The BIG Picture.

The BIG Picture. Do you have the Knowledge, Wisdom, and Intelligence, to see the BIG Picture? Can you picture the universe in your mind? Can you Understand how it all works? NO, is the most likely Answer.

We still do Not see the end. They say this is the visible universe. As technology improves we see more of it, that is all.

The Universe is viewed as a flat disk just like a galaxy, therefore it is safe to make the assumption that our universe is just a mega galaxy that is part of even larger mega universe. It may not even stop there.

May God Guide Us To Him And Heaven

The Milky Way Galaxy consists of 200 Billion stars, one of which is our star Sol. We still have not sent a probe much less a person to another star system. Humanity must advance technologically and scientifically.

The only place Humanity has sent a person to, is our own moon. We still have not sent a person to Mars or Venus. We must advance beyond propulsion and combustion.

This is what Humanity calls advancement? Gravity, Magnetism, and Electricity, are basic foundations of Science, yet they have not been developed fully. Solar Cells are more effective in space then on Earth. The magnetic field, atmosphere, and rotation, of the Earth, make solar cells ineffective on Earth. Wind Turbines have fluctuating outputs due to windspeeds. Days that are calm produce less, and days that are stormy cause the blades to be locked so the rotors and generator are not damaged. Power plants today use oil, gas, coal, and nuclear fuels to turn turbines that turn generators. Hydroelectric plants are very efficient as long as they have large quantities of water flowing, but become obsolete if water is diverted due to people or nature. The Environmentalists complain of pollution due to vehicles and power plants, yet fail to advocate technologies that require no fuel, like the following.

The advances necessary for the next step in our Technology Development is as follows.

Energy concentration. Directed Energy. Energy Magnet. Energy Transformer. Energy Star Drive/ Antigravity.

Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh.

Here are some of the reports and drawings inspired by UFO sightings.

As you can see, there has been many ideas, innovations, observations, and speculations. Many of the UFO reports following the second world war were probably due to the Nazi war machines and technologies that were seized after their defeat. The foofighters and UFO sightings that exhaust was seen and landings that produced visible rings were due to this.

The UFO reports of the far past, can not be explained away so easily due to Humanity not possessing the technology, science, or manufacturing capability, to make such devices. We have many stories throughout history, and evidence of advanced capabilities and engineering, that can not be explained. We have no ancient sites where the necessary development of these technologies would be evident anywhere on earth. The knowledge is nowhere, but the evidence of the stories is overwhelming. Therefore we must conclude that something beyond earth has come to earth and has influenced the creation and stories that are unexplained. God/Allah/Yahweh and the angels of Heaven have influenced the development of Humanity over many thousands of years.

Picture 038

St. Michael is one of the principal angels; his name was the war-cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against the enemy and his followers. St. Michael is an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition. He is viewed as the field commander of the Army of God. He is mentioned by name in the Book of Daniel, the Book of Jude, and the Book of Revelation.

The Prophecies, Teachings, and Commandments/Laws, have spread throughout the Entire World. Knowledge has increased, and understanding has also. I tell you to do your research, so you may know that I am Not trying to deceive you. The messages that Heaven has sent to Humanity in my lifetime, are the Hole in the Ozone, and the Shifting of the Magnetic Poles. When the knowledge was told to Humanity, the scientists said that it was impossible. The more they researched, they found the Knowledge to be True.

The evidence that the Earth is experiencing the beginning of the magnetic shift is overwhelming. The magnetic field of the Earth is fluctuating. The magnetic field is being studied of both the Earth and the Sun.


Climate change is occurring due to the shifting magnetic poles of the Sun and consequently the Earth. These changes would occur whether or not Humanity lived on Earth or not. God/Allah/Yahweh knew all of this before he even created Humanity. He has been developing Humanity and guiding it for a very long time. The Judgement Day will occur because at that time God/Allah/Yahweh will Harvest/Save the Righteous. You have been warned for thousands of years, and the time is approaching.

I was predicted to be on Earth at this time, a long time ago. I am Michael. I am the prince that assists in the judgement day. I have studied and advanced myself beyond the existing knowledge and technologies, without the benefit of money or college. This world is still very primitive and it appears that you are only able to imitate or copy what you encounter, but are unable to advance your thinking or abilities to truly advance. I am hoping that I wrong, and that is why I have given you the beginnings of my first technology to test you further in this assessment. Please prove to me, and to God/Allah/Yahweh, that you are worthy and deserve to be saved, and that you are capable of independent and creative thought. God/Allah/Yahweh Bless The Righteous And Guide Them To Heaven.

God/Allah/Yahweh Grant US The Wall.

God/Allah/Yahweh Grant US The Wall. The American People pray to God/Allah/Yahweh to grant them a wall at the southern border, to protect and secure the American People who follow your commandments and are on the Path of Righteousness.


