Obey The Laws, USA And God/Allah/Yahweh.

Obey The Laws, USA And God/Allah/Yahweh. Why are the Laws NOT being enforced? Why are the Laws NOT being applied equally? Why are the State and Local Laws being Allowed to Supersede the Federal Laws? Why are the Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists able to pick and choose which Laws apply to them, and yet claim that Conservatives and Republicans are Guilty of breaking the Laws WITHOUT any PROOF but empty allegations? Do we live on Earth in a Law Abiding Country, or do we live in Hell where Evil Reigns?

God/Allah/Yahweh gave the Ten Commandments to All The People Of The World. These Laws were given as a basis for Entry into Heaven, and also as a basis for the Legal Systems of the nations on Earth. The Kingdom of Heaven will NOT allow EVIL to enter it. The technology you are being is your next step in evolution, but it is far from what God/Allah/Yahweh possesses. Use it wisely and advance, or destroy yourselves.

Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh.

You like to think of yourselves as the most advanced creatures in existence, but you are NOT. You are an infant race being guided by an Immortal Superior Being that Protects his Chosen and Punishes Those who are EVIL and Disobedient. The EndTimes are upon us and you have been Warned. Let us see who follows the Teachings of God/Allah/Yahweh, and who follows the Teachings of Satan/Devil/Beelzebub. You are being Watched and You will be Judged. The Army of Heaven can Easily Crush and Destroy any Individual, Group, Organization, Nation, or Entire World, that God/Allah/Yahweh Commands it to.

God/Allah/Yahweh Bless The Righteous And Destroy The Evil Ones, So That All May See And Know Your Awesome Power. Amen.

Can You Recognize EVIL ???

Can You Recognize EVIL ??? Do you even know what Evil is ? Evil is behavior unbecoming of a Citizen of Heaven. God/Allah/Yahweh made covenants with various people of the Earth, and those covenants dictate proper behavior and actions required to be considered Good and Righteous. The Most Renown covenant is the Ten Commandments for it was the first that was stated to apply to all the people of the Earth. The failure to obey these Ten Commandments would be considered a violation of the Covenant with God/Allah/Yahweh and therefore an Evil act that can be held against them. Ignorance of these Ten Commandments, which shall be referred to as the Laws of God/Allah/Yahweh, shall mean that the person shall fall into the category of Pagan or Unbeliever, and shall be judged as Evil and Unrighteous. Ignorance is Pure Evil, for to be Ignorant means that you have no knowledge of right from wrong, and therefore are to be considered Primitive, Uncivilized, and Animal-like. God/Allah/Yahweh has taught us his Laws and the behavior required to become a Citizen of Heaven.

The Devil or Satan is considered EVIL and also called the Father of Lies. It is through lies and deceptions that the ignorant are led to Evil and Unrighteousness by doing acts that are wrong. Those who lead others astray, are known as Devils, Demons, and Fallen Angels. These people do not believe in God/Allah/Yahweh, and think they are never going to be Judged by him. They think that they are smart, and that the Children of God/Allah/Yahweh are stupid to believe in his existence. They think that God/Allah/Yahweh is a myth and that those who believe are stupid, ignorant, and easily fooled. They are the fools, and they are the ignorant and stupid.

The primitive only think of survival and procreation, and have no desire to advance themselves. The primitive male will be often aggressive and seek to impregnate all females around him. He will be territorial, dominant, and believe that he is the owner of his world and all that is in it. They have no concept of God/Allah/Yahweh and will be brutal against any threat to their domination. The primitive female seeks primitive males to impregnate her, believing that he will give her strong children that will continue to dominate and control their world. She will often be proud that she is dominated by a fierce male, but if he should fail in battle, she will seek to maintain her position with his successor. She knows that he will have many other females, and that her position is dependent upon his desire for her. They have no written language and will live as tribes. This is how the primitive behave.

