Idiots And Morons !!!

Idiots And Morons !!! You think you are smart and intelligent ? Think again. The World is in Lockdown for a virus that:

The World has seen less than 25 million cases and less than 1 million deaths, since the beginning of this pandemic. We see effective preventatives and treatments being denied to the general population, but used by the elite when they contract COVID-19. The suffering and deaths inside the United States of America, are due to greed, politics, and EVIL. Remember you have the ‘Right to Try’. We are also seeing the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, suing the FDA and HHS so HCQ and Zinc can be used in outpatients. Quercetin and Zinc is another combination that is reported to work. The wearing of masks for long periods of time can lead to serious infections and death, but you do not hear the healthcare professionals saying this. You can simply read the warning printed on the N-95 masks. The breathing in of harsh cleaning chemicals, can also cause many medical conditions.

In the past week, the World has seen a little more than 1 million cases and a little more than 33,000 deaths. The Common Flu is more infectious and more deadly, but we do not live in fear of it and shut down societies and economies. They say they are following science, but they are suppressing reports, studies, and information on effective preventatives and treatments. Why???

Why? Proving you are Idiots and Morons that can be easily manipulated by the EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists-Democrats-Liberals, that seek the Destruction of the United States of America, so they can create a One World Order, or New World Order, that shall keep you in a dark age of Ignorance, Hate, and Violence, making you EVIL also. Idiots and Morons !!!

You think that you are smart and intelligent ??? Think again !!! Tell me why the numbers make no sense? Tell me why the Common Flu infects 2.7 million per day and kills 8,200-10,900 per day, and does not shut down anything? Tell me why COVID-19 infects 143,000 per day and kills 4,750 per day, and shuts down the world? You are Idiots and Morons !!! You think a vaccine can be made that will work? Vaccines give you the virus, and make a certain percentage, carriers to infect others and create herd immunity. The Ebola Vaccine is an antibody cure, and that will be the most likely for COVID-19 too.

I also find you to be Idiots and Morons, when it comes to science and technology. You think you are advanced, yet you have failed to learn from theory and concepts. You appear to need actual models to copy and replicate. The only thing you seem good at, is reducing the size and cramming it all together. Can you understand these?

You must prove that you intelligent and can advance. You must also show that you can obey the simple laws-commandments of God-Allah-Yahweh so you can be allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

The EVIL They Tell.

The EVIL They Tell. They speak of racism, but they are being racist. Blacks attacking whites, is just as racist as whites attacking blacks. There is no difference. Only US Citizens have the right to vote, not everyone who lives in the United States of America. The Rights and Freedoms guaranteed under the US Constitution are for all US Citizens, and the People who are in the US legally. Those who invade the USA and enter illegally, and seek to hurt the American People and overthrow its systems and government, are the Enemies of the USA. The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists-Democrats-Liberals that plot the destruction of the USA are guilty of Treason and Sedition. The EVIL are easily identified by their actions. The EVIL will tell you the Words that make them sound GOOD, but their actions show the Truth of their intentions. I am hearing GOOD Words from the EVIL, because they want your vote to gain Power and Control over you. I heard them call Black Lives Matter and Antifa, as peaceful protesters, and NOT the Rioters and Looters they are. They spoke of Police brutality, but it is the Police and innocent Americans who are being hurt and even killed. They are attacking people with different religions from theirs. They are attacking people with different political views from theirs. They are attacking buildings and structures they deem should not exist. They are denying the Rights and Freedoms of others, while professing they have the Rights and Freedoms. The EVIL view others as inferior and seek to lead them to slavery by shaming them or terrorizing them.

Do you remember when the EVIL were claiming US President Trump was guilty of Treason? We Do, and here is the article.


Treason. We hear the word often these days, and the American People, know what it means.

The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family.  and the law dictionary:

The offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country or of assisting its enemies in war; specifically : the act of levying war against the United States or adhering to or giving aid and comfort to its enemies by one who owes it allegiance.

Are these acts of Treason?

Allowing millions of people to enter your country illegally. Illegal Immigrants.

