Witnesses And Documents.

Witnesses And Documents. The following should be obtained-called:

The Whistleblower who started this whole situation, because no one has heard from him-her, and cross examination is necessary.

The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, because he changed the whistleblower form, and allowed hearsay to be forwarded without any verification. His testimony from the US House of Representatives should also be obtained.

Representative Adam Schiff who had involvement with the Whistleblower prior to the complaint, and whose staffers may have helped him write the complaint.

The President’s Personal Attorney Rudy Giuliani who can explain the coordination with the Government of the Ukraine, and that it did not involve the 2020 Elections, but corruption, 2016 Elections, framing President Trump and his administration, and corruption schemes of Bidens-Burisma.

There is also many other examples of US Government Corruption but not of the Trump Administration. The Coup Attempt is NOT a conspiracy theory, but they are trying to cover it up.

The US House of Representatives has failed to bring valid Articles of Impeachment, and they have no Direct Evidence of their charges. This is the most corrupt Impeachment in history, with the sole goal of removing the US President.

If the US Senate wants Witnesses and Additional Documents, then the above listed would be the most logical to get to the heart of the issues without court battles of Executive Privilege. May the US Senators see this and if necessary, request these to finish this sham Impeachment with minimal delay.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

US President Trump Announces Middle East Peace Proposal.

US President Trump Announces Middle East Peace Proposal.


God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers. God-Allah-Yahweh Guide Your Children To Peace And Open Their Minds To See Your Truth.

Coronavirus Is Now A Concern For Health Officials.

Coronavirus Is Now A Concern For Health Officials. The virus is spreading worldwide and is becoming of grave concern. Travel restrictions, screenings, and warnings, are now common worldwide and the Center for Disease Control has held a press briefing today.








To all people, be vigilant and if you show signs, seek medical evaluation to help contain this dangerous virus.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers. God-Allah-Yahweh Turn Your Children To Righteousness So they May Be Worthy Of Heaven.

The Case Against Bolton.

The Case Against Bolton. The many leaks that occur in this administration would have been noted by the whistleblower, the many witnesses, and all the people on the phonecalls. The transcripts have been both released. Bolton never filed a complaint with anyone. The only thing heard about was that Bolton, considered it a ‘drug deal’ and that the President’s personal lawyer was a ‘hand grenade’. Since Bolton is NOT a whistleblower and no complaints have been filed by him, then it must be assumed that the rumor is being circulated for sales of his book about to be released.

Since Bolton was relieved as National Security Advisor on 9-10-19 there has been no whistleblower complaint or ethics complaints filed by him.

Prayer To God-Allah-Yahweh.

Prayer To God-Allah-Yahweh.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

God-Allah-Yahweh, We Pray For Guidance, So May Walk On The Path Of The Righteous, And Not Be Led Astray By Satan-Devil-Lucifer. God-Allah-Yahweh Grant US The Power To, See The Truth, Hear The Truth, And Speak The Truth. God-Allah-Yahweh Save As Many Of Your Faithful Children As Possible, And Let Them Overcome The EVIL Plans Meant To Deny Them Entry Into Heaven.

God-Allah-Yahweh Show US Who Is EVIL, So We May Know The Path Of The Righteous, And Avoid The Path Of The Unrighteous That Leads To Hell And Punishment. God-Allah-Yahweh Lead US To The Light And Righteousness, And Help US Avoid The Path Of Darkness And Ignorance That Leads To Hell And Damnation.

God-Allah-Yahweh, Let The Trumpets Blow, The Bowls Of Wrath Flow, Let The Signs Show US True, The Events Predicted By You, Your Arrival We Wait, For Your Judgement And Our Fate.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

US President Trump Defense Team Finally Being Heard.

US President Trump Defense Team Finally Being Heard. For 2 hours saturday the US President’s defense team laid out the facts and completely destroyed the false narrative being put forward by the US House of Representatives. The Speaker of the House had no authority to unilaterally begin an impeachment inquiry. The US House of Representatives never voted a resolution on the House floor to give such authority per the US Constitution therefore the subpoenas issued were not legal. The due process rights of the US President were denied except for the last week of the process. The articles of impeachment were written and voted on before the defense team could even respond. Monday and tuesday we will here more from the defense team, and the EVIL Un-American Radical Democrats-Globalists-Liberals will be shown to be liars and deceivers. The Rule of Law must be restored.

Here are our recent articles.

We hope that our articles bring you knowledge and enlightenment.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

God-Allah-Yahweh Showing US Who Is EVIL.

God-Allah-Yahweh Showing US Who Is EVIL. The ramblings of the EVIL Un-American Radical Democrats-Globalists-Liberals are becoming more unhinged and incoherent as time goes by. I pray this prayer every day: God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

They are claiming that Russia hacked the DNC and that any thing otherwise is a Russia Propaganda Theory. I guess our veteran intelligence officials are also agents of Russia? Here is their report and articles.


They want us to believe that their is no reason to look into Ukraine involvement in 2016 election and corruption with embassy officials. Here is evidence that requires looking into.

I grow tired of the lies and deceptions put forward by these EVIL People. The evidence of corruption, illegal spying, pay-for-play, multinational spy set up-coup, falsified FISAs, illegal leaks, illegal unmaskings, falsely framing an elected president, and falsely framing an enemy foreign power, are just the tip of the iceberg.

Never forget the past, and learn from it. The EVIL Ones do NOT want you to remember, so they can cover up their corruption and blame others with a false narrative. This is their game plan and I want to remember all these things until Justice is seen.

Remember my Prayer: God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers. We wish everyone to have a chance of becoming worthy to enter Heaven.

The Truth Is Coming.

The Truth Is Coming. The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists-Democrats-Liberals have been conspiring to destroy the United States Of America, so they can conquer the world and install a global communist-socialist government that they control. They want to bring about another dark age where the majority of the population is kept ignorant and made to believe in the lies and deceptions that will keep you under their control and unable to advance to your potential.

God-Allah-Yahweh wants you, his creation, to advance and seek him. I am here to assist in the judgement, and assist in saving as many of you as possible. I am sorry, but the Judgement Day is coming within my lifetime. It is time for you to advance to field propulsion. You need to create a craft that will act as a photon, a particle of light. Alternating magnetic fields make a photon move at the speed of light. Placing photons in loops of fiber optic material can achieve concentrations that metal wire is incapable of reaching. As you advance further in material development, you will be able to increase the fields produced, and reduce the size of the craft. A New Golden Age of technological advancement is coming, and soon you will be able to enter heaven. God-Allah-Yahweh has been implementing his plan for thousands of years, and all of you should thank him for his wisdom and patience.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.