The intelligent will seek to understand their world and use knowledge to benefit themselves and pass it on to their children. They will develop written language, and will develop tools and skills. They will develop law, building, irrigation, farming, education, religion, and warfare. They shall develop on these concepts and pass them on to their children, as long as they can maintain their civilization. They shall develop various sciences and technologies, which will lead to an expansion of their society into villages, towns, cities, territories, states, and nations. They shall thrive under good management and collapse under corrupt management. They shall clash with other nations when those nations seek to conquer them or impose their will upon them. The world has grown very small today due to the large population and diminishing resources. The world you know is on the verge of a collapse and many of you are just too stupid to know it.

God/Allah/Yahweh is very real, and his prophecies always happen. God/Allah/Yahweh is a superior being who is immortal and is the Ruler of the Kingdom of Heaven, which is at a minimum, this part of the Galaxy. Earth is a project that was begun long ago, and which is about to enter a major phase. Many of you have never seen the power of God/Allah/Yahweh, and many of you have seen and not believed. How many ancient discoveries and ruins have made you wonder, how did they do that, and why are we still incapable of it today? How long will our cities last without constant maintenance and rebuilding? A lot less time than those cities of stone. Have you ever read about the ancient Gods, or wondered why many attributes of God/Allah/Yahweh were related to them? Do your research and see what conclusions you come to. The UFOs of the past were written as clouds, wheels, pillars of fire, and various other descriptions. But you always hear that they came down from Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is not an Earthly Kingdom, is a common phrase that many religious leaders have twisted into a spiritual realm when it merely means beyond Earth. The Nazis made many advances in the areas of science, and that nearly allowed them to conquer the world. Rockets, jets, bombs, cannons, atomic weapons, possibly anti-gravity, and some even say time-warp technology. Semiconductors were not among them, and we still used vacuum tubes, until a very different event. The crash of a UFO in Roswell NM in 1947. After the recovery and examination, we came out with semiconductors, computers, and even Velcro. We do not see American made antigravity vehicles flying all over the globe. We do not see American made fusion generators or powerful fusion rockets. We do not see any advancement beyond propulsion and combustion systems, therefore it must be assumed that the device recovered was not a spacecraft but maybe a satellite of some kind. A gift from God/Allah/Yahweh with just the right amount and kind of technology to allow the next stage in our development. The military has tried many times to shoot down UFOs and they are still amazed and baffled by their performance and abilities. Therefore it can be assumed that our scientists and military have not developed the technologies necessary to advance to that level of capabilities. We can only assume that the object was provided and that only the technology that God/Allah/Yahweh wanted us to have was provided. Why have we not advanced further? God/Allah/Yahweh told us his plan, and gave us prophecies to verify it.

The technology you need to advance to the next stage is here. I came out with it over 30 years ago, but none of you have listened or understood. Maybe you can understand now.

Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh.

May God/Allah/Yahweh Bless You With Understanding And Allow You To Advance To Become A Member Of Heaven. May you make yourselves worthy to be called the Children of God/Allah/Yahweh, and may he point your path away from EVIL.

Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh.

Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh. The following is what you need to advance, and to bring Heaven to Earth after these EndTimes. From God/Allah/Yahweh to the People of Earth via Michael, the great prince. Use it wisely.
I call this new technology the photon coil. The theory behind it is:
Light or other electromagnetic radiation can be inserted into a continuous loop of reflective tubing (fiber optic glass rods are one example) causing it to become trapped. This allows it to become concentrated and useable.

fig 1
I believe if used in a coil-like fashion this will produce a field whether this is a magnetic, electrical, or as yet unknown field such as antigravity, is yet to be determined.

fig 2
I believe if used in a loop fashion this will produce highly concentrated pulses that may be used in applications similar to those of lasers.