Allowing these illegal immigrants to commit crimes against citizens of your country.

Allowing these illegal immigrants to cast votes like citizens of your country.

Allowing your country to give aid to these illegal immigrants, while ignoring aid to your own citizens in poverty.

Allowing your law enforcement agencies to presume guilt before innocence.

Allowing your military to be depleted, so as to be incapable of defending its citizens.

Allowing people to conspire to give away resources vital to your country’s national defense.

Allowing school children to be taught to hate their own country.

Allowing the removal of honest history, and replacing it with false propaganda.

Taking away free speech, and allowing censorship and propaganda.

Taking away teaching allegiance and basic civics to your country’s children.

Taking away religion, or placing one religion above another.

Taking away weapons from the general population, so they are defenseless against nature, criminals, or invasion.

Allowing violence or threats of violence against elected officials.

Allowing elected officials and government officials to break laws without holding them accountable.

Allowing people to conspire to overthrow elected officials.

Allowing people to interfere with elections.

Allowing people to tamper with evidence.

Allowing people to escape justice even when evidence exists.

These things are happening now and not just in the United States. The world is going to Hell and it is time for people to open their eyes and see what is happening.

Is it treason to want these things?

Strong borders and immigration laws that allow the country to decide who it allows inside its borders.

Patriotism among the citizens of ones country.

Strong military to defend the country.

Strong economy to provide jobs and livelihood to the population.

Strong education system to bring your population out of ignorance.

Strong healthcare system to ensure long life for your population.

Strong technology sector to ensure country advances.

Strong research and development sector to ensure country advances.

Strong infrastructure to ensure movement and well being for your population.

Law enforcement to maintain Rule of Law among population.

Justice system to prosecute those who break law.

Prison system to ensure law breakers no longer pose threat to population.

Strong faith in GOD/Allah/Yahweh.

These things are required to have a great and prosperous country. The world sees too many countries failing in these areas, and that is where the problem exists.

The United States of America is the most prosperous and technologically advanced country in the world, now. Thanks to President Trump and his “America First” policies, we are once again back on top. The other countries of the world need to make their countries like the United States of America. The United States of America, was built by the American People, for the American People. We allow many legal immigrants into our nation, and many of those stay here and become American themselves. We have GOD/Allah/Yahweh and many other religions. We have freedoms and rights only available here. We have public education. We have public assistance for our poor and ignorant. We have the best medical facilities and research. We have the best universities and colleges. We have the best military. We have the best space program. We have the most Patriotic citizens in the world. The American People are proud of this country that the American People built for themselves and their children. The United States of America, belongs to the Citizens of the United States of America, and we are known as the American People.

We have seen the EVIL trying to destroy the United States of America, so they can create a New World Order with them completely in control. They want complete control of you and your children, so you will never advance to Heaven. They want you to believe that there is no God-Allah-Yahweh, and that Heaven does not exist. They want you to become as EVIL and Corrupt as they can make you. They spread Ignorance and False Beliefs, to make you Unworthy of Heaven and its Rewards. Now that Elections are approaching, they want you to believe that they are GOOD and Patriotic, and that is False. Remember their Actions, and Remember our History. US President Trump is no Angel, and his Ego is sometimes his worst enemy, but he believes in God-Allah-Yahweh, loves the United States of America, and loves his family and teaches American values. President Trump ran for office to save the USA from being destroyed. God-Allah-Yahweh inspired the Trump Family to give up their American Dream lifestyle and battle the EVIL trying to destroy the nation created to maintain his laws-commandments-teachings.

The situation with this COVID-19 Coronavirus is fulfilling the prophecy of the ‘End of the Daily Sacrifice’. The earthquakes, volcanoes, and severe weather, are all evidence of an imminent magnetic pole shift, such as that that destroyed Atlantis, and was the last message from the UFOs. Man-made global warming is a lie. If it were real, the solution would be simple, to kill off half the population therefore reducing demand by half. Why do you think China released the virus, but has suffered far less than the countries of the free world?

The EVIL withhold the Truth from you and they also do not want the advancement of Humanity into space-Heaven. Here are the beginnings of your next step in technological development.

