fourth Amendment Privacy Rights have not been restored and the FISA Court, FBI, CIA, NSA, and Leakers have not been brought to Justice for their abuses. The Executive Branch has NOT been cleared of Deep State-Resistance-Traitors, and the US Senate has failed to confirm the nominations for the Trump Administration after 3.5 years. The Opioid Crisis and Border Security has been greatly improved, though the US Congress has failed in any attempt to correct the Immigration System. The Healthcare System was being improved, but ACA has NOT been completely removed and replaced, and the US Supreme Court has still NOT ruled on it. DACA also has not been resolved by US Congress or the US Supreme Court. The International Trade Deals have been renegotiated and balanced. NATO has been strengthened. Nationalism is returned to the USA and many other countries. The War on Terrorism has advanced greatly and ISIS Caliphate is destroyed. Drug, Human, and Other Smuggling has been greatly reduced. Wasteful spending is being curbed but NOT completely, due to US Congress negotiations. The Corruption in the US Government, State Governments, and City Governments has NOT been removed or addressed, and this is largely due to the failure to Restore Rule of Law and Justice systems.

The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists-Democrats-Liberals have NOT been brought to Justice and because of this failure, Humanity is failing to provide the basics of Civilization for all its members. God-Allah-Yahweh predicted these times of Great Trouble, and the Signs are present that we are now in the EndTimes. God-Allah-Yahweh is coming, and the predicted Judgement Day is fast approaching. Humanity is advised to prepare.

This Great Pandemic is anything but, and it has created the crash of the World Economies, as well as fulfilled the Prophecy of the End Of The Daily Sacrifice. You now have about 3.5 years to the Abomination of Desolation. Prepare yourselves.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.