Fig 3
The photon coil in Fig 3 is a simple application and consists of four parts.
1. A light or electromagnetic radiation source. This can be as simple as a light bulb or a penlight laser or as complicated as microwave or cosmic ray generators.
2. A coupler that allows the light to enter the photon coil but not to escape it. This can be made of many different materials such as the glass used in the making of fiber optic cables, polished aluminum tubing, or new age plastics or metals.
3. An ejector that allows the controlled ejection of the concentrated light. This can be as simple as modifying a coupler with a rotating mirror or as complicated as using special refraction technologies.
4. A length of material for the coil or loop. This will probably be the same material as the coupler. The length is dependent on the application and the limitations of the material. The following should be evidence enough as to the reasons I have not attempted to build this. The formula to figure out the concentration factor per second is as follows:
The time in seconds the light is applied multiplied by the answer in the above equation provides the concentration factor. The concentration factor multiplied by the lumens or rate of photons produced by the light source will give you the number of photons being ejected given all the photons in the coil are allowed to be ejected. (note: a long coil with a mirror rotating very fast would not allow all the photons to escape, therefore causing the next pulse to be more concentrated than the first. Caution must be used or the photons could become great enough to go beyond the capacity of the material.) Here are some of the concentration factors at various lengths using 186,000 miles per second as the speed of light.
982,080,000 feet per second divided by 1 foot equals a concentration of 982,080,000 times per second of time applied.
982,080,000 feet per second divided by 10 feet equals a concentration of 98,208,000 times per second of time applied.
982,080,000 feet per second divided by 100 feet equals a concentration of 9,820,800 times per second of time applied.
I hope you can now see why I am reluctant to attempt building and testing this technology. Here is an example, the light source is a light bulb that puts out 1,000,000 photons per second, and the length of the coil is 100 feet. The time applied is 10 seconds. The 1,000,000 photons per second multiplied by the 10 seconds applied equals 10,000,000 photons. As seen above the concentration is 9,820,800 times. The original light had a distance of 98 feet between the photons and now has a small fraction of an inch. 10,000,000 photons now share a pulse the length of 100 feet and their concentration is 98,208,000 times the original light. Those of you with any science background will note that the light source in the example is weaker than any star seen in the sky with the naked eye. This example was given to show one possibility of this new technology. The seeing farther than we ever have before.
I have now shown you the basics of this new technology and I hope I have done so in terms the common layman can comprehend. The following applications are only possible if our concept of photons is true. We have all learned in physics that photons act as a wave in some applications and as a particle in other applications, but what is a photon?

Fig 4
In Fig 4 you see a photon traveling through space as a particle having spin giving it electric and magnetic fields. I know this diagram will have many in an uproar but it is an accurate depiction of a particle of light.
The reason I have shown a photon as such is so you can understand the applications I am about to disclose to you. As you know infrared light has a lower frequency and ultraviolet has a higher frequency. Light with a higher frequency has a shorter wavelength than that of lower frequency. The length and width of the coil may be adjusted to accommodate and fine tune to desired wavelength or frequency.

The application in fig 5 is a possible means of using light to create electricity. As you can see, this device would work similar to an electrical transformer. Photons are injected into the photon coil at C, and upon reaching point D are directed back to the beginning of the coil at point E. An electrically conductive coil is placed between the loops of the photon coil and due to inductance an electric current is produced across points A and B.
It is envisioned that the frequency of the injected photons would also be reproduced on the conductive coil allowing electrical devices such as computers, radio, radar, etc. to operate at these higher frequencies.
In the following diagram you see twin coils with photon flows in opposite directions. Photons are injected at points A and B. The coils will fill with photons and produce magnetic fields that will cancel each other, which may cancel the affects of gravity on the object. This can not be tested with ordinary electromagnetic coils because they are too heavy and the concentration of electrons is limited. You will also notice points G and H. These are rotating mirrors fully reflective on one side and transparent on the other side. They allow the transfer of photons from one coil to the other, thereby allowing rapid changes in the fields. When a rapid change is made in the field, I envision the ability to attract or repel the object from another object such as Earth which also possesses a magnetic field. At points I to J and points K to L I am showing the avenues of transfer between the coils. At points C to E and points D to F I am showing the returns that complete the coils making them continuous loops. Please note that if this application is attempted I advise the device being placed inside a vacuum. It is possible that fusion may occur if any matter is in the center of this device. This is the heart of my envisioned starship. Please use it for the good of humanity.