You need to show me that you are intelligent. Antigravity, fusion, directed energy, light to electricity, higher frequency technologies, advanced health scanning and treatment, and many other advances begin with the knowledge being provided. This also leads to faster than light field drives that will allow efficient manned space travel. If you are NOT intelligent, than you will never figure it out, and when the poles shift, the world will be cleansed of many of you, and the stresses of overpopulation will be greatly reduced. God-Allah-Yahweh has stated that he will save the righteous, so I advise that you make yourselves righteous.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Analyze The Data 8-23-20.

Analyze The Data 8-23-20.

World Covid death 8-17-20
US Covid cases 8-23-20
US Covid cases 8-17-20
US Covid deaths 8-23-20
US Covid Deaths 8-17-20

There are no daily reports from the World Health Organization for August 17 to August 23. There is also no weekly report ending August 22 from the Center for Disease Control.

Here are links to the major websites, so you can see the data, and read their disinformation.

Here is a good timeline and shows what we are saying about the data.

They say to use science, and here are statistics that they fail to inform you of.

We give you an update every week, and we are very irritated that healthcare professionals are creating fear and false narratives, instead of actual mortality and contagion rates, as well as effective treatments that do exist. The US can see 200,000 to 300,000 cases a day from a virus like the Common Flu, and the World can see 2.7 million cases a day. We do NOT see this yet because of the lockdowns, and as lockdowns are eased, we will. The healthcare professionals are denying American Physicians and the American People access to HCQ, even though there is evidence of its effectiveness. The Common Flu is a virus that can not be contained, and resurfaces every year, because it travels between the northern and southern hemispheres. Vaccines are usually dead or weak virus that is administered to the general population, to create mild cases that spread and build up herd immunity. The antibody cure is probably the best solution due to the way COVID-19 attacks the vulnerable, who are usually the ones who receive vaccines. The rise in cases is not producing a rise in deaths, so fear should be eased, and life return to normal, especially for those 45 and under who have an almost 0% mortality rate. 45 and above should be evaluated and appropriate precautions taken. The Common Flu returns, and we should expect Covid-19 to do the same. Look at the numbers, data, and ask yourself, why is it less than the Common Flu? If the healthcare professionals were correct, undeveloped countries should be seeing cases and deaths that should collapsing their systems, but this is NOT the case. Why? It is far less deadly, and contagious, than they are telling us. We saw the protests and riots worldwide, yet their scary narrative fails to manifests. Be at peace and do not panic, until the Common Flu returns, which will be their next pandemic.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Kamala Harris Selected.

Kamala Harris Selected.

Republican team Trump-Pence and Democrat team Biden-Harris. There is less than 3 months to Election Day. Can the Biden-Harris team make and distribute enough bumper stickers, hats, t-shirts, signs, etc, to actually make an effective election team? How can the American People actually become energized behind the Biden-Harris team, with only 3 months left to election day? The Democrat Party has made many mistakes, and the production and distribution of campaign materials to stimulate the American voters, will not be accomplished in time. The Democrat Party has also forgotten about God-Allah-Yahweh, American Spirit and Pride, and the care and safety of the American Family. The Battle of GOOD and EVIL is upon US.

The fate of the world rests in this US presidential election. The United States of America is the only force for GOOD, that has saved the world from dictators, fascism, communism, socialism, and globalism. The rights and freedoms embraced by the United States of America, have kept EVIL at bay for hundreds of years. The EVIL have infiltrated the USA, and seek to destroy it from the inside. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Equal Justice under the Law, Freedom of the Press, Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Right to Peacefully Assemble-Protest, Right to a Trial, and many other Freedoms and Rights, are under attack today. The US Children are NOT being taught US History, or Basic Civics. They are being indoctrinated to believe the United States of America is EVIL, and that the world’s problems are due to this. The United States of America, has NOT tried to conquer the world. The United States of America, was almost destroyed by the Obama-Biden administration. Remember:

Think very carefully when you vote this year, because the very concept of rights and freedoms is at stake. Educate the Children about the true US History. Here is some help.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.