The Arizona-Mexico border fence is seen near Naco, Arizona, March 29, 2013. In the latest bid to militarize the U.S. border with Mexico, Federal agents are asking for 23 more miles of fences, better radios and aerial drones to tighten the nearly 2,000-mile-long southern frontier, according to an internal government study that Reuters been briefed on by officials and seen outlined in emails. REUTERS/Samantha Sais/File photo – RTX2C2D1

A Turkey’s border police personel stands on a watchtower overlooking a barbed wire wall fence erected on the Bulgaria-Turkey border near the town of Lesovo, on September 14, 2016. / AFP / NIKOLAY DOYCHINOV (Photo credit should read NIKOLAY DOYCHINOV/AFP/Getty Images)

Border Patrol agents and others stand next to a new stretch of border wall in Calexico, Calif., Friday, Oct. 26, 2018. U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen will later visit the new 30-foot-high border wall that is replacing a 2-mile stretch of older barriers between the U.S. and Mexico in Calexico. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

HATAY, TURKEY – AUGUST 13: A 3-meter high and 2-meter width wall has been built along the Turkish-Syrian borderline to prevent smuggling, illegal migration and possible attacks from Syria on August 13, 2015 in Reyhanli district of Hatay province, Turkey. (Photo by Cem Genco/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

Border walls and fences are used all around the world. Why is it wrong for the United States to do the same??? The amount of money that it will save the United States is as follows.


As you can see, the wall more than pays for itself in less than 1 year. The time has come for the American People to ask God/Allah/Yahweh to influence our government officials or military to build the wall at the southern border.




God/Allah/Yahweh Destroy The Evil Ones Before The Eyes Of Your Righteous Army Of Light, And Bring Them Peace And Security Where They Live.



The Prince Of Heaven.

The Prince Of Heaven. God/Allah/Yahweh created Humanity and made Earth as a place to develop his creation.

The Devil also Known as Lucifer is a Loyal Servant Of God/Allah/Yahweh, Given the Task of Testing Humanity. The ones who rebelled against God/Allah/Yahweh were Samyaza and the most heinous of his group was Azazel. They made themselves Gods on Earth and taught Humanity many things, some good and some evil. They were captured by God/Allah/Yahweh and imprisoned until Judgement Day, but Azazel was buried alive in chains because his crimes were the most heinous. The Devil/Lucifer has often been confused with the Group that Rebelled. Do Your Research.

Why was Humanity and the Earth Created? Why did God/Allah/Yahweh tell his Angels to bow in Obeisance to his Creation? Why did the Devil/Lucifer refuse? Why did God/Allah/Yahweh Not Punish Lucifer right away? What is the Lamb? Who are the Seven Princes? What are the Seven Lamps? What are the Seven Stars? What are the Seven horns? Why is it always seven? Do Your Research.

The Prophecies, the Legends, and the Oral Stories, of many religions, tell the Plan of God/Allah/Yahweh, but he made sure that all would be revealed according to his plan. The Final Prince, Michael, is on Earth at this time. He has proven that the knowledge and development of Humanity is sufficient to develop the technologies necessary to Enter Heaven.

The Technology that God/Allah/Yahweh possesses far exceeds anything so far developed on Earth. Here is your next phase in technological development, and even with this, we are no match to Heaven.

God/Allah/Yahweh has matter transfer, mind control, matter manipulation, energy manipulation, and much more. The Earth is at its breaking point, and the Population of Humanity is far too great to be sustained. Space Travel must be developed to relieve this stress. The Judgement Day predicted long ago is about to happen, because God/Allah/Yahweh does Not want his creations of Humanity and Earth to be Destroyed Completely. God/Allah/Yahweh Be Praised, And His Commandments Be Obeyed, So We Can Enter Heaven And Receive His Promised Gifts.

Turn Away From EVIL.

Turn Away From EVIL. The EndTimes are Here Now and if you ignore the signs and pursue EVIL ways, then you can Only Blame Yourself when you are Judged Unworthy of Heaven. Google and Facebook Data Collections are Nothing compared to God/Allah/Yahweh Collections. Your Soul is a collection of all you have experienced in life, and it has been Collected in Heaven from the Day you were Conceived, and Recorded.

Many of you think that when you Die you have avoided Judgement simply because your body has failed. Know this Now, that your soul is recorded, and you will be resurrected, and you will be Judged. Every Deed you have done is in the Records, and that will be Used to Judge You, and to Determine if you are Worthy of Heaven, or that you Deserve Punishment in Hell.

Can You Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven ???

Can You Recognize EVIL ???

EVIL Leaders And Their Followers.


Evil Ones Pushing Their Lies.

EVIL Wants To Enslave US.

God vs Devil.

The Knowledge and Understanding Required to Enter Heaven has been passed down for generations in the teachings of most major religions. God/Allah/Yahweh is an Immortal Being that is Immortal, Highly Advanced, and Extremely Powerful. Many of you have built him into an Almighty Spirit who Lives in a Spiritual Realm Called Heaven, and that He and his Angels are Incorporeal Beings, having no Actual Body or Form. You obviously have Not Read the Texts and Stories. Many of the major figures have physically been taken to Heaven, and many of the interactions with Angels have been with physical beings that are capable of being seen and touched, and can eat and drink. Do your Research and Learn the Truth. Physical Angels came down to Earth and made them Themselves the Gods of Old, and had Children with Mankind.

Weapons And Technology Far Beyond Ours.

Advances In Science Required.

A New Beginning.

Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh.

Advance, or Destroy Yourselves.

Electrical Power Generation.

Magnetic Drive Theory.

Propulsion Vs Field Drive.

The Advancement of Humanity and the events of the Future have been foretold for thousands of years. Educate yourselves and live Righteously, and you shall attain a place in Heaven. Pursue Evil ways and Desires, and you shall pay a heavy price, and it is said that you shall wish you had never been born. Remember and study, so you can learn Right from Wrong, and pursue and perform Good Deeds so you may rewarded and not punished.

God/Allah/Yahweh Lead Humanity Into The Future, And Bring The Largest Number Of Your Righteous Children Into The Kingdom Of Heaven, And Destroy Evil On The Earth And Make It Part Of Heaven.