Fig 6 Heart of a starship
God/Allah/Yahweh Brings Knowledge And Enlightenment At The Proper Times. Thanks And Praise To God/Allah/Yahweh.

Heaven And Hell. Are Real.

Heaven And Hell. Are Real.

Heaven And Hell. The time has come for you to learn some truths that you probably have never heard. The Human Race is NOT alone. It has never been alone. God/Allah/Yahweh is very real, and the Kingdom of Heaven is also very real. God/Allah/Yahweh is a being of immense Power, Intellect, and Knowledge. Many of you have made him into something beyond belief and reality. You have made him into the all mighty Spirit, and he is Not. We are just mere thoughts of the all mighty Spirit, and the Universe is merely part of him. God/Allah/Yahweh is the Almighty Lord and Ruler of the Kingdom of Heaven. You can compare him to the ruler of a Galactic Empire. The Technology and Scientific Advancement that the Kingdom of Heaven has achieved is far beyond our mere development. They have conquered death, disease, poverty, and ignorance. This world is completely under their control, but we have all been kept in the dark of this fact. We are a planetary experiment, and the goal of that experiment, is the Creation of the Children of God/Allah/Yahweh. The Children of Heaven is what the Worthy and Righteous shall become. The Earth is about to become a part of the Galactic Empire known as the Kingdom of Heaven. Many of you will say that this is just science fiction, but you are wrong.

The Prophecies were given to us to let us know what will happen and must happen so that the completion of God/Allah/Yahweh’s plan will happen. Here are just some examples of true prophecies. The destruction of the Temple and the scattering of the Jewish People. The Destruction of many Jewish People at the hands of Hitler. The Re-Creation of the country of Israel. The destruction of the man-made twin mountains or World Trade Buildings. The creation of the Web or Internet. The Time of Great Trouble that we now live in. The War that will occur between Iran and the United States. The Rise of China and the threat of hostile takeover that it will attempt. The Shift of the Earth that causes the Sun, Moon, and Stars to change in the sky. The Rise of Evil and the Battle of the Righteous. The Severe Weather, Earthquakes, Fires, and Floods, that will be a sign of the EndTimes. The Great Prince Michael who standeth for the Children of God/Allah/Yahweh. All things come to pass as God/Allah/Yahweh predicted and Prophesied.

Many of you, will not do your research, and will continue in your Evil and Lawless ways, and you shall never see, know, or belong in the Kingdom of Heaven. Your Destruction is prophesied and your torment and punishment is guaranteed. The Day of Judgement is approaching, and you have a chance of saving yourselves and your children, but you must change now and make yourselves worthy in the eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh. The Prince of Heaven, Michael, is on the earth now and has been assisting God/Allah/Yahweh in evaluating and judging this world. As many prophecies have predicted, he was born on Earth and has lived as a common human, but without any status or privilege. He is only a tool of God/Allah/Yahweh, and is protected in ways that even he finds astonishing. The Power of God/Allah/Yahweh and Heaven is beyond the belief of many people. The signs are here and the prophecies are being fulfilled. Prepare yourselves, for the time is coming rapidly, and the Day of Judgement is at hand, and none may stop it. May God/Allah/Yahweh Lead You to Righteousness And Blessings, And May Evil May Be Purged From Earth, And Earth Become Part Of The Kingdom Of Heaven.

Magnetic Drive Theory.

Magnetic Drive Theory. The concept of a magnetic drive is really quite simple.


Create altering magnetic fields to emulate a photon and thrust should be achieved, and speeds approaching light should be possible and probable.

The Kingdom of Heaven will be made open to Humanity, and God/Allah/Yahweh will make his Kingdom to Earth. Heaven on Earth. God/Allah/Yahweh Be Praised By All.

New Articles and Evidence.

New Articles and Evidence.

New Articles and Evidence.



Busted: Central “Spygate” Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Caught Lying to Senator Chuck Grassley…


Deep State DOJ Tells Court it is Unable to Give Judicial Watch Requested Fusion GPS Documents Due to a “Glitch”





Real Clear Investigations: James Comey Lied – Weiner Laptop Emails Never Reviewed…











God Help All His Worthy Children, And Thwart The Plots Of The Evil Ones.

Advance, or Destroy Yourselves.

Advance, or Destroy Yourselves. Sometimes, Humanity needs a Push. Well here it is, because no one else seems to Understand or Care about the Future. 

Time to start using Photons and Advance to your Next Stage in Technological Development. The Photon Coil, allows light to be used in the same manner as electrons in today’s technology. The photons travel inside the Fiber Optic the same way electrons travel in the wire of a circuit.

In this manner the Photons become Concentrated and can be used in the same manner as lasers, hand held energy guns can be easily made, and can outperform the weapons of today. If used for War, this concept can make offensive and defensive weapons that will make today’s weapons obsolete. You can either learn Peace or Destroy yourselves. The decision is yours.

Photons correctly synchronized with coil length and turns will produce fluctuating magnetic fields that can be used for fusion, anti gravity, communications, medical scanning, and many other applications.

Transformers can then be created that will able to integrate with today’s technology allowing an increase in frequency bands that will progress Humanity in many areas.

The Time Has Come For The Advancement Of Humanity, whether or not it leads to Humanity’s Ultimate Destruction. The problems on earth are only going to increase and without advancement, Humanity will fall back into Dark Ages and fail to Become a Star Faring Race. God/Allah/Yahweh wants Humanity to Advance and be able to Enter Heaven, but Humanity will be Judged so that Evil may be purged and the Danger of Self Destruction and Hostility Towards Others will be diminished.

God/Allah/Yahweh Bless You With Understanding And Knowledge, And Guide You On The Path Of The Righteous.

Truth, Evil’s Greatest Enemy.

Truth, Evil’s Greatest Enemy. The Truth and the spreading of it, is the only way to defeat Evil. Evil is Ignorance, and in that Ignorance, you allow yourself to believe the Lies and Deceits that you have been told, and are being told.

Since the Battle of Good and Evil is most prominent in Religion, lets take that one on first. Most of the religious people of the world, believe that God and Heaven are in some type of other dimension that your soul enters after you are dead. Yahweh spoke to Moses and the Tribes of Israel from his Holy Mountain. Yahweh did many miracles here on Earth. Manna, flocks of birds, water, pillars of fire and cloud, plagues of burning hail, frogs, locusts, 3 days of darkness, and many more. Abraham was physically visited by the Immortal God and later by his messengers. Isaiah was shown that Yahweh has the power of Resurrection. Enoch was shown Heaven and met God, was returned to Earth and taught his family, and was then taken back to Heaven. Jesus died, was resurrected after 3 days, went to Heaven, returned and taught his disciples afterwards, and then was taken to Heaven again. Mohammad taught that the evil ones think they have escaped judgement through death but will be resurrected and punished. Mohammad was also taken to Heaven at the Blue Rock. God/Allah/Yahweh and Heaven are physical. All the souls of Earth are recorded and stored in Heaven until the Day of Judgement, when they will be resurrected and put in front of God/Allah/Yahweh for judgement. God/Allah/Yahweh is the Immortal Living God that Reigns over Heaven and Earth. Do your Research into Religions, and see this Truth.

Global Warming, is the next hoax to tackle. Yes, we see climate changes and they are very concerning. The icecaps and glaciers are melting at an alarming rate, but they are not the result of Humanity. The Sun is changing its magnetic poles, and that affects the planets revolving around it. The increase in solar radiation causes the warming. The Earth is about to shift its magnetic poles in response to the Suns. This is apparent in the sun and moon rising in different spots then years past. The earthquakes, volcanoes, severe weather, and ice melting are all associated with this. Read the stories of Atlantis. Also Albert Einstein is said to have been a believer that Earth’s surface can shift due to similar events such as Earth’s magnetic fields shifting. Do your Research.

Just 50 years ago, we were told that the solar system we live in was unique and that no other planets revolved around other suns. We know this to be completely false and that most suns have planets around them. The big bang theory is now in jeopardy but no one comments on this. As astronomy has progressed, we find that there is more and more galaxies and matter then we ever thought before, yet have our theories been updated due to this??? Dark Matter and Dark Energy, as well as the Big Bang Theory need to revised but have they??? Gravity, Magnetism, and Electricity, are all being shown to be everywhere, but are their relations to each other being explored???

May God Guide Us To Him And Heaven


We can scan the entire Earth but we can not create a device that can scan the human body for changes??? Tumors, cancers, parasites, and injuries, are all simple things that should be easily detectable with simple technologies, but no one creates such a device. Why??? Viruses, poisonings, other cancers, and genetic defects are a little more difficult but devices should be possible to detect them also. This would bring down medical costs dramatically, and improve the human condition.

Energy systems are coming out that are capable of creating Electrical power with no fuel required except at startup. Do Your Research and see this.

A New Beginning.

Evil wants you to believe that, there is no God/Allah/Yahweh, there is no Heaven except a dimension that your soul enters at death, there is man caused global warming, there is no life beyond Earth, there are no Advanced Civilizations beyond Earth, The Universe is of Finite size, Faster than Light Travel is Impossible, AntiGravity is impossible, Sustainable power generation requiring no fuel is impossible, Advancing beyond electrical and combustion systems is impossible, War is inevitable, and many other things. Do Your Research, and Advance Beyond the Ignorance that Evil would have you Exist in.

We must also not forget that we have Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists here in the United States of America trying to destroy this Greatest Nation on Earth so they can implement Global Government and Control the Global Population and keep the World Ignorant and Evil, with no chance of Entering the Real Heaven. God/Allah/Yahweh is fulfilling his Prophecies, and The Righteous shall see the completion of his Great Plan.

May God/Allah/Yahweh Lead You Down Righteous Paths So You May Enter Heaven And Receive His Gifts. May God/Allah/Yahweh Show The Evil Ones His Wrath And Change Their Followers To Become His Children.

Evil Ones Pushing Their Lies.

Evil Ones Pushing Their Lies. The battle between Good and Evil is raging on and Truth is winning over Lies. God/Allah/Yahweh predicted this period in our development, many thousands of years ago. Do Your Research, and you can see we are now in the Endtimes. The prophecies are all coming true, and the time has come for Every Human to decide what their own Fate will be. Will your Name be found in the Book of Life, or will your deeds condemn you to Eternal Damnation ??? Do NOT take this Decision lightly, for your existence, and its continuation depends upon it.

God/Allah/Yahweh is a superior immortal being that has power beyond your imagination. He has stated that the rewards he offers to those who are worthy are greater than anything these Evil Ones can offer. Everlasting Life, also known as Immortality. The Ending of Suffering and Disease. The Tree of Life. The end of Ignorance and the Evil that it propagates. The Tree of Knowledge. The ability to progress in Truth and Understanding, and to continue to Pursue Righteous and Good Deeds.

The Evil Ones promise many things but they Lie and Deceive, and have no Power to Grant their Empty Promises. Wealth, Sick Sexual Desires, Dominion Over Others, Benefit Without Work, Murder, and Subjugation By Spreading Evil and Adulterous Behavior. These are the Temptations, and the Paths that will lead you to Hell and Damnation. Change your ways before it is too late for you.

The Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists are only a small portion of the Evil Ones. Look around you and see the Evil Ones everywhere. The thugs who feed Drugs to our children, are just as guilty as the Teachers and Leaders who feed them Lies and Falsehoods. People feel Entitled to live off the Fruits of Others, but what happens when Everyone feels this way??? No One will work and our civilization will collapse. People will ask, where is my food that I am entitled to??? No One planted the crops??? People will ask why their Toys and Devices no longer work??? No One made them and kept the systems functioning. People will ask why their property is shabby and in need of repair??? No One made the goods necessary or provides the services anymore. People will ask why they have no water??? No One maintained the systems. People will ask, where are the workers??? The answer will be, they all became like you. Do you See this Truth??? Do you Understand??? Look around the World and See what is happening in the Areas that this Kind of Thinking has taken Hold. Is this what You want??? The World will enter a Dark Age that it can Not Recover from. This is the World that you will soon Know. God/Allah/Yahweh sent his messengers many times and told us of these times.

The Righteous Army of God is being Arisen at this time, so that as many People as can be Saved, will be Saved. The World is about to experience the shifting of the Magnetic Poles. The Last time this occurred was in the Time of Atlantis. Read the legends and stories of the severe weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, and strange solar activity. The Lost Continent of Atlantis is Antarctica. The Sun has shifted one pole and we are waiting for the other pole to shift. The Sun and Moon are rising and setting differently due to this. We must prepare for this event. Do Your Research. If the Legends are true, God/Allah/Yahweh will Save the Righteous and Worthy, and the Rest of Humanity will be left to suffer through this Horrific event. Make yourselves Worthy before it IS too late. May God/Allah/Yahweh Show You The Path To Righteousness.

Judgement Is Now In Progress.

Can You Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven ???

Blessed By God/Allah/Yahweh.

God/Allah/Yahweh Is Watching.

A New Beginning.

Do Your Research…

God vs Devil.

Prince of the Religions.

Judgement Is Now In Progress.

Judgement Is Now In Progress. The Great Prince Michael is on Earth at this time, and he is preparing the Judgement Day. God/Allah/Yahweh foretold the People of Earth the events that will happen, and today those Prophecies are coming True. The changes occurring in the climate today are due to a celestial event. The shifting of the Magnetic poles was the last major event that Extraterrestrials/Aliens warned the People of Earth about. The Sun is shifting its magnetic poles, and so is the Earth. The Prophecies of God/Allah/Yahweh foretold that the Sun, Moon, and Stars would shift positions and that is beginning. The Severe Weather, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Fires, and even social behavior, were all predicted, long before science and computers even existed. God/Allah/Yahweh has been developing the People of Earth, and The Great Prince is assisting in this, and is also assisting now in your Judgement Day. The Evil People of this World Do Not want you to know the Truth. They think that they can escape Judgement, and they also think that they will remain in power over the surviving People of Earth. They are Wrong, and the Prophecies clearly say this. The Truth is Simple, and the People of Earth need to hear this. Obey the Ten Commandments as given by God/Allah/Yahweh, and make yourselves Worthy Children in the eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh, so you might be rescued by Him. The Evil of this world will try to save themselves, and leave the rest of the People of Earth to Suffer and Die. The Great Prince wants you to Know this Truth, and to make Yourselves Worthy of being Saved by God/Allah/Yahweh. The Battle of Good and Evil is upon US, and it is our Responsibility to make Ourselves, and Our Children, Worthy of being Saved. The Technologies of Earth are No Match for the Technologies of God/Allah/Yahweh, and this is the Simple Truth. The Great Prince is trying to Advance Our Technologies to Allow US to Enter Heaven, but that too, means God/Allah/Yahweh must bring Judgement Day. Here are the Commandments.


1 God/Allah/Yahweh holds all power over the People of Earth, and we need to Obey his Laws, so we may be Judged Worthy, of Entering Heaven and Receiving his Promised Gifts. Remember God/Allah/Yahweh is an Immortal Being and the Kingdom of Heaven is all that Exists beyond Earth. It is NOT another dimension that you go to after Death. Every Person since the Beginning has been Recorded and God/Allah/Yahweh can Resurrect Everyone, and Punish or Reward according to their Deeds.

2 No Image can possess the Power of God/Allah/Yahweh, and none can Save you but he. No one knows the Image of God/Allah/Yahweh, and this has been done on purpose. Worship no Image that is Made.

3 Never swear by God/Allah/Yahweh and Not Fulfill what you have Sworn. To do this, is a Deed that will be held Against You in the Judgement. The Evil and Corrupt of this World will find that This Commandment will Damn Them. Speak Not for God/Allah/Yahweh unless He has Instructed You to do so.

4 The Sabbath Day has been referred to as a day of Rest. You are supposed to Rest from your Labors, and Remember God/Allah/Yahweh. You should Remember God/Allah/Yahweh, His Laws, His Teachings, His Actions, and His Prophecies. On this day you should also Reflect on Yourself, and ask Yourself if you are Worthy in the Eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh.

5 Honor Thy Mother And Father. We Honor our parents by being the Best we can be in the Eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh. We Honor our Parents by visiting them in their Old Age and making them feel wanted in our lives. We Honor them by advancing ourselves in Knowledge and Understanding, and showing them that we have learned Right from Wrong. Some people say that this law is Obey Your Mother And Father. We only Obey our Parents until We ourselves become Adults, and then Obedience stops. Honoring Thy Mother And Father means Advancing Oneself beyond our Parent’s education and understanding, and Teaching Them so they may catch up this US. In this way we have Honored them whether they are Living or Dead.

6 Thou Shalt Not Kill. This law is simple in its words, but it is probably meant to be Thou Shalt Not Murder. Murder is the Intentional Killing of Someone for Reasons Other Than Justice or Defense. The Killing of a Convicted Murderer is Justice, and the Killing of an Invader is Defense. In War, the Country that is Threatening is Usually the Bad Actor, unless its threats are made in protection of its People. The World today has put Rules and Laws in place pertaining to Protocols of War in regards to Major Wars. This has kept the World in a Balance that keeps the outbreak of Major War down to a minimum. A person is a Murderer if they Kill for Pleasure, with no regards to the rights of those being killed. God/Allah/Yahweh kept the United States of America out of war, for the four years the Great Prince served in the Marines. This the Power of God/Allah/Yahweh, and should be remembered before someone wishes to commit murder.

7 Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery. This law is in respect to intercourse. It is often interpreted as meaning a married person is Not to have intercourse with anyone But their espoused. It should probably be interpreted as you shall have no intercourse except with your espoused or one that you wish to become your espoused. This interpretation is more accurate because it covers such acts as animal sex, rape, prostitution, child sex, sodomy, as well as sex with someone already espoused. This interpretation also allows for masturbation so one may satisfy oneself to avoid breaking this commandment and others.

8 Thou Shalt Not Steal. This is straight forward. You are not to take that which is not yours. This also means that others are not to take that which is yours.

9 Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness. This is straight forward. You are not to charge others falsely. You do not say someone is guilty of a crime, that you know they are innocent of. This is going to take down many people that lie under oath. God/Allah/Yahweh knows all your deeds, both Good and Bad. The Evil ones who Lie and Deceive with False and Misleading Allegations will feel the Wrath of God/Allah/Yahweh.

10 Thou Shalt Not Covet. This means that you are Not to conspire against others to Obtain that which they have. Knowledge, Truth, and Understanding, are that which we should covet, Not anything else of someone else. There is nothing on this world Worth anything except the Army of the Righteous, and the Blessed Children of God/Allah/Yahweh. Make yourself Worthy.



Prepare Yourselves and your Children, so that you may be found Worthy in the Eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh, and that you shall be Allowed to Enter Heaven, and Receive the Promised Gifts. God/Allah/Yahweh is Already Punishing the Evil Ones on Earth so that You may Know Truth and Understanding, and may walk the Path of Righteousness. God/Allah/Yahweh Be Blessed And